"Pssss, Maximus, do you want to have a threesome with me and my sister later?"



This guy has a serious foot fetish!



Dirt collecting may be considered unorthodox but this man's
passion for it proves the old adage "One man's junk is another man's treasure."



Commodus thinks to himself: "I'm already banging my sister, why not my nephew as well?"



Martha Stewart's Special: Cooking with the Queen.
Required Utensisls: A glass tube, tongs, and a bunson burner.
Ingredients the Recipe Calls for: baking soda, water, and pure cocaine.



"Hey man, at least leave a dollar if you are going to be grabbing my ass."



In the last picture he was slapping some guy's ass. Now he's playing noogy-noogy nuts with another man's genitalia.

We have incenst, foot fetishes with dead bodies, dirt collecting, orgies, substance abuse, hot man-sex, ---what the fuck kind of movie is this???



Horses are useful creatures but they can be messy when they have diarrhea!



Childrens Songs with Commudus:

"The itsy bitsy spider went up his sister's dress..."



With his unusual figthing style, our hero purposefully stabs the thin-air between
this man's body and his arm while his tricky opponent pretends to die.


Spoofs Created by Vincent Sapone

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