Saturday, April 07, 2007 6:29 PM
Hello, Thought this would be the appropriate place to record the details of an unusual observation I made on the evening of the 4th April 2007 at approximately 9.45pm. I have had a passing interest in the UFO phenomenon for the past 20 years. Since I was a kid, probably sparked off by Close Encounters, ET and the like. I mention this purely to establish that I have a basic knowledge of the field and some of the terminology. I am no kind of expert though! I'll give you as much info as I can: I work in Hedon. I had finished work late and was driving home at around 9.45pm to where we live (on a farm) near Roos. I drove out of Hedon on the Burstwick road. Just near the Weghill Rd turn off I noticed, in the sky ahead, a single solid red light. This was joined in less than a couple of seconds by another 2 identical lights. The lights appeared as if they had been switched on. The three lights formed a triangle giving the impression of a very large object, although I couldn't actually see any object as it was dark. The sky was clear of clouds and the stars were clearly visible. It was a fairly dark night. Still driving and with my heart racing slightly I continued to watch the object/lights as they flew roughly south towards the river Humber. The way the lights moved suggested that they were connected. They stayed in the same formation and as they moved off into the distance took a slightly upward path. The lights were solid once they had initially "switched on". No flashing as you might expect from an aircraft. The lights also appeared considerably bigger than those which would be present on a light aircraft for instance. I was unable to judge exactly how far away the lights were, but I would guess that they were not closer than half a mile and no further away than 2 miles. Very hard to tell though. When I spotted the lights they were fairly low in the sky although, again, it's very hard to give an estimation. I didn't have to raise my eye level much from my normal driving position. I didn't notice any kind of sound throughout the sighting. I had a cd on at first, but turned it off within a few seconds of the lights appearing. My journey continued on over Daisy Hill where I turned left onto the road to Burton Pidsea. I could still see the lights though I was now driving in the opposite direction to them. The road meanders quite a bit, so I got a few very clear views over the next couple of minutes. The road dips slightly near the Elstronwick turn-off which is where I lost sight over the horizon. It might also be worth mentioning that a couple of nights before, could have been Monday or Tuesday, at around 12.45am we had just gone to bed when we heard and felt a large and very low pitched boom. A worker who lives at the other end of the farm also heard and felt the noise. I think that's as much info as I can give you right now, but if you have any questions I will be glad to answer them. When I have another free half hour I shall tell you about another unusual sighting I had many years ago (around 1992 I think). It was a daylight sighting from the top deck of a bus on the way home from college! Hope this is of interest to you. I have no problem with any discussion of this report, but I'd prefer to remain anonymous to any third parties. Many thanks for the report and i look foawards to reading about your other sighting
UFO over st Johns Avenue bridlington 31/5/08
This sighting is even more interesting as two of the three people who saw the object or objects were more than qualified to distinguish the usual things seen in the skies around us. It was 10pm approx. on Saturday night when Maggie, a retired police officer called her husband Peter to come and take a look at two lights slowly moving across the clear night sky. Peter, who is a retired pilot opened the landing window to get a closer look at the lights. One red and the other white, which were about 50 meters off the ground and he estimated that they were about 10 meters apart. He says they were silent and moving at about 5 miles per hour. Peter told me that he very quickly ruled out all the usual's, flares plane navigation lights helicopter ect....and definitely not Chinese lanterns. He simply says that they were something else. The objects moved over the roof tops and out of sight and both peter and maggie went to the other side of the house to follow there flight. They watched them until the went behind a large sycamore tree about 80yards away, expecting to see them appear at the other side of the tree line but they had vanished out of sight without a sound. I found peter to be a very straight forward articulate kind on man, who like so many others who report seeing these anomalies in our skies has nothing to gain by sharing the story with me. So regardless of just what it was that they saw that night, i feel it is 100% genuine. Many thanks to peter and his wife for sharing the sighting with me and this web site.
Readers please note that although some of these sightings date back many years, most have only just been discovered and are more than worthy of a place in East yorkshires UFO history
Found this on whitby fishing forums posted november 16th
OK lads was fishing at flambrough .North landing about 3 weeks ago when
something caught my eye looked to be maybe 5 -10 miles away but ------
here we go know i might get a bit of stick for this but i saw 5 orange lights
in a row .they were only there about 10 seconds then they went & came
back about 10 minuets later .Dont know if i believe in all that Bollocks
but that is what i saw .anyone else ever seen owt strange ?
Ufos seen over the sea again and no one can accuse these guys of having any interest in the subject. No one has contacted ILF about the above post i found it by chance whilst looking into sightings our at sea. Interesting though don't you think.
It is so interesting where and when you find ufo reports. The above and below text is from the Whitby fishing forum which is a wealth of UFO information. And what makes it even better is the fact that these guys don't have one once of interest in ufos. I have now looked at the forum a little closer. Here are some of the other comments posted on the whitby fishing forum.
"I have seen them a few times fishing at aldboro.
and in exactly the same sequance u discribed
noway they are planes"
"last time i saw them was the thurs night before the brid open, tried to video them on my phone but it didnt pick them up"
"Afew people from Brid have seen them when fishing at night tried to take pictures of them."
"when fishing last tuesday me and si were at runswick and we looked out to see and saw these lights(orange looking) about 5/6 of them strobing on and off at all different levels we wondered what the hell the could of been it was windy so we heard nothing and they were well off the coast like
so dont know what they were but we saw them."
"but i have seen the 5 orange lights on a few occassions out at sea. its very odd"
"Know we got a lot of rigs n drilling platforms up n down our coast - and for so many people to see them it must be a common occurance - carnt you tell its a crap weather Easter weekend"
"we see them nearly every wednesday nightin exactly the same spot every time. none of us in brid club can explain them. they are not the after burners from jet planes nor are they to my mind are they flares. they could however be the flares that fighter jets put out to distract missiles as they usually put out around four or five of these things"
"I have seen some strange things whilst fishing including an orange light in the sky whilst down bemmo a few weeks back !! I nearly rand the coastgaurd in case it was a distress flare, I told Jellyworm that I was going to if I saw it again."
"I did see a pair of apache attack helicopters on the bombing ranges at donnas nook last year, they were firing missiles on the targets and then shooting a big fan of anti surface to air flares before flying off and around to do it again amazing sight to see !!"
"I remember being on the north gare one winter with a few of me mates,the weather was similar to what were having now, snow stormy,and i remember it snowed, then after it had stopped there was like neon and flourecent coulored droplets ,dropping off our rods,strange thing it was only on our rods,it hit the floor then dispersed."
"yeah as the post from cassshantia i was with him last tues and i did see the lights also on the wed i saw what looked like a firework or a flare going off over near kettleness point very strange !!!"
"not seen the lights since early october .but like steve says a lot of brid lads have seen them"
"I saw these lights about a month ago while fishing Cloughton. They were a long way of but seem exactly as you described. They remained very steady and varied between one and three. It went on for about 5 minutes."
There are more documents and accounts like this on the forum but the above batch seems quite recent.
I also have a first hand report from a Mr Darren Yoginesn who told me about seeing the lights whilst fishing at North landing. He told me he saw 5 of them going on and off in a strange sequence. He says the seas were very rough and that they were about 4 miles out. He called the coast guard who sent a patrol car out to him to check he was a genuine caller. We assume that they must have been seen by the coast guard station also. Due to the fact that the lifeboat was sent out to investigate and the sea king helicopter. They reported back to Darren that no ships were in the area, no planes were in the area and no rigs were any where close by. So by there own admission they ruled out all of the most likely explanations for the sighting. Also if any one reading this would like to talk to Darren i would have no problem passing on your number to him.
Sledmere 2003 This object was huge
This picture is as close a likeness as i can find to what we saw
dated 7/7/2003
The ILF web site was created after this sighting
Whilst driving home from malton with a work mate in 2003 little did we no that day we were soon going to see a ufo of huge size. The malton sledmere road is just out side of york. I was driving that day and turned off the sledmere road and was heading home towards Bridlington. To the right of us, and low in the sky was a white object that could only be described as huge. We stopped the van and watched in amazmentas this long white pulsing ILF/UFO hung silently in the sky above a field. There was no other way to describe it. It was clearly not part of the sky, as in a cloud ect. But it did not fit into anything that we could recognize as being man made. It made no sound and really was an unbelievable sight. It was only 4 in the afternoon and the sky was still blue and clear. My passenger who was in no way a believer in ufos, and had in the past found great amusement at my enthusiasm for the subject could not believe what he was seeing. I urged him to tell me what he thought it was so there would be no mistaking it for a plane or a trick of the mind the next day. The next day however chris did not even want to talk about it. Disbelief in this subject is a mind set that is still hard to change even when the truth of UFOs smacks them full in the face.
