Lavitz’s 24th
Birthday spectacular
By: Sam M. // Maori
Disclaimer: I do not own The
Legend of Dragoon(though, owning Lloyd would be nice
XD!)...but Maori*namely, me....same IQ^^;*, Shary, Elwe, *I’m too lazy to list
all of the ones that appear in this fic....* and other characters that aren’t
attributed to anything else are my own original more? ^^....
+++Oh, and I’m sorry, but there may
be *emphasis
on the last two words* with me here.....
part eight: Hitchhikin’
in monkey palace)
[Everyone is standing around
wondering why a bunch of monkeys clobbered Lavitz and Lloyd and how to get them
up to leave.....]
Dart: Well,......what’re
we gonna do?
Maori: sooo......
Shary: Sooo.......
Maori: Hmmm........
Shary: mmm.......
snaps fingers, indicating she’s thought of something...*
Dart: What is it?
Meru: Yah what?
[Maori pokes Lavitz, and Shary
follows to poke Lloyd...]
they’re both oogly shades of black and blue......]
Maori: Well....I’m out of
[Dart falls backwards...]
Meru: what do we do now?
Kongol: Kongol no know.......
Dart: Maybe......maybe we could
carry them back the rest of the way.....
Shary: Are you nutz? How in the
