"The Lucy Show"Debuted on October 1,1962 on CBS Left Prime Time on September 16, 1968 156 episodes,30 minutes each
Cast Lucy Carmichael: Lucille Ball Vivian Bagley: Vivian Vance Chris Carmichael:(Lucy's daughter) Candy Moore Jerry Carmichael:(Lucy's son) Jimmy Garrett Sherman Bagley: (Viv's son) Ralph Hart Mr Barnsdahl: (Danfield Bank president;1962-63)Charles Lane Harry Conners: (Lucy's neighbor)Dick Martin Theodore J. Mooney: (Danfield Bank president;1962-63)Gale Gordon Mary Jane Lewis: (Lucy's friend in California)Mary Jane Croft
The Story Lucy Carmichael was a widowed mother of two children, Chris and Jerry. They share their Danfield, Conneciticut home with Vivian Bagley, a divorced mother of a son, Sherman. Together Lucy and Viv come up with some wild ideas to make or save money. They attempt to install a shower, put a TV antenna up to name a few. They also come up with ways to improve themselves. They become volunteer firefighters, take Judo lessons, play softball and go to college. When Viv find's MR. Right the show takes a new direction as well. With Viv married and Chris at college Lucy decides to move to California where Jerry is in military school. She moved into her California apartment at 780 N. Gower Street she decides to pay a visit to the Westfield Bank.She is informed by the bank president, Harrison Cheever that her account will be overseen by the new Vice president, Theodore J. Mooney! It dosen't take long for Lucy to land a job as Mr. Mooney's secretary and the fun begins.
Interesting Tidbits Lucy's address in Connecticut address was 132 Post Road, Danfield. Lucie Aenaz makes her debute in episode 23, "Lucy is a Soda Jerk". She appears again in episode 27, "Lucy is a Chaperone". The Lucy Show was based on the book "Life Without George" by Irene Kampen.
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