I would say the object hung in the sky for around 5mins and was pulsing what seemed to be waves of white light. Then simply disappeared, one second it was there the next gone. It was however a great sighting. We were not the only people to have seen this on that road. The Hull daily mail also had a report from a couple traveling to Bridlington for there holidays who saw much the same thing. [Hull Daily mail Wednesday August 13 2003]
Over the years I [ Paul Sinclair] seem to have had more than my share of UFO sightings and now prefer to call them ILF/ufo as these objects are often nothing more than brilliant balls of light, however they do appear to be under intelligent control.
To me this is proof full stop! that and no amount of explanations from skeptics and plasma enthusiasts will change my mind. If you ask. Where do i think these objects originate from. That i could not answerer.
ILF will strive to bring all such reports to the front of media attention. And will at all times try to give an accurate account of what is seen in the Skies around us.
Similar sighting 12 years prior
'We've seen UFO too' A COUPLE claim to have seen a UFO at the exact spot that another Free Press reader spotted one - only 12 years ago. In August, the Free Press reported that Paul Sinclair of Bridlington saw a white glowing object hovering above a field near Sledmere on the B1253 Sledmere to Bridlington road, which suddenly disappeared. Since then, John Smith has written to the Free Press to say he and his wife saw a similar object on the same stretch of road in the summer of 1990 during a car journey to Bridlington. Mr Smith, of Heber Street, Goole, said: "As we traveled along I noticed a flash of silver in the sky above the car and told my wife to look at the glider. She immediately said 'no it's not a glider, I don't know what it is'."
Mr Smith said he stopped the car, got out and saw a large silver disc in a field, hovering above some trees.
He said: "There was no sound whatsoever and after a minute or so it just disappeared, not appearing to move from its position, more as if a curtain had been drawn round it.
"Although this was 12 years ago, your recent story is an identical sighting."
Historic Sighting over Filey Bay
I have noted the various reports in the press of white objects in the sky around the Filey area that suddenly disappear. I have never seen this phenomenon but keep an open mind on these things. I was reminded of a conversation I had with a friend of the family, Bill Burr the local postman (now deceased) in which he stated that before the war, a group of three sighted one of these objects. He described it to me as occurring on a day with good visibility while in a group of three were fishing from the rocks into Crab Hole, which is at the end of Filey Brigg on the south side of the Brigg.
While looking over to Flamborough, they sighted a big white cigar object between themselves and the Head. They viewed it for about ten minutes before it noiselessly whipped off out to sea, never to be seen again. In those days there were no jet engines, no Radar bases on the coast and space travel was confined to the more imaginative publications where Buck Rogers and Martians with Ray guns ruled supreme. He and one of the three, Jack “Chillie” Powley (also now deceased) were no mugs and they were well read. In the days before Time Team and the like were thought of, they were investigating Archaeological sites and Geology in the area and were very much aware of the world round them. Bill used to read the Ordnance Survey maps and find new routes in the country to travel through and we went to Dalby Forest and the Roman Road nearby when they were gated tracks and hardly used. In many ways their thinking was ahead of their time and they certainly paved the way for the modern day investigators.
I asked my father if he knew who the “third man” was and he rather hesitantly said that it was him. He then went on to describe what Bill had told me but was unclear on how the object disappeared, simply describing it as “vapourising”. When asked if it was solid he said that it looked like an object on its side and if it rotated on its axis, it would become a disc. Nevertheless, the object disappeared with frightening speed and there is no doubt that the experience left them with a deep and lasting impression. Whether this sighting was on the very edge of human perception or it had unknown scientific properties is unclear, but to the people who saw it understood many meteorological occurrences, including ice clouds and they were convinced that they saw a physical object on that day.
Once again my father is no mug, a solid character who went through the last war, achieved rank and spent the rest of his working life in the building trade, no fanciful stuff here.
I would like to see one of these objects to apply my own views to it, but as I have not it is not to me to scoff at those who have done so. I am mindful of some of these Ufologists who I would rather not deal with, and I suspect that they give the serious investigator a bad name. I know that of the three people so far who I have spoken to about these sightings, all were unusually moved by the experience and they are to be respected for speaking out and inviting certain personal ridicule by doing so. This demonstrates some form of commitment.
It falls to man to enquire, investigate and discover which is why we strive to go to the deepest oceans and send our projectiles and instruments to the far flung corners of our universe. Anyone who has read about Nicola Tesla will know that there is a whole new dimension of spectacular happenings to be investigated. I am prepared to cut these Ufologists some slack and commend them for having the spirit and the courage of their own convictions to pursue their quest in the face of ridicule. I look forward to seeing one of these events as I feel I am missing out on something.
© A Green, June 2007
Incredible pilot encounter with the unknown 1996
It was one of those bright still sunny days that you sometimes get in winter, and it was mid November in 1996 when I decided to take a flight up the East Yorkshire Coast form a small airfield in East Yorkshire to Whitby. I was late setting off as I had problems with the electrical system blowing the fuses of my radio system. In trying to trace the problem I “borrowed” the fuse from the aircraft navigation lights, but also managed to blow this into the bargain. Not wanting to miss out on the good flying conditions I set off on my flight up the East Coast without a radio or navigation lights. Neither of which were a legal requirement. It is not a legal requirement to have a radio in an aircraft and given that the aircraft was of 1946 vintage one was not installed at the factory and my radio consisted of a plumbed in hand-held unit. I was not concerned regarding the lack of navigational lights as I knew that I would be back before dark, and in any case the airfield was not equipped with landing lights, nor did I have a night rating so I couldn't legally fly in the dark anyway.
The flight up the coast was uneventful and I did a couple of circuits over Whitby before flying inland a little to a point over the North Yorkshire Moors not far from Fylingdales where I headed due South back towards my home airfield. On the way back I realized that I had cut it a bit fine and the sun was setting quite quickly. Because it was a vintage aircraft I used to keep the engine revs relatively low to be gentle on the 50 year old engine, but on this occasion I opened the throttle to 2400rpm, but by the time I had arrived at my turning point not far from Weaverthorpe the sun shining over in the west through the starboard window was very bright and low in the sky. As I looked to the East in preparation for my turn I was mystified by the apparent bright sun in the East as well. Looking through the port window was like looking directly into the sun. At first I thought that perhaps it was a reflection of some kind but it was obvious that this was not the case.
The view ahead was clear although it was beginning to get dark and I scanned my instruments and all were indicating normally. I was still puzzling about the bright light from the east and I was just about to commence my turn to the East when suddenly the aircraft seemed to bump into an invisible brick wall in the sky. There was no sharp jolt, but there was a sudden feeling of deceleration rather like the brakes being rapidly applied on a car, it was if I and the aircraft suddenly had become stationary in the sky. I again scanned the instruments. The airspeed indicator was indicating that I was still flying at 80mph but clearly I was not. The engine note did not change and all the other instruments were indicating that I was flying straight and level. The rate of climb indicator was on zero indicating that I was not descending or climbing.
From this point I can remember absolutely nothing, and the next thing I can remember was that I was flying in exactly the same place in the sky but it was dark.... Very dark! And the lights of Driffield could be clearly seen ahead.
The cockpit was in total darkness and I could not see any of the instruments. The cockpit was equipped with a light, but this was not working as I had blown the fuse earlier while trying to fix the radio. In addition it was not possible to turn on any navigation lights as the fuse for these was also blown. It took quite some time to come to terms with my situation and I honestly began to think it was some kind of dream, but the truth of the matter was that I was piloting an aircraft in the dark and had no idea how this had happened. I continued to fly towards Driffield thinking about what to do next. I could not call anyone on the radio as it was not working. I then considered flying to Humberside Airport as the lights of the Humber Bridge towers were clearly visible and I knew that I could probably find the airport from there. But given that I didn't have a radio or navigational lights I didn't think it would be a good idea to just turn up and land, not to mention the fact that there could be other aircrafts in that area.
Given that I knew where I was, I thought that the best option was to fly back to my home base. Even if I had to crash into the ground I could fly the aircraft slow enough to probably walk away from it. I therefore turned towards the coast as Flambrough Lighthouse could be clearly seen ahead. Fortunately, I knew the area well and I was able to work out where the airfield was as it was close to a small village which was easily identified from the air even in the dark. Although some distance away, there was a road that ran parallel to the runway and with another stroke of luck the farmer was ploughing the field (or spreading slurry) that ran between the road and the runway, and the headlights of the tractor could be clearly seen. I circled around for some time to pick up on other clues as to where the runway was and commenced on the approach. My main fear being the fact that I knew that 33kv power cables ran across the final approach to the runway. Descending into the blackness was scary and not being able to see the instruments to judge my airspeed or height above the ground made the situation very scary indeed, but fortunately I made an almost perfect landing.
