By Jade Solitaire Melissa: Mmmmhmmm? Xelloss: Hmmm ||^.^|| Melissa: RRRMmmmm!!! HMPF! Jade: O.o Hmmm? Kiya: MmmmhmmmMmmm! :D Jasmine: What are you people doing??? Zelgadiss: Mmmhmmhmm*shrugs* Kiya:*twirls on her toes* HmmHmmHmmmmmm?? Xelloss: HmmHmm!!*glomps Kiya* Kiya: Rrrhmmm!! BANG!! Kiya:HmmHmmHmMmMmMm!! Xelloss:*on the floor with a growing lump on his head* Mmmhmm! ||^.^|| Jasmine: I still don't get it... Lina: HmmmHmm Hmmmmm!!! Jasmine: YAAAHHH!! BOOM! CRASH!! SIZZLE!!! Jasmine: What was that for?? Lina:*shrugs* Hmm Hmm Hmmmm*walks off* Jasmine: o.o;;; Something is terribly wrong here... William: Heeeeeeeeeelp!! She's after meee!!!!! Aaaahhhh!!! Melissa: Hmmmhmmmm!! William:*runs behind Jasmine* Hide me! Jasmine:*shoves him away* No way am I gonna get run flat for your safty! William: Please! Jasmine: No! Get offa me! Chris:*from the ground floor* what...are.... they ..doing?? O.o Jasmine: you got me there. Jade:*smacks them across the head and puts her fingers to her lips* Mmmmm! Chris: What does that mean?? Xelloss:*Jumps shadforth sewing it lips together* Hmm mmm! Chris: Mmm mm fmmm!! Message from Author |