The Woodland Trail: Marker 5

A Riparian Environment

Big Bear Lake, California

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful,
for beauty is God's handwriting -- a wayside sacrament.
Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every flower,
and thank God for it as a cup of blessing.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Riparian:  relating to or living or located on the bank of a natural watercourse, as a river, stream, creek, lake or tidewater. 

DH and dogs nimbly cross the sun-dappled seasonal creek. 

Water from rain and snow soaks into the loose and porous forest soil and resurfaces into these areas where the granite and limestone formations come together to form creek beds like this one. This is Nature's wisdom at work, as rapidly running water would erode the slopes, carrying valuable topsoil into the lake.  

Willows along streams are indicators of a wet (riparian) habitat. The willows bordering this creek are juxtaposed against the tumble of rocks, creating pleasing nature-made arrangements.  

Riparian environments are popular with the wildlife.  80 -90% of the wildlife in the area gather in these water- and plantlife-rich areas. Willows, in particular, provide a popular treat for the Blacktail Deer (photo), which also use its foliage for protection during spring fawning.  In the fall, the willow foliage turns brilliant yellow.

Willows (Salix alba) are a member of the Salix family. Willows have been used for centuries for pain relief and reduction of fever. Making tea from willow bark is a traditional headache cure. The leaves can be chewed, and contain salicylic acid. This compound has been synthesized into acetylsalicylic acid, otherwise known as aspirin.

"Synchronicity is a Godcidence...
a coincidence with God as the originator. 
When we see the will of God & live with it, 
we experience life's truth from the Grand Flow Master."

Synchronicity at work!  I just heard on the news today that taking aspirin may help prevent colon, esophageal and stomach cancers.

"Aspirin taken daily reduces not only the incidence of both colon polyps and colon cancer but of cancer of the stomach and esophagus as well. It is felt that one coated adult aspirin ( 325 mg ) daily is adequate for the purpose of preventing colon cancer. Aspirin interferes in prostaglandin metabolism and this seems to be the mechanism for it preventing cancer as well as cardiovascular disease. It must be remembered that aspirin can cause GI upset, ulcers and bleeding among other things."  Source 

I wish I had known about aspirin's preventative qualities for my father, who succumbed to colon cancer.  But it's not too late for the rest of us and I am not one to take synchronistic events lightly, so I've passing on this blurb on to you.  Ya never know!

I cure my headaches by spending quality time 
in Big Bear Valley with my family.  

There is a privacy about winter which no other season gives you.  Only in the winter can you have the longer and quiet stretches to savor the appeal of sunshine and wide open spaces; sweet little stream beds, cloudless, vast blue skies, and the stately pines.

There's something magical, therapeutic, and precious about this mountain.  I'm thankful for these spaces and pray that they can be preserved to benefit all who make the effort to seek them.

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Big Bear Lake

September Morn © 2002