I shut the aircraft down and just sat for several minutes trying to get my head around what had just happened. I checked my watch and I think about an hour and a half had elapsed of which I have absolutely no recollection. From the point of apparently stopping in mid air to finding myself flying in the dark, is to me totally unexplainable. The next day I checked the fuel quantity in the aircraft and this also indicated that the aircraft cannot have been flying for the missing hour or so. Again I have no explanation for this.
Officially I should have reported this incident to the CAA but given the circumstances I decided against this. I have never told anyone this story before, not even my closest friends, but a chance meeting with Paul has encouraged me to write this account.
If this a truthful account of one mans experience cannot convince even the hardest skeptic that something truly amazing happened at 1000 feet that day in November. Then nothing will. Many thanks [......] for sharing your amazing story.
Jet seemingly in pursuit garton on the worlds
Hi Paul its ........... I reported a sighting to you once before. Well I may have another one! Whilst driving last Wednesday 12/12/07. We were traveling towards the village of garton near Wetwang. As we approached the hill I spotted a military jet going left to right across our vision. It had the usual tell tale lights on the wings and body. Then I suddenly noticed a red light ahead of the jet traveling in the same direction but going much much faster! It must have taken three seconds to go from one horizon to the next! It made the jet look like it was standing still. The jet was trying to follow but failing miserably. I could not make out any details from the red light because it was dark but did notice the difference between the two was very marked, and the speed difference was incredible. This could have been an exercise but tied in with the report of the sighting in Scarborough it seems very similar. I have chosen to keep my name out of this one 1 would appreciate your discretion. But by all means report it without my name.
Well no point me writing down what you saw, the above email is as much as i have on this sighting.
UFO pursued by jets Scarborough 3/12/07
Day time sighting of unusual light in the sky scarbrough3/12/07 ILF- UFO
I have been contacted about the unusual sighting of an object that appeared to be being perused by military jets over Oliver's mount in Scarborough North yorkshire. I have spoken several times to the witness who says that he and 2 other men watched this at about 445pm on the 3/12/07. It began when they saw a large white flash in the sky. They said it was like a meteor flash. The three of them were stood close to the spar pavilion at the time. A short time after the light flash was seen a large red/orange glow could be seen quite low in the sky. As they watched it became apparent that it was a sphere of some kind that began to move at a steady pace inland.
At this point i began to suggest all the usual things that it could have been from flares to a chinese lantern. I was told flat blank that it was none of them. He went on to tell me that a short time later planes could be heard, seconds later seen. One fast approaching from a northerly direction the other from the east. They then began to turn and move towards the orange sphere that had now passed directly over the three men and was now approaching oliver's mount. It appears that the object did have a back and a front of some kind because now from the back the orange/red light appeared to have a smaller sliver colored ball in the center. The next part of there sighting is what i find most interesting. The object suddenly stopped glowing orange and became silver in colour. Moving away at speed with the jets following it inland. It could simply have been a military exercise but im not sure why it would take place over a populated area. A second flash of light followed some time later but nothing more was seen of the orange sphere. I am pretty sure at this time of day other people in the area must have seen the same thing. I would be very interested to hear from anyone who did.
Regards Paul Sinclair ilf-ufo
An odd looking moon scarbrough
Strange happenings Scarborough I had an in interesting conversation with my son in law on the 2nd of November. He is not prone to believe in anything ufo related or out of the ordinary full stop. So when he began to relate what he saw on the night of the 3010/07 i was somewhat surprised. He said that at about 5.30pm he went home to check on his own house as they had been staying at his mum and dads whilst they were away for a few days. He had a quick look around to check everything was secure then got back in his car to drive back to his mums in Scarborough. As he drove up the road from there home in Cayton his jaw dropped at the amazing sight of the moon in front of him. He says it looked as thought it were sat on the road and within walking distance to touch. The drive took him down a small dip and for a few seconds he lost sight of the massive moon. Road name East way, heading towards Osgodby. As he came out of the dip and up the other side the moon had gone. Luke still insists that it was the moon he saw, and i but is at a lose as to how it could shrank back to its normal size when he saw it 5 minutes later out over the sea. I guess its one of those odd things that have to go unanswered. Any ideas ?
Fantastic sighting Bridlington 19.9.07
What can i say I got this email from Andrew on monday evening and wasted no time contacting him. These are the kind of sightings that need to be talked about. Here are a few point that andrew did not put in the short email to ILF. He told me that whist watching the triangle formation a plane was also flying. He said this was much much higher up in the sky. The plane could also be heard as it passed over head. This other object was slower and totally silent. Andrew said he could not help but feel awe struck at what he was seeing. I have his full permission to disclose his name and can back up this report 100%. Below is the short email Andrew sent to ILF-UFO
Paul, Having found your web site I must tell you of my sighting not half an hour ago in Bridlington. Parking my car in the garage on Cardigan road I noticed how clear the sky was. As I gazed at the stars I saw a set of fairly dull lights. As I watched I realized they were in a triangular formation and the whole thing filled a good proportion of the sky. What I mean is they weren't tiny objects in deep space like a satellite may appear. The triangle flew past making absolutely no sound in a south easterly direction. The time was approx ten o clock pm on Sunday the 16.9.07. If you want more info you can ring me eve on ............. Andrew Pepworth
RED UFO over Bridlington7/9/07 time8.30
A bright fiery Red UFO was seen above priory church bridlington on friday night. Time8.30pm approx. number of witnesses 3. Object was red orange in colour and appeared above the church then moved away in what was described as zig zag fashion.… The people who saw the object were sat in a back garden on marton road which overlooks the priory. It went from left to right in the sky and then sat silently for about 10 minutes. The people who saw the object were still watching it as they talked to me on the phone.
RED UFO over bridlington 7/9/07 time 8.30
I was phoned at around 9pm by an excited lady who says that she saw a Three red ufos with her son on friday night. She went on to tell me that she even contacted her next door neighbours to come and view the three fiery objects. This sighting and the one of the sighting above have to be of the same object. The lady then went on to say that the three objects merged into one to form a large ball of red light and flew away. I am reporting this to ILF just as it was told to me and i am sure that if i am missing out any detail at this point then the lady in question will have no problems correcting me. Her day time job is a free lance reporter.
Driffield 3/8/07 large ball of light below clouds early hours of morning
Here i can report a first hand sighting by myself and my wife whist traveling home from leeds in the early hours of Saturday morning. The time was about 1.15am and we were on the A64 coming out of Garton on the wolds towards Driffield. In front of us low in the sky we could see a very large stationary white light. The night was cloudy but the moon was bright behind the clouds making visibility very good. The object was quite large and was clearly visible for over 5 minuets. As we approached a long sweeping bend in the road towards little Driffield we lost sight of the object for a few minuets. However once we came out of the bend to our surprise the object had vanished.
Day time sighting 5 miles off Bridlington coast 27/7/07
I have been told today 30/7/07 about a sighting out at sea by a local fisherman. He says he saw a fast moving dark object that he said was a drone of some kind [his words not mine] He told me it was traveling at great speed and was being pursued by 2 jet fighters. The man went on to say the planes were screaming through the sky in an attempt to catch up with the object that vanished into the distance. The planes and the dark object were low in the sky.The conditions were overcast and the time was mid afternoon saturday 27/7/07. Now chances are this was some military exercise, however it is a very interesting sighting in view of the amount of ufo activity the east yorkshire coast is having at the moment .
Too orange objects that i managed to capture over woldgate on the7/7/07 are these the first 2 to be caught on film around east Yorkshire. They were silent and very still and at one point disappeared and reappeared in another part of the sky. Woldgate is part of the East yorkshire wolds and very remote. Any one reading this should research the area a little, it is full of mystery. Try typing in [willy howe] into a search engine. In my opinion the story of Willy howe [as told by William of Newburgh] existed early in the twelfth century, or more than seven hundred years ago. is in many ways similar to a ufo/abduction account.
Stationary white light Scarbrough - 30/6/07
Saturday night amateur astronomer Barry laws stepped outside to take in a little fresh air and was surprised to see a large white star like object hung in the night sky. Barry told me that he new where all of the stars should have been and felt really puzzled. During the few minuets that he observed the object it never moved. He says Venus was also visible at the same time but it was not as bright as the unknown object. Barry went back out for a second look about an hour or so later but the ufo had gone.
