
what? you reallly wanna know stuff bout me! well now thats a big surprice!?lol enywayz this is the part were i shall tell you a bit more bout me

name: Vivi, yea thats right thats part of my name

age:17 my birthday is july 31

doing dolls since: i saw them on Neopets last year

what program do i use to make them: well now i change, i managed to get a copy of PSP and now i love it, but still i always use ms paint to make the outlines and stuff, i find it easier there.

who are u fan of: jeje well as my fanatic dolls can say im an Elijah Wood fan woooooooooo he is like one of

the best actors around, Brendan Fraser he's a cute funny guy too. oh and u ask what the heck

is Pulgi, well shes my dog, ok it sounds stupid but i love her and so i made a doll in her honor,

my first website was about her! here it is! its in Spanish but at least u can see a photo of her

u can find there a link to the site i made in honor of Brendan Fraser.

were am i from: Puerto Rico

Movies: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Mummy, Spiderman

I like playing videogames too! my fav ones are(well actually this are the ones i own) Kingdom Hearts, FFX, FFVII,FFVIII, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and LotR the two towers:D these are really cool u must play them!:D

Now these are a few of the tests ive taken


What's your FOTR slash pairing?

I'm Elijah Wood!

I am Elijah Wood, a tiny wee child star with soulful eyes and high cheekbones. I am the only person in the world who can pass off a good English accent. I much enjoy working with dogs and Dick, but the less we discuss that, the better. I've broken into Hollywood with a pick-axe and everyone thinks I'm great. IN YOUR FACE, CULKIN!

Click here to find out which actor you are!

I'm Frodo Baggins!

I am Frodo Baggins the Hobbit. I am very hobbity and carry Mr. T style jewelery on a chain around my neck, or in my pocket. I am not sad enough to wear it all the time.

Click here to find out which character you are!

Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like?

brought to you by Quizilla You are vivi
You are very shy, yet very powerful. You care about others a lot too. You are a real sweetheart. ^_^ take this quiz!
What Race are You in Middle Earth?
What Race Are You in Middle Earth?

Idle Profession Quiz Results - Final Fantasy video game heroine
My profession is Final Fantasy video game heroine!
My name is Vivi. I am an obsessive magic clan survivor, with blue hair and yellow eyes.
My goals in life are to steal the whole world and save the man that I love.
My love interest is an entertainingly heroic hobbit with lusciously long hair who is related to the game's villain.

Take the idle profession quiz yourself!

Which Final Fantasy VIII Guy are You Compatible With?

brought to you by Quizilla
Lulu - You are very mysterious but you are open to
many things and you cherish your friends.

What Final Fantasy X Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Which Trigun Character are You like?
Takes other quizzes at Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...

How evil are you?