Hi, my name is Tiara Jayne Andersson

I was born on November 17, 2000 to two wonderful mums.  Julia (mummy)  and Therese (mum).  I think life is just grand.  I play and make a mess and get waited on hand and foot.  I
Love Bob the Builder (I went to his concert on July 14, 2002) and the Australian Children's pop group called HI 5

I also have four terrific grandparents....... Nan and Pop in Sale (mummy #1's mum and step dad) and my two adopted grandparents, Grandma and Poppy Neville... I love them all heaps and they love me and spoil me rotten...... but then, who could resist loving a gorgeous little girl like me?

I think I'll be a furniture removalist when I grow up - I'm forever rearranging the house
Tiara at her first disco
Me & Santa in 2001
Is this a hat mum?
Geez, all this dancing to HI 5 is exhausting!!