Orange /Red UFOs 21/6/07 Location Burton [assuming East yorkshire]
Paul, Been reading through your site after browsing the web all night looking for UFO sightings after what I saw last night! It's similar to some sightings I read on the site, and I'm very pleased to find out so many other people have seen them. Time and date of sighting: 21/06/07 - 12:35 am I was in my back garden smoking a cigarette when something in my peripheral vision caught my attention in the night sky. At first I thought it was a satellite but when I looked up I was astounded to see two very bright orange / red lights moving at great speed snaking across the sky moving South directly over Burton. 2 Orange / Red circular discs/globes of light, 3 or 4 times larger than the brightest star visible and shining very brightly. There was no sound made at all - it was very quiet. The objects were keeping speed with each other but their movements were independent and one was manoeuvring more than the other. The objects disappeared above cloud far off towards the horizon (in under 10 seconds). I'm was pretty shocked by them to be honest I totally lost my breath when I looked up, they were amazing to watch - turning fast curves alongside one another. I've read that a lot of other people have reported seeing them and I'm convinced that someone else would have last night too. They were so bright and visible they attract attention. With so many people has anyone discovered if there is any rational explanation for them? If they were something man made then I gotta have a go in one!! Many thanks, J. Walker
Lets hope more people saw them Paul Ilf-ufo
Orange Dom shaped object Atwick East yorkshire 27/5/07 [ link
I have been contacted by a Mrs Pat Bowman who claims she saw an orange dom shaped ufo fly at great speed along the cliff tops at Atwick on the East yorkshire Coast sunday the 27th of may. Mrs Bowman says that whilst sat in her caravan over looking the sea on Sunday afternoon the object flew past. She says she was amazed and shouted our loud, much to the surprise of her brother and son who were also in the caravan. It was low in the sky and orange in colour. Its shape and size was like that of the cockpit of a small helicopter except that's where it stopped. It was a dom or oval with a flattish bottom. Mrs Bowman only saw it for a few seconds but gathered enough info to describe what she saw. She added that helicopters and planes fly around the coastline all of the time but this was like nothing she had seen before. In the time it took her to get up and take a look outside the orange object had vanished. Is this report connected to the sightings we are having around bridlington? Reports of similar objects are becoming common place at the moment and it is not only restricted to east yorkshire. This is the first of its kind around our coastline that has been reported in daylight.
I suggested many things as a possible explanation to Mrs Bowman from balloons to people flying a kite below the cliffs. Or hand gliders catching the up drafts along the cliff line but she insisted it was none of these things. She even says the object, whatever it was seemed to have windows ?
Multiple sightings over East Yorkshire through out march
It may be a perfectly explainable sequence of events, who can say at this moment. But it is also quite unusual to have so many independent witnesses over such a short period of time. Many thanks to the readers of the Driffield Times for phoning in. More... The ball of light could now have been explained. For the past 3 weeks here in bridlington we have had a light beam which is on going all through the night. It is something to do with the bridlington eye they are building. The light is only about 500yards from where i live and is projected into the night sky and is very bright. Its beam is clear and strong every bit of the night. I have had a number of phone calls from the driffield area informing me that this is what people in that location are seeing. I am inclined to agree. I did ask when i was initially phoned about the sightings if this could be the thing they had seen. I was told at the time it was not. I hope this helps clear up the mystery, unless there is more to tell.
It is however nothing, repeat nothing to do with the sightings of orange-red balls of light seen off the coast here. They have been on going now for over 2 years.
Bempton lane bridlington
More orange lights seen over sea two separate wittiness in same area. Top of Bempton lane bridlington looking out over sea. 18/4/07
The first sighting was by Mr Fletcher and his daughter as they walked home. He tell me they saw a single red/orange star sized light that was stationary and then after a few seconds its vanished.
The crake bridlington
The second was seen by carl smith and the passenger in his car. they say they saw an orange ball of light that was stationary then shot away at great speed. All involved say the objects were silent. 19/4/07
Marton roadBridlington11/4/07
More orange balls of light seen in sky over priory church bridlington the 3 witnesses say they appeared high above the church area then varnished after about 2 minutes. The objects were silent and about the size of stars. 11/4/07
Objects sighted with police helicopter Bridlington Play video report
Driffield sighting 22/3/07
I received a phone call late thursday evening from a 60 year lady who says she was driving home with her friend when they saw a large ball of white light in the sky. They both watched it for several minuets and then went there separate ways home. She is keen to find out if anyone else saw the light which was a yellow white colour and seemed to be hazy as if behind cloud. I suggested it could have been a search light of some kind but she says there was no tell tail beam of light leading to the actual object she was looking at. She also says it was silent. Once in her home she phoned her husband who was out at the time. He suggested that she go into the garden and have another look. She did this and stood in the darkness for a while holding the phone. It was a very very dark night and she could see nothing. Then as she was about to go inside it appeared again. It seemed to be above the church. At this point she felt a little uneasy and decided to go in doors. I have contacted the local paper for her in the hope that a simple explanation will be found. We will wait and see.
Bridlington free press 15/3/07
The paper printed eight separate reports of orange and red balls of light seen along East yorkshire coast line. Some of the sightings were multiple witness. And they all claim the objects were silent able to move up and down and sideways . They say the balls of light moved in deferent directions to each other which would rule out Chinese lanterns or balloons as these would travel in a very similar line with the following wind.
So what are they?
UFOs seen over bridlington 5/3/07
After a long talk with david Hinde on sunday evening i came away feeling that his sightings still fitted comfortably into the category of UFO. David seemed very articulate and level headed and openly admitted to having no interest in ufos before this sighting. His journey from malton to bridlington was uneventful until he reached the dottrill public house. David used this as a reference point as it was from this location that he saw the lights. They were quite high in the sky and red orange in colour. He estimated there size to be about twice as big as a star. They were not moving as a plane would and seemed to be able to move up and down and side ways. They were so unusual that he decided to pull over in a lay by and watch them. Using the road as a sort of guide he realized that they never moved from the right hand side of the road. He also estimated that they were somewhere above the honeypot pub. This public house is quite remote and off the beaten track. As interesting as the sighting was , after 10 to 15 min's [time now 1105pm] david reluctantly got back in his car to drive home. It was at this point something a little unusual happened. Spooky was david's words. As he started the engine and turned on the lights the red/orange light of the ufos went out. At that point he felt a little uneasy. I did ask him if it was merely that the lights from the car had stopped him from seeing them. He said not, and that the sky that evening was very clear and bright. David continued to look for another minuet or so and to his surprise they appeared again.
At this point david continued his journey home, his head full of what he had seen. And like the rest of us still looking for answerers to the puzzle.
ILF now has many sightings and reports of these orange/red spheres over Bridlington and they seem to be on the increase. I would like to here from anyone else who has seen them.
An unidentified seen hovering 2/3/07
Over a field near Staithes on Monday night by a teenager returning home. Steven Dye (18) who lives in Staithes, says he saw the phenomenon, silently shining close to where he was driving towards the village from Boulby at around 8pm. He said: “I saw something floating in between Staithes and Hinderwell from where I was looking.
“It had about eight lights, red and orange coloured and it just stayed in the same place for about 10 or 20 seconds before fading away. “It is the first time I have seen something like that.“ I told my mam and we went back down there later on but there was nothing there.”
It is interesting to note that these sightings are within a few days of each other and along the same stretch of coast line. ILF-UFO have reports of other people seeing these objects and fishermen off the coast of bempton and bridlington.
Day time sighting Bridlington 3/11.206
Large white disc low in sky 2pm . That is the story told to me about 30mins after the sighting of a large white UFO on Friday afternoon. The too elderly woman who saw the object were traveling back towards bridlington after a day in Scarborough. They saw, what they described as a space ship slowly moving across the sky. They say it stopped in line with a communications mast on the A165 Scarborough Road. They say it was white in colour lower than an aircraft would fly and totally silent. More info on the sighting will appear as and when i get any. Without any more evidence it is hard to say if what they saw could easily be explained away. However 2 witnesses are better than one and when you hear an elderly lady excitedly saying "Its a bloody space ship" It dose make you think!
Silver sphere above Helicopter 11/8/206
Frame captures of a Helicopter over my home in the town center of Bridlington 11/8/206, i did see the silver sphere above it and have been lucky enough to catch it on film. It was early afternoon on a hot sunny day.
