Counter The Merchant's Friend Beta v.11 (Updated 2004-04-04)

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The Merchant's Friend is a simple little utility used to make the lives of merchants much easier by processing e-mail saved to your hard drive through the in-game command /mailsave into informative metrics, customer lists, and customer ratings. 

The main features are:

  • Quick and Easy view of all live or archived sales.
  • Customer rating system to show you your best customers.
  • Metrics that include: Number of items sold, number of unique customers, number of items sold on specific days, number of items sold per vendor and much, much more.
  • The ability to create customer lists based upon the current data stored, or lists by customer rating.
  • Partner files that allow you to calculate how many credits you owe partners in the blink of an eye.
  • The ability to archive your e-mails by year, and to pull up those archives quickly and easily.
  • Export your data into CSV (readable by Excel) or tab-delimited format.
  • Filter your data based upon any column, and have all of the metrics, customer lists and partner calculations reset to that filter.
  • And much, much more.

The Merchant's Friend is hugware, and available to anyone.

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