B a l k a n   L i n k s
Illyria " Land of the Lyra "
Analysis : Blood Types  /  Analiza : Krvne Grupe
World Distribution of O,A,B,AB 
blood types by groups of people

All numbers are % of 100% of that people

The charts are based on the figures of
L. Beckman, A Contribution to the
Physical Anthropology and Population
Genetics of Sweden; Lund, Sweden, 1959.

    O / A / B / AB
Albanians   38 / 43 / 13 /  6
Greeks       40 / 42 / 14 /  5
Romanians  34 / 41 / 19 /  6
Serbians     38 / 42 / 16 /  5
Bulgarians   32 / 44 / 15 /  8
Turks         43 / 34 / 18 /  6
Hungarians  36 / 43 / 16 /  5     
Gypsies in
Hungaryt    29 / 27 / 35 / 10


              O / A / B / AB 
Basques  51 / 44 / 4 / 1
French   43 / 47 / 7 / 3
-Milano  46 / 41 / 11 / 3
Sardinia 50 / 26 / 19 / 5
Spanish 38 / 47 / 10 / 5
Portugal 35 / 53 / 8 /  4


             O / A / B / AB

Danish  41 / 44 / 11 / 4
Swedish 38 / 47 / 10 / 5
Norvegians 39 / 50 / 8 / 4  
Islandians 56 / 32 / 10 / 3
Finnish  34 / 41 / 18 /  7

          29 / 63 / 4 / 4


              O / A / B / AB
Lithuanians  40 /34 /20 /6
Latvians  32 / 37 / 24 / 7
Estonians 34 / 36 / 23 / 8


                O / A / B / AB

Austrians 36 / 44 / 13 / 6
French  43 / 47 / 7 / 3
Belgians  47 / 42 / 8 / 3
Dutch  45 / 43 / 9 / 3
English 47 / 42 / 9 / 3
Scotts 51 / 34 / 12 / 3
Irish  52 / 35 / 10 / 3 
Swiss 40 / 49 / 8 / 3

USA-Eur.'s 45/41/10/ 4


            O / A / B / AB

Polish  33 / 39 / 20 / 9
Czechs 30 / 44 / 13 / 5
Slovaks 42 / 37 / 16 / 5


          O / A / B / AB

Russians  33 / 36 / 23 / 8
Ukrainians 37 / 40 / 18 / 6                   

O / A / B / AB

Chuvash  30 / 29 / 33 / 7
Tatars   28 / 30 / 29 / 13

O / A / B / AB

Georgians 45 / 37 / 12 / 4
Armenians 31 / 49 / 14 / 6

  O / A / B / AB

Jews-Germany  42 / 41 / 12 / 5 
Jews- Poland  33 / 41 / 18 /  8

O / A / B / AB

Iranians   38 / 33 / 22 /  7                       

  O / A / B / AB

Arabs 34 / 31 / 29 / 6
Egyptians 33 / 36 / 24 / 8

O- A- B- AB

Ethiopians 43 / 27 / 25 / 5

O / A / B / AB

Ainu-Japan  17 / 32 / 32 / 18
Chinese-Peking 29 / 27 / 32 / 13
Chinese-Canton 46 / 23 / 25 / 6
Phillipinos  45 / 22 / 27 / 6
Koreans  28 / 32 / 31 / 10
Thais 37 / 22 / 33 / 8

O / A / B / AB

Hindus-Bombay 32 / 29 / 28 / 11
Gypsies-Hungary 29 / 27 / 35 / 10 

O / A / B / AB

Eskimos-Alaska 38 / 44 / 13 / 5         
Eskimos-Greenland  54 / 39 / 5 / 2
Blackfoot 17 / 82 / 0 / 1
Peru Indians  100 / 0 / 0 / 0
Navajo 73 / 27 / 0 / 0
Mayas  98 / 1 / 1 /  1

The World Distribution of Human ABO Blood Types by Peoples
Dinarci ( u poredjivanju sa drugima )
Dinarics ( in comparison to others )

Iz zavoda za transfuziju krvi u Beogradu ( bazirano na podacima uzetih od preko 200.000 davalaca krvi ).