Gold lights in sky over Bridlington 5/8/2006
Here is a first hand account of a sighting of unusual lights out to sea over the bay of bridlington. On saturday night Mr Brooks was up at danes dyke at around 9.30pm, the sky was clear and the evening was warm. Whist looking up the coast line he saw two strange gold colored lights in the sky. He says they looked like ripples of light hung in the sky. I have spoken with Mr Brooks before about this subject and know he has a mild interest. So it did not surprise me when he said he began to view the lights through binoculars. Even then he says he could not understand what they were. The two gold bands of light hung silent in the sky for 10 to 15 minuets before moving away up the coast towards hull. The witness did say he tried to contact me, telling me how they would have been easily visible from where in live in bridlington town. I assume there position to have been on the North side of Bridlington roughly behind the leisure world swimming pool but out to sea. He said the lights made no sound that he could hear and that at one point looked almost like flames in the sky. He could not see any other ariel activity in the sky and is left puzzled as to what the lights could have been. Danes dyke is about 2 miles out of bridlington town towards Flambrough head .
The report below is in a similar location
Amber ufos Bridlington 6/8/2006
Amber UFOs seen off flambrough head, below is an email sent to ILF
At about 9.30-10.00,whilst looking out over Bridlington Bay towards the lighthouse/lightship in the S, and trying to identify which was which, I saw four lights, amber in colour, move rapidly from the light at the left of my field of vision from just above the left hand side light to the right hand side light, about 5 -7 degrees of arc. I commented to my wife, standing beside me at how quickly the lights moved, but she'd not seem them .I was left thinking that perhaps the lights had been reflections in my glasses, perhaps caused by the nearby fairground rides,but try as I might over the next twenty minutes or so I could not replicate the 'reflection' no matter how I angled my glasses. The speed and apparent distance of the four lights was way in excess of anything that I am familiar with in terms of aircraft or seagulls! - I am curious to know whether anyone else witnessed these lights - so far as I was aware they were not accompanied by any noise, jet engine or otherwise, perhaps I'm going deaf? I'd be really interested to know whether anyone else saw this and could explain it. Thanks Mr T Wilson
I have replied back to Mr Wison for a little more information , the email is as it was sent to me.
Gold light Bridlington 16/4/06
At around 11.45 on sunday night i opened the back door and gave our dog a shout, It had been a long weekend with too many late nights [daughters engagement] and i was ready for some rest. I stood in the darkness for a while watching the dog and thinking about how the weekend had gone. I cannot explain why or how but i sensed some thing and looked up into the sky. It was very dark with low cloud cover. I could see an orange light and a dark oval shape of some kind within the cloud. It was hard to make it out. I could definitely see something but weather it was below cloud or above i could not tell. I went inside quickly and picked up a camera. An Olympus C70zoom. I took the first picture right away then walked down the garden a little and took another. The streak of bright light is what i got on the second picture .
The light was stationery in or behind the cloud. No noise could be heard and there was no wind . I have to say it was strange knowing that there was an object of some sort in the sky. It stayed in the same position as i took the second picture but the streak of light is all i managed to get in the second pic and the object had vanished. I hope the accompanying pictures shed a little light on what i saw. Paul Sinclair 16/4/06
Dark oval ufo sighted 12/4/06
Hi, regarding the recent sighting in Bridlington. On the 12th of April at around 9 pm, my 13 year old son came running scared down the stairs from his bedroom on the second floor of our house. He said he had heard an unusual humming sound from outside, so he looked out of his window and saw an object moving quickly towards the house. He said it was low down in the sky and oval in shape coming in from the direction of the harbor. I thought he may have seen an helicopter, but he insisted it was a strange object he had never seen before. I looked out of the window , but could see and hear nothing. When I saw your report in the local newspaper, I noticed the object was described as oval in shape, the same description that my son had described on the 12th of April before the later sighting.
Names supplied confidence respected
I replied back the the above email to see if ILF could learn a little more about the dark glowing UFO that sounds very much like the object i photographed on the 16/4/06 Below his the email i received back.
Hi Paul, I have asked my son the full facts of what he said he saw. It was about 8.45pm on the Wednesday 12th April and he was in his bedroom when he heard a humming noise. He said it was like nothing he had heard before, so he rushed to the bedroom window to see what was making the noise. The humming could be felt as well as heard so he said. When he looked out of the window he said he saw a large dark oval object with reddish glow and what he said were like several yellow dots of light on the Center and a blue one on top of the dark object. He said it was traveling fast and towards the house. From the direction of where he said the object was coming from is Ebele flats, so the object must have been higher than the flats when he saw it. The object must have flown directly over the top of our house, but I myself did not hear anything, although my wife said she did hear a noise like a humming and a noise she describes as a strange siren sound. My son ran down the stairs scared because he said the object he saw was like nothing he had seen before and it seemed unnatural and it was coming very close to the house. My son has never been interested in UFOs and never talks of them, but he insists it was a strange object he saw and not any military or civil aircraft he was used to seeing in this area. I had to go to his bedroom to check everything was ok before he would return to his room. Twenty minutes later, I went to the supermarket and noticed a large helicopter flying around low down. It made me think perhaps this is what he saw, but he still insists it was not and that he knows the difference between an helicopter and the strange object he had seen, also I think I would have heard the helicopter if it had have flown over our house at the time he saw the object,and I didn't. If you want to publish this on your website you can.
I leave you the reader to make up your own mind about what may or may not have been in the sky on the 12th It may well have been nothing more than the police helicopter, oval in shape, glowing red ? Also as you form an opinion look at the pictures i took on the 16th oval in shape glowing red?
Gold lights woldgate 23/2/206
On Thursday the 23 [last week] i saw what i can only describe as a sting of light bulbs in the sky over woldgate east yorkshire.… They were slightly curved rich gold in colour, parallel to the land and silent. They were not moving and the sighting lasted about 8 seconds. All of the objects seemed linked, or at least very close. It was hard to tell. Its also possible they were in the sky for a longer period than what i observed. I was looking in the opposite direction for a few minuets. The weather conditions were very poor with lots of wind and cloud. So what ever they were, they must have been below the cloud and solid enough not to move in the wind. Also here is a link to something i did with BBC Look North a few months ago. The short bit of film showing the gold object over the bay of bridlington was filmed from the same location as last thursdays sighting. And although only one object is in the BBC footage, what i saw last thursday was very similar in colour. Hope some of this may be of a little interest. Note I did not take the picture below, it is however very similar to the lights i saw over woldgate. Copyright remains with the owner.
UFO Sighting Garton On the wolds 26/1/2006
Paper clipping Driffield Times
A lorry driver from Nafferton had an encounter with an unidentified Ball of brilliant white light at Garton on the wolds. Yet another sighting that is only a few miles away from Woldgate. This area deserves special attention. The amount of unexplained phenomena seen recently,and in the past should not be over looked. The man went on to say that he had never been so frightened in all his life as the object rose from below a hedgerow on the A166 road and skimmed across the air.
ILF Sighting Garton on the wolds 1/ 10/ 2005
A single white light very bright silent and still Low in the air. Part time fireman Ian ....... from bridlington East yorkshire had to go on a training course in York early this year. It was a full day of training and involved an over night stay. Having a wife and young family back at home in Bridlington Ian decided he would be up early the next morning and head off back.
The route he chose involved driving along dark empty country roads, which suited him fine at that hour of the day. At 6.30 am approx Ian was driving towards Garton on the wolds. In front of him and slightly to the left of the road he could clearly see a large white light, quite low in the sky. He says it was about the size of a tennis ball from about 2 miles away and much brighter than a star. Ian continued to watch the light with interest as he slowly made his way towards it. It never moved to his knowledge all of the time that he was looking at it. Its estimated height in the sky to be between 50 to 100 feet. Its brightness and size as he got closer, that of a head light on full beam. And now 5 to 10 minuets later his car was almost parallel with the object. He slowed down to take a better look, leaning over to the passenger side curious as to what it was. It was above a large empty field with a boundary hedge quite a way into the distance. There was nothing else but fields to his left and right and the small village of Garton on the wolds was only a few minutes away. Ian eased the car forwards and carried on his journey towards bridlington, every so often he would glance up through the sun roof to see if it was still there. It was, and even when he was miles away from it he could still see the object hanging in the sky.
I have recently spoken to ian about the sighting again and his views have not changed, he says that he could not care if people believe in ufos or not. He has no interest in the subject at all but is still sure that what he saw at Garton on the wolds was a ufo. The only reason i got to here about the sighting was because we live very close and he knows of my interest. I would say that he is a very respected man in Bridlington. As well as being part time fireman Ian holds a full time job with high responsibility's within the community.
