Mutual Titles of Jesus and Jehove.
Mcdowell, NETDAV, 148
Jehovah is the creator. Is 40:28
Jesus is the creator. John 1:3
Jehovah is the savior. Is 45:22;43:11
Jesus is the savior. John 4:42
Jehovah = raise dead. Sam 2:6
Jesus = raise dead. John 5:21
Jehovah = judge. Joel 3:12
Jesus = judge. John 5:27, Matt 25:31-46
Jehovah = light. Isaiah 60:19.20
Jesus = light. John 8:12
Jehovah = I am. Exodus 3:14
Jesus = I am. John 8:58, 18:5,6
Jehovah = shepard. Psalm 23:1
Jesus = shepard. John 10:11
Jehovah, glory of God. Isaiah 42:8, 48:11
Jesus, glory of God. John 17:1
Jehovah = first and last. Isaiah 41:4; 44:6
Jesus = first and last. Rev 1:17; 2:8
Jehovah = redeemer. Hosea 13:14
Jesus = redeemer. Rev 5:9
Jehovah = bridegroom. Isaiah 62:5; Hosea 2:16
Jesus = bridegroom. Rev 21:2, Matt 25:1
Jehovah = rock. Psalm 18:2
Jesus = rock. Cor 10:4
Jehovah = forgiver of sins. Jer 31:34
Jesus = forgiver of sins. Mark 2:7,10
Jehovah = worshipped by angels. Psalm 148:2
Jesus = worshipped by angels. Hebrews 1:6
Jehovah = addresses in prayer. All throughout the
Old Testament.
Jesus = addressed in prayer. Acts 7:59
Jehovah = creator of angels. Psalm 148:5
Jesus = creator of angels. Col 1:16
Jehovah = confessed as Lord. Isaiah 45:23
Jesus = confessed as Lord. Phil 2:11