A great FA'AFETAI TELE (THANK YOU) to Mr. Terry Skaggs for contributing pictures from their previous visit to Manu'a. They've added so much to this site.
Select the Skaggs collection to view some very nice pictures from Manu'a.
NEW. Thanks to Terry for providing the pictures of the village of Sili from his recent trip. Check out his pictures. Thank you Terry.
Another friend contributed some pictures, that she took on a 1993 trip to Manu'a, for this site. Chick here to see her pictures. Thank you Foua!
Another friend has contributed some pictures. Check out her picutes. Click here Thank you, Deborah!
Ms. Manu'a Porotesano contributed some pictures from her Manua'a
trip to attend their dad's funeral. Click here to see her pictures.
The Nafanua Video & Still Photo documents events in Independent and American Samoa. The photo gallery contains pictures of special events in Independent and American Samoa.
PLEASE HELP ME BUILD THIS SITE by contributing your pictures of Manu'a.
Contact me: imanua@yahoo.com
Thank you!
Please help me build
this web site!