How It Happened
Chapter One

By Jade Solitaire

Author: heeeeello!

*chicken falls out of the plot hole*

Author:*shove the chicken back into the plot hole to block it back up.* ignore that. For those who are wondeirng how my 'friends' get into these fanfic's this is a story on how I get my little snapshots and sketches of them etc, etc. so here it goes.

Duo: RUN!!! WUN WHILE YOU CAN !!! RUUUUU---ack! eeeeyah!

*kicks duo out of a window that came seemingly from no where.*

AUthor: ignore him too if you please.

Duo:*hanging onto the window.* help!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jade one morning graced the kitchen with her presence banging the door open notepad and pencil in hand.

Heero sat atop the fridge with his laptop racing Nene to see who can hack into the pentagon fastest. Selphie was laughing so hard at Gourry milk and cereal was pouring out of her nostrils. Gourry had a spoon stuck in his ear and a rice bowl in his throat and was red blue purple and basically every colour under the sun was gracing his face as he banged his fists on the table choking on the bowl. Squall was being his normal anit social loverboy self sitting in the corner nibbling at his toast whilst glancing over at Rinoa who everyone had stuffed in the freezer with the transperant door. And Zell had locked it adn thrown away the key(again.) And Relena was stuff in a little rat cage with chester trying to squeeze through the bars in an invain attempt to get away from his new marshmellow haired cage mate. Firia attacking Xelloss with a spoon. Yue sleeping atop the cupboard with Sakura trying to fend off Lina when Sakura said he looked like-

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lina: HEY!!!

Jade: what?!

Lina:*glares with fiery eyes and fangs at Jade*

Jade: Kay! me good me good!*hits the delete button

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yue sleeping atop the cupboard with Sakura trying to fend off Lina after she'd said *S*H*E* looked like Yue only shorter not as cute and with red hair and a really mean attitude.


"Aaahhhh! SHEILD CARD!" Sakura yelped, "YUE! HELP!!!"

Yue mearly rolled over and waved her away.

Sakura:O.O crap!

And with that Sakura ran from the kitchen with Lina hot on her heels.

Laguna wolfed dog hotdogs along with Zell tyring to beat him. Trowa and Quatre and Duo tried to sneak out of the kitchen upon seeing the author.

"Okay who wants to be in a fanfic??" she beamed happily,

Every paused,



Didn't move.

They all stopped their activities and stared at the happy author holding her trusty pencil and notpad.

ZIP! and in the next 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009 miliseconds every one was gone. (minus Rinoa and Relena screaming to get out of their prisons), even Chester manage to get out of his cage whislt the mashmellow head just screamed.


"FUCK UP BITCH!" A muffle voice came up through the floor boards.

Jade whistled in approval, and shook her head folding her arms and smiling.

"They're getting faster." Jade grinned evilly, "BISHONEN HUNT!!!!" She squeeled and shot off where she assumed it was the direction they headed in.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jade:*sits back in her computer chair looking upon her newest fanfic in approval.* Well guys? whaddya think?

Duo: No comment

Trowa: ........


Laguna: ^.^ *thumbs up* I like it!! I didn't get caught in this one ||(.^||

Jade: *glares the GW people* damn you all!

Laguna:*looks hurt* damn me too??

Jade: no Lagunie-chan, the goddam people.

Duo: hey!

Heero: *Glares* Omae O korosu! *slowly advances with fiery eyes*

Duo: yeah like him! *gets into his bat suit witht eh funny cap, and then mimicks heero*

Heero: O.o() @ Duo

Trowa: .........

Jade: *gets idea* AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! OH MY *G*O*D*!*!*!*

GW People: ?! what AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!??

Jade: IT'S RELENA!!!!

GW: *gasp! Shock! Utter terror!!* RUN!!!! *the GW boys stumble trip and fall over each other as they all try to head for the door.*

Jade: heh heh heh *muffles laughter with note book as she watches the GW boy all try get throught eh door all at the same time.*

Topaz: *Teleports in* Hi Jade!

Jade: EEEEKKK!!!!*Jumps up and clings to the ceiling."

Topaz: Sorry couldn't get through the Door with it being only being 40 centimetres and all.

Jade:*glares angrilly* why'd you do that?!

Topaz: like i said i couldn't get through the door! Maybe you should make them wider? IT's your realm after all, why don't you???

Jade: Because it's more interesting that way!

Topaz: *rollz her eyes* If you say so... *teleports out again*

Duo: Ummmmmm, Jade?

Jade: what???

Trowa: We're um....

Heero: so basically we're stuck!

Jade: Not my problem, *waving them off she teleports out of the room, LEaving teh GW boys to their complication.*


Heero: *rolls eyes* it appears that way,

Xelloss: *teleports in.* My, My what do we have here?

Duo: Go away you fruit cake!

Xelloss: ||^.^|| Why is this sugesstive? *rubs chin and looks the boys up and down* It appears you three seem to be stuck in one of the realms many 40cm doorways ^.^

Duo: are you going to stand there all day?! help us!

Xelloss: Why?

Duo: why???

Trowa: .......?

Heero: T.T

Xelloss:*grins pyromaniacly.* why not add your two other friends??? ||^o^|| *beams*

Quatre&Wufei: ????????

Wufei: What am i doing here?! I'm supposed to be worshipping Nataku!

Quater: What happen to the puppies?

gwpilot: *evil Omae O Korosu glare*

Quatre: -_-()

Xelloss: well I really must be going now!*Phases out*

GW:O.O he left us here!!

?????:*comes walking past swaggering* I would.

Duo: You get back here blondie or!!...

Seifer: Or what?


Seifer: well after that i think i'll definetlly leave you here! *swaggers off.*

GW(cept heero): >.< Heero!

Heero: what?! *continues to yell at Seifer swaggering down the hallway*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Will this fic ever be conintued?!

Will teh GW bishy's ever get out of the door way?!

Will any one help them??

Will Seifer get a life?!





@.@ will I ever learn not to volunteer for Narrator??

i..tai....*falls over*

"Serves you right!"*swaggers off in all his bumfluff glory*

Siefer: *glares the evil blondie glare*

End Chapter One