My UFO Sighting East Riding - 05/02/2006
1. 1989 at about 16.00hrs September
Traveling to Driffield through Winteringham near Malton. Passed through the village and about half a mile before turning into the straight road to ? Duffield. I looked to the left and approximately 100foot above the brow of a hill there was anovoid balloon type craft. It was beige in colour and appeared to be constructed in longitudinal sections. No windows doors or lights etc. It did not look like an airship or a barrage balloon .There was good visibility . I was traveling with my son who saw it too. As we drove on the object was occluded by the hill. As we turned onto the straight road we stopped and expected to see the craft along the valley. There was nothing there it had vanished.
2. 1999 November 15.30 hrs.
Whilst traveling to Lowthorpe from Kelk with my sister and niece ,before reaching Lowthorpe my sister noticed long thin cigar shaped object that was dark orange in colour but brightly lit in sections, located to the West of Driffield. We stopped the car and watched this craft for about two minutes .During that time it rose up then suddenly disappeared. We estimated the object was huge. At first it looked like a large aircraft with all its light on, facing the observer. However the lights were much brighter than aircraft lights and the craft did not move except upwards in a perpendicular motion then disappeared. I estimate the object was about 500 feet above the ground and located above Fridaythorpe. It must have been huge. Shortly after this sighting two phantom aircraft traveling low passed over up from east to west.
I was concerned that it may have been an aircraft at Driffield aerodrome but that facility was used for military transport training at the time and not for aircraft.
On the 17-18/12/205 BBC look north played the footage of the object below and footage of the fast moving objects flying past the police helicopter a few months earlier. Scroll down this page to view the frame captures. Visit the BBC Look North web site to view the footage.
Orange object south bay bridlington 15/12.05
Here are single frame captures of objects filmed over Bridlington's south bay, center picture filmed at 7.25pm thursday 15/12/05. The object just appeared from know where and took me and my wife quite by surprise. As usual i had a camcorder in the back of the car
and managed to film about 20 to 30 seconds of it before it vanished. We were not intentionally looking for anything. Just killing an hour or so before picking our girl from karate. About the only thing i can add is that it was interesting to watch, even if for only 20 seconds or so. It was as if it switched on and then simply switched off again. No aerial movements to signal its arrival or departure.
Bridlington South Bay: Day & Night. These tell the story.....
The witness below was willing to be interviewed by BBC Look north and humberside radio. His short interview along with my own can be seen by going to the BBC Look North web site
UFO As big as a house 12/12/205
I have received a report from 3 men who claim they watched a rectangular shaped object slowly descend from a great height at a steady and controlled speed. They say it was very big [as big as a house] Their words not mine. Simon walford stood in amazement watching it for several minutes. He says he then called Vaun a work friend to come and over and look at it. The pair quickly ruled out a kite or balloon, adding that it was rock steady in the sky and very low at one point. It was very dark in colour, almost black. The pair were then joined by Alan Norrie. Alan was kind enough to tell look north reporter Tom Hepworth what he saw.At one point a light aircraft was over head and they feel sure that the pilot must have seen it because it was so big. The area where they think the object was hovering was just below bridlington hospital, this location is about half a mile from Woldgate. Simon and Vaun were on Brett street which is about a 2 minutes drive away from bridlington Hospital. After several minutes in a low stationary position the object began to move. They say it moved away fast, in a straight line,low in the sky. It seemed to accelerate and was gone in a few seconds. Time was 2.30 am approx.
Lights in sky Flambrough 6/12/205
Yellow lights flying very close together have been seen by a flambrough man and his wife.
Craig Fletcher and his wife Jane were on there way home back to Flambrough at about 6pm 6/12/05 when they noticed the two yellow lights in the sky. He says they were sort of wobbling as they moved. They found them so interesting that they drove up to the light house to get a better look. The lights were out at sea when they parked the car. One of them light simply went out and the other continued to slowly move through the sky. Seconds later the other light reappeared to the right of them. It was much further away now, craig estimated its position to be over Bridlington's south side.
I can only work with the information given and craig dose not think the objects were planes. At least not any that he has seen before. As far as i am aware this man and his wife have no direct interest in the subject of UFOs. So for them to see something and then postpone there journey home makes me think that what ever it was they saw. It must have been very unusual.He says that when they first saw them they were almost linked and appeared to wobble from side to side as though they were joined.
Evening Sighting Bridlington 29/11/05
North side of Bridlington slow moving objects, orange in colour. Time = 5pm : Date: 29/11/2005
At around 5,00pm i received a phone call from a man named Steve who works in Bridlington on the North side of the bay.He told me that whilst stood on the gantry of his place of work with a security guard, that he saw 2 slow moving orange balls of light. Steve went on to say that they were quite low in the sky and appeared to be moving in unison . He says they were heading out to sea at a very steady rate and that he watched them for a few minutes before they disappeared over the horizon. From where steve was standing he was able to see a large area of the Bridlington bay which sweeps round from Flambrough head all the way down to salt end which is over 30 miles away.
What's Happening at Flambrough head
Location Speeton cliffs, large orange sphere / number of wittneses = 2. Time = 9pm (approx) Febuary 2005
I have recently been contacted by a 25 year old man named Jodie Lem from West street in Bridlington. Jodie who is a well known, and highly respected angler in the bridlington area went on to explain to me his sighting of a bizarre orange ufo he saw in February of this year. He says that he and another man named John Powers were fishing off the cliffs at Speeton. It was a clear night with a slight breeze and a sea that was calm for the time of year. They set up the rods and had been fishing for about one and a half hours [time 9pm approx] when too ships sat about 7 miles out, in Jodie's estimation suddenly found themselves in the presence of a huge glowing orange sphere. Jodie thinks that the sphere was even further away than the ships but from where he and John stood it was directly in line with them.He says it came from no where and just hung in the sky above the too ships.
My immediate reaction was to say that perhaps a flare had gone up. Jodie was having none of this and insisted that the object was the size of the moon if not even bigger. He says it remained above the ships for about 4 minutes then slowly moved to the left. Moments later it shot up into the heavens at incredible speed and was gone. I have since mailed Simon Robson who was Helmsman for the Flambrough Life Boat and now runs a web site dedicated to the Flambrough life boat and its history. His views were that what Jodie and John saw could well have been military as he says the Yanks often play in that area about 10 to 20 miles out.
Jodie saw the orange sphere again in March of this year. He says this time it was traveling on a steady course up towards Flambrough head. Then without warning went up vertical into the night sky and disappeared. No ships were in the vicinity at the time of this sighting. They are not the only people to have seen this strange object, Jodie tells me that 3 other men fishing off the north beach have also seen it. They say it came around the corner from Flambrough head and was quite low on the horizon. They told him it rose at a 45% angle and slowly disappeared from view. I have yet to speak with these men. So at this moment in time i only have the word of Jodie Lem. So be it military or other? I find no reason to disbelieve jodie's account of what he saw that night in February.
These are the the images i caught on film whilst trying out a new Sony VX2100 dv cam. I wonder if the police helicopter had any idea just how close these strange objects were to them. I doubt it very much. I would estimate that the helicopter was at about 250 ft. The objects above it had to be high in the sky also as the dark triangle shape in 3 of the pictures is the top a gable end. These houses are all very large 2 story homes and from the ground floor to the top of the roof they are 48ft high approx. I had no idea until i down loaded the film onto my pc that i had captured these images. I saw nothing at the time and they were so fast that they had to be broken down into frames. Unfortunately these frame captures do not show the objects at there best. I have since played the footage on media player [no capture facility]and the images are much clearer. These ufos are in fact black and white in colour, the front half appears to be glowing white while the back is black. I have the footage its absolutely 100% real so any persons wanting to check out its credibility should contact me.
Top picture with all background colour removed shows these objects and the helicopter as solid:
I have recently spoken to a fisher man from bridlington about a yellow colored UFO that he and too other men saw.
He told me what they saw whilst out collecting lobster pots in their boat off flambrough head was like nothing they had ever seen before. He says that they saw a gold glowing object about the size of the sea king helicopter moving slowly and silently about 50 feet above the sea. Too other men were in the boat at the time watching the object with him. None of them had any idea what it could have been. And please remember when reading this that these men Fish for a living and are familiar with most aerial activity out at sea. They even contacted the coast guard and were told that the sea king was not in the area and that they should ignore it completely ?