From the department of blood transfusion in Belgrade ( based on the samples taken from over 200.000 blood doners )

Evo razlike izmedju prosjecne distribucije krvnih grupa u  Srbiji i njihove distribucije kod prezimena dinarskog porijekla (Hercegovina, Crna Gora):

Here is the difference between average blood type's distribution in Serbia and among last names of Dinaric mountain region  (ex. Hercegovina, Montenegro ) .

O  A  B  AB

Dinarski tip:               60%      35%      5%      5%
Dinaric Type

Ukupno za Srbiju:       38%      42%     16%      5%

Total for Serbia

                               63.3%   83.3% 31.25%  100%

Totalna Slicnost       

Total Simularity


Rang Lista Slicnosti

List based on Simularity

1)Georgians 72.8%
2)Greeks     71.4%
3)Sardinia    70.98%
4)Turks       69.9%  
5)Serbia       69.46%
6)Baski        66.13%
7)Ukrainians 65%
8)Iranians    62.9%
9)Russians   59%
0)Polish       56.3%
1)Tatars       47%
Svi Srbijanci
All Serbians

Slicnost izmedju ( svih ) Srbijanaca i ostalih u procentima ( dolje je primjer kako sam dosao do slicnosti u procentima )

Simularity between ( all ) Serbians and others in percentage terms ( bellow is the exsample of how did I came to the results ).

                                O                 A             B           AB

Srbi  (Serbs)
       38              42           16           5
Grci   (Greeks) 
  40               42           14           5
                               95%         100%      87.5%    100%
Totalna slicnost

Total simulatity  
   95+100+87.5+100=383.5 / 4 = 95.625%    


1)   Sa Madjarima (
With Hungarians )---98.1025%
2)   Sa Grcima-(
With Greeks )--95.625%    
3)   Sa Slovacima--------------------94.645%
4)   Sa Ukrajincima------------------91.2%
5)   Sa  Albancima-------------------90.5625%
6)   Sa Chesima-(
With Czechs )---88.9125%
7)   Sa Austrijancima----------------88.6825%
8)   Sa  Rumunima----------------- 88.655%
9)   Sa Turcima-----------------------85.3825%
10) Sa Jermenima-(
With Armenians )--84.53%
11) Sa  Bugarima--------------------83.9775%
12) Sa Gruzima-(
With Georgians )-----81.885%
13) Sa Irancima-----------------------80.6075%
14) Sa Poljacima-(
With Polish )---78.81% 
15) Sa Norvezanima-(
Norwegians )--77.86%
16) Sa Italijanima( Milano )-------77.24%  
17) Sa Rusima------------------------76.18%
18) Sa Arapima-----------------------75.445%
19) Sa Swiss---------------------------72.6775%
20) Sa Tatarima-----------------------59.685%
21) Sa Ciganima u Madjarsku--------------
with Gypsies in Hungary )----------59.075%

Rang Lista Slicnosti

List based on Simularity

Srbi         95.625%
Madjari     93.79%
Albanci    92.215%
Spanci     88.9475%
Turci        83.75%
Bugari      82.82% 
( Milano )  80.7875%

Rang lista slicnosti

Iran                        88.24% 
Grci                       83.75%
Arapi                      83.08%
Gruzi                      80.19%
Jermeni                  79.81%
Tatari                      65.4%

Rang Lista

Srbi             98.1025%
Grci             93.79%
Slovaci        92.94%
Austrijanci   90.58%
Poljaci         79.48%
Tatari           60.295%

Rang Lista

Rusi                       92.0375%
Estonci                  91.305%
Finci                      89.99%
Latvijanci               88.235%
Ukrajinci                85.84%
Litvanci                  84.09%
Slovaci                  77.2475%
Chesi                     75.025%
Tatari                     74.99%

Rang Lista

Latvijanci              89.84%
Estonci                88.39%
Rusi                    87.655%
Svedjani              75.92%
Tatari                  67.8575%
Serb  Land of  Montenegro
Srpska Zemlja Crna Gora
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