My Travels
I had a goal of living on at least four different continents before I turn 30.  So far, by the time I was 22 I had lived on 3: Europe, Asia, and of course, North America.  I plan on visiting six continents long before I'm too old to enjoy being there.  I am working my way around the world and my next country will probably be France and then a trip to live in Africa before I settle down for a little while.  So far, I have visited 7 countries and 11 states.  It's not much, but it's a start.  You can read about some of the places that I've visited and lived in and see my pictures.

Cebu, Philippines

Kenting, Taiwan

Taipei, Taiwan

Taiwan Tour 2002-The Typhoon Tour from Hell (Hualien, Taroko Gorge, Taitung, and Kenting before I gave up and went home)

Pangkor Island, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


London, England UK

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tours, France - Spring 19

France, Switzerland, and Italy tour - 1996

Paris, France

Nice, France

Zurich, Switzerland

North America

Middletown, Ohio

San Francisco, California

New York City, New York

Corpus Christi, Texas

Chicago, Illinois

White River, Michigan

Ysilanti, Michigan

Indianapolis, Indiana

Bowling Green, Kentucky

Newark, New Jersey

Cleveland, Ohio

Atlanta, Georgia

Fort Bening, Georgia

Orlando, Florida
Pack your bags and go back home