He went to say that it was all lit up and seemed to glow bright yellow to gold. It seemed to be searching for something, or that's the way its movements appeared. He told me of another time when the sea was lit in a brilliant white light from something that seemed to be about 150ft up. Saying that at first they though it was the moon reflecting on the water. Then realized when they looked to the right that the moon was already casting its light, however in a different part of the sea. I am informed that the
bulk of the sightings seem to be around the corner. That was his terminology for just off Flambrough head. I say the bulk of sightings because he says they have seen many strange silent lights just above sea level off the coast of Bridlington/ Flambrough head. This report is not connected to the Jodie Lem sighting, although they all may be seeing the same object.
ILF Rudston May 2005
Here is a multiple wittiness sighting of a triangle shaped object that first alerted the witnesses to its presence because of the low humming sound that was heard. I am told that the sound could be felt as well as heard. It was, they said as though the noise from the object crept up on them and alerted them to what they could see in the distance.
The couple who sighted the ufo live on an isolated farm just out of Ruston in east yorkshire.
I am told that at around 11pm they became aware of the noise and looked out of an upstairs window to see what it could be. The direction they were looking was towards the small village of kilham about 3 miles away.
In the distance they could see a formation of pulsing lights of many different colour's in the shape of a triangle. They estimated the lights at that moment to be about 2 miles away. Within seconds the low pitched humming grew louder and suddenly the object was upon them. They say that it was actually in front of there bedroom window for a few seconds and that three brilliant white lights filled the room. A moment later it went up above the farm house and all they could see when looking up were 3 white lights in the shape of a triangle and a dark mass between them. They have no idea what it could have been and go on the say that it was huge. It did not roar like a plane would do, and many planes fly over the farm. This thing hummed and they say it was as though the noise could be felt more than heard. I have since spoken to another person closely involved with the farm and been told that unlit helicopters have been known to sweep the farm and surrounding fields at night. She went on to say that the helicopters have even been hovering so low in the sky that they have at times felt as though they were being watched inside the rooms. The helicopters so low and close to the farm house is strange in itself, however those who saw the triangle of lights in may on the farm say they are 100% certain that it was not a plane or a helicopter. Which leaves us asking ....?
My own gut feeling is that they could have seen a helicopter that just strayed a little too close for comfort. However i was not there to witness the UFO so must accept the account of what was seen.
Three orange spheres seen springdale farm Rudston 26.3.205
At 1.30 am Thursday morning. A young couple up in the early hours were treated to a rare sight in the skies above the small village of Rudston . Jessica aged 19 found herself gazing out at the night sky hoping to catch a glimpse of the moon which she had heard was going to be the biggest for 25 years. Jessica was surprised when she saw more than the moon. The night was rather cloudy but below the cloud she could clearly see 3 orange lights in the shape of a triangle. Unsure what to make of them she asked her partner Nick aged 20 to come over and have a look. They both say they watched the lights for about 15 minuets, adding that they seemed to turn and move from side to side. They also told me that they blinked on and off from time to time. No sound could be heard but they say that the objects looked to be about a quarter of a mile away. There estimation was that they were some where above the main road that leads into Rudston village. They say that the objects were not bright but were clearly alight below the clouds.
I have traveled along that road and down to the farm from where the sighting took place. The Rudston road is unlit until you reach the village itself which is about three quarters of a mile away from the farm. At 1.30 in the morning nothing is bright in that area except the lights from Spring Dale farm itself and that was around three quarters of a mile away from the location of the three orange spheres. Jessica and Nick have no idea what to make of the unusual lights they saw that morning but are sure that what ever they saw was not a plane or anything else that they knew of that would give a reasonable explanation.
Couple see early morning ufo june 12/205
Here's a report given to me first hand Friday 18/6/2005 from a married couple living in bridlington who saw an object early sunday morning from the front garden of there own home. It was mick's wife Lynn who first saw the white cylinder shaped object below clouds facing west. The sky was very gray and very over cast and that's why it caught her attention. She said she shouted for her husband mick to come and take a look as some thing about it did not seem right. Mick studied the UFO for a few moments trying to determine weather it was a plain or some other easily recognizable thing. He says it was quite large and a sort of metallic white and very bright against the gray sky. It moved slowly to the left for a short time and then appeared to stop. They then say it began to move backwards following a very similar line of travel. I did ask them if there was any wind that morning assuming it could have been the effect of the object t traveling below clouds that were moving in the opposite direction. Mick assured me the sky was overcast and plain gray but not windy. The final part of there sighting is what i find most interesting. After traveling in the opposite direction for a short time it then appeared to tilt onto a 45% angle and shot up into the clouds and disappeared. I have tried to relate the sighting as accurately as possible using mick's own words, as told to me. The couple are both around 40 years of age, both hold down good responsible jobs and are in my opinion very genuine witnesses to the sighting which lasted no longer than 5 minuets, time approx 7.30 am .
Object in above picture remained still in sky for several hours.
Here's another report from the same day as the one above. Young mum Gemma Porter told me what she saw whilst sat looking out of the top floor window of the town center flat she shares with her partner and their 11month old baby girl. She says she noticed a white object high in the early morning sky that didn't seem to fit. As she sipped coffee she glanced from time to time at the sky puzzeld as to what it was. Gemma said it was oblong in shape and was just hanging in the sky. She says it was very high up and not that easy to see at first glance but once she focused her eyes on it the outline was unmistakable. The sighting lasted no more than a few minutes and gemma is unable to say for sure what it was she saw. She did not see it fly away, one moment it was there the next gone.
The above photos were taken from a frame of film i shot of an ilf from a place called Woldgate in East Yorkshire 11/11/2004. What the pictures actually show is a ball of brilliant white light that came in from a great height and then leveled off about 80feet above the street lights of the Carnaby industrial estate. It then moved slowly away in a northerly direction, the whole sighting lasted about 5 minuets. I first saw the object a few months before that whilst sat with my wife in the car looking over east yorkshire. We had an hour to kill before going to pick up our daughter . The sun was low in the sky, time 7pm approx. To the right of us i became aware of a gold egg shaped object quite low in the sky above some power lines, it was strange because the sky was quite clear yet the object seemed fuzzy. We both watched it for a few seconds, unsure what to make of it [as is the case with most UFO sightings they are so beyond our grasp or comprehension] and then it suddenly disappeared then reappeared to the right of us. To be honest we never even saw it move, it was so fast. As usual i had my cameras with me but for some reason i cannot explain i could not see the object in the viewfinder even though i could clearly see it with the naked eye. Moments later the object vanished.
I believe this ufo is very similar to the one i saw and filmed over Lansdown road in bridlington on july 22 2003. There were 5 other witnesses to this particular sighting that lasted around 15 minuets. The footage was considered so good that it was show on calendar TV over a three day period. The film shows a bright silver sphere coming in from quite high and then leveling off, as it slowly moves above the roof tops it appears to slow down and almost stop then suddenly become much brighter. We filmed the sphere until it vanished behind the roof tops. I hurried to the top floor of the house hoping to get a better view of the sphere as it flew into the distance. I continued to film all the while hoping the object would come back into view between the houses. After around 10 minuets i switched off the camcorder satisfied that i had seen the best the that sighting. A few days later i put the film onto a VHS cassette and watched it on the tv. The object looked great on film and the camera man from Calendar tv also commented that it was the most convincing footage of a UFO he had ever seen. However what i did not see when filming from the up stairs window of my house was the sphere zoom back across the sky in the opposite direction. As i say, i did not see it. But my camera did.
In March of this year 2005 i spent the day with a camera man and two reporters from calendar tv who were keen to see what i had captured on film and to visit the location. Woldgate. We did quite a bit of filming during the afternoon and spent quite a bit of time at the locations of the sightings. I gave the tv company various clips of footage to use on the show which they gladly accepted. Over the next few days the short 10 minuet film was shown on tv and judging by the feed back i have received, i would say it was a successes. ILF have now been approached by two other tv companies with the suggestions of making a documentary. If time allows i will follow up all such leads and post any new information on the web site.
Blue star over North Bay Bridlington November 2004
Here is a report given to me by a young man aged 23 from Bridlington. Luke spencer was fishing off the North pier in November of last year when he noticed an odd blue light in the sky. It sat amongst the other stars [that's how luke described it to me] He says the object was about the size of the brightest star in the sky that night but it was a very bright blue color. Luke was alone at the time of the sighting but kept his eyes fixed on it for over an hour. The time was around 10pm that he first noticed it. Luke is sure that the object was not a star. He said that in the short time it took him to reel in his line and rebate the hook the blue light had simply disappeared. Luke fished off the North bay most of the week that followed but saw nothing that resembled the blue star.
