
one of my first dolls! *sniff sniff*? one of my first ones too,, aawww shes kinda cute? made with the first base i made, unfortunately i lost this base when my computer crashed@* made in mspaint! she was a pain in the butt!, but i like her@ trying out one of xandoras tutorials~
aawww shes adorable* YUUUUUUUUCKK the mother of the YUCKYNESSS, look at that hair!!a arrrgg!!* trying out another tut, man the gif format totaly destroyed her, shes uuglyyyyy(base from Beach Ratz)* aww she looks so innocent& yeaaaaah baby! shes sexy i like how she came out!:D% base by Pinkland, lol thats
Base Credits:
%base byMisuya
&base byAngy Chan
@base byMe
~base bySilly Janine
#base byXandorra
*base byJosie
@*base made by me but since my computer crashed, it got lost:(
? dont know where the base is from, if u know contact me