Christmas UFO Beeford December 23/12/2003
Here is a first hand sighting given to me by a man coming back from a per christmas shopping trip with his girlfriend.
Scott Cozier then aged 38 and his girl friend christine colley saw in the distance a very bright light, quite low in the sky. It was a very long way off but still easy to see as it was so bright. They continued along the unlit road until they passed though the small village of Beeford in east yorkshire. The light was with them all the time continuing to grow in size as they got ever closer. They both assumed it was a new mast or something similar that had been erected. Although they could not remember passing anything like that on the way to Hull.
Once out of the village they were on unlit roads again and within 5 minuets they were almost at the location of the light. Now they could see clearly that what ever it was, was in fact three lights of equal size about 50 feet above the main road. Scott says other cars from the opposite direction had slowed to an almost stop and that drivers and passengers were leaning out of there windows to try and see what it was. When Scott's car finally passed blow the object they stopped and he leaned out of the window to get a better view. He says the road was floodlit and that the object, what ever it was made sort of humming sound. He could not see anything other than three balls of light too in front and one behind. He also states that it was totally motionless. As the car moved forwards Scott and his girlfriend continued to watch the lights and could still see them from an estimated distance of around 3 miles away.
I did suggest to Scott that the object could have been an helicopter hovering. He insisted that it was not anything like that.
Its not my job to tell others what they have or have not seen. I can only report sightings as they are told to me. I know Scott quite well and belive what he has told me to be a true account of what he saw with christine. Just what he saw is a harder question to answer.
Bridlington Club Steward
sees ILF above him On the North beach
November 1992
Here is another first hand account told to me bye a local well respected publican [without the aid of alcohol]
It was on a cold November evening that Ron took his dog to the north beach, a thing he did once of twice a day with out exception. He says the air was cool and the sky was very clear. As usual his little dog ran up and down the beach chasing after the ball. He walked down as far as the expanse Hotel a journey of about 10 to 20 min's depending on what the dog found of interest along the way. Some 5 to 10 minuets into the walk back towards the club he realized that everything seemed to have gone very quite, even the noise of the sea. He looked around puzzled then looked up. There directly above him was a ring of soft lights blue/yellow/green. He studied them for a while trying to decided if the lights belonged to something much larger and sold above them. One moment he thought they did the next he was unsure. The other odd thing was that he could not decided if they were just above him or hundreds of feet above him. They made no sound and he did think they were part of some thing solid one moment then he did the next. Ron was completely lost, as hard as he tried he just could not work it out. He says he actually reached up onto his tip toes and tried to touch the lights. He watched the lights for around 5 minuets and then without a sound they slowly glided away from him and went out to sea. Ron says the object was oval in shape and about 12ft round. The time of the sighting was about 5.15 pm and as far as he knows there were no other witnesses. Ron who is now aged 62 says this odd occurrence lasting at the most 5 minuets is the strangest thing he has ever witnessed.
Strange Experience Scarborough Road 1991
Here's and interesting story told to me bye a guy called Andrew [real name] Andy is now aged 42 and i have know him for about 10years. I would say he is not the kind of man to make up a story, and this one is a little odd in that it dose not fit neatly into any category really. After a night out in Scarborough to see friends Andy set off back to bridlington in the early hours, time 1pm approx.
He came over a small hill on the way down into the little sea side town of Bridlington, to his right was a road sign posted Grindel and to the left a bank of long sloping fields used for growing crops. At the end of these fields is a run down row of sheds [still there to this day] they are used for housing the beach donkeys during the winter months. It was a very clear night full of stars and totally devoid of any other cars except his old Vaxhall. Suddenly to the left of him a section of the field lit up like a football pitch [his words not mine] He stopped the car and jumped out to look. He could not be live it, it was large triangle shaped area of intense white light. Andy looked around and up into the sky for clues as to what it could be, but he could not see or hear anything. For some reason he then felt frightened and had a feeling he was being watched. Andy wasted no time getting back into the car. Seconds later Andy was hurriedly putting the car into gear and driving towards town and relative safety. He did look back at the field and it was still lit up in the shape of a triangle.
Rudston/Langtoft 1979
Here's an older report from 1979 of a man and his wife traveling home through Rudston East yorkshire to a small village called Langtoft about 4 miles away. I have the mans full name and address and spoke to him at length about the encounter. For this report we will call him Steve.
As Steve and his wife passed through the village of Rudston in the early hours of a saturday morning they became aware of a single white light behind them. At first it only puzzled them because of its brightness and position, and that it seemed to be keeping pace with the car. It appeared to be just higher than the road. Puzzlement soon turned to fear as they both realized that the light was now so close to the back of there car that its inside was lit up.
As car approached the turn off that would take them home to the village of langtoft they both sighed thinking the ordeal was over. For a few minutes at least the light seemed to have gone, then fast as it left them, it was on there tail again. The frightened pair pushed the car to its limit along the narrow unlit road. Bringing the car to a sudden halt out side there home. Wasting no time getting into the house the pair of them ran upstairs to the bedroom window, amazed to see the object hung in the night sky. Steve told me that the object was quite large, about 25ft round and that it made a sound like a sort of humming and that it was as though they could almost feel it hum. They said that a large area of land below the object was lit with a brilliant white light and it is known for sure that more people in the village saw the UFO, however it was only bye chance that i managed stumbled across this story and all attempts to find out more have drawn a blank.
Blue UFO over bridlington Harbor 1979
Here's a ufo report that i had to think about a few times before putting it on to the site. The reason being, its funny in some ways but its also a very true and genuine sighting. Peter Barr still lives in bridlington and told me this story several years ago. Even now if asked about his ufo sighting peters account never changes and still brings a smile.
Pete says he saw the object in the summer of 1979 whilst walking along the harbor in bridlington on his way out to the pub. He says he was smartly dressed in a crombie good quality trousers and suede boots. On route to the pub peter was sidetracked by a friend stood in an old rowing boat who shouted him over. Pete went to the side of the harbor and listened as his friend explained how he wanted him to help. The plan was to row across the harbor to a large fishing boat moored at the other side. His friend explained that his push bike was some where on the boat. Pete agreed and a short time there after they set off across the harbor to the fishing boat. Half way across the water there small rowing boat now had 4 inches of sea water in it.
A short time later Pete, his mate and an old bike were setting off back across the water in a leaking boat. His suede boots now soaked though.
Back in 1979 bridlington Harbor had a bridge over it for pedestrians. It was on the bridge that Pete noticed a small crowd of people gathered looking up into the sky. He says the time would have been about 7.00pm although he could not be certain. They stopped rowing a few moments to see what was so interesting. It was a warm summer evening and there in the sky for all to see was a blue glowing oblong shaped Ufo. He says it was metallic in colour and seemed to be pulsing. It never moved for a few minuets and they got a very good look at it. He says he had never seen anything like it in his life before. It was quite low in the sky and pete thinks about the size of a small plane. Peter added that in less than a few seconds it shot away at a steep angle and vanished. He recalls that this particular UFO sight made the local papers although up to this point i have not been able to locate the story.
Glowing green ufo 1980s
Tim Ward was about14 years of age when he and 4 school friends saw a green oblong shaped ufo traveling slowly through the sky at Kings Gate bridlington. He recalls the sighting he and his school mates had vividly. Saying that for some unexplained reason they all felt very very frightened. Saying how the object seemed to be traveling towards them. Tim says he and the other boys decided to make a run for it. He is adamant that the ufo was following them, saying how they could still see it clearly when they finally reached home. Tim has no idea why they all felt so frightened, he says the ufo was silent and light green in colour.
This is not the first time i have had reports of green UFOs from around that period of time. I have another from a man now in his late 50s called Phil Morris. Phil told me that one evening whilst walking home from work that he saw a green oblong UFO in the area of West Hill, for those not familiar with bridlington west hill is very close to the hospital which is shown on most local maps of the area. His sighting was quite amazing as Phil went on to tell me and a room full of others how the ufo slowly traveled parallel with a street at about the height of a double decker bus. He says it was totally silent and very slow moving. Phil was walking across an open field at the time towards his home on west hill. He says he just stood in amassment as the object moved away from the houses and continued on across the field passing him as it did so. I belive there is more to phil's story, however this small amount of information i gleaned had to be pried from him. We were all talking about other things whilst having a lunch break, when out of the blue this subject, for some reason [not my suggestion] came up. I do not make a habit of taking my interest in this subject to work. Me and phil worked together for quite a while and i have tried to speak with him since about it but refuses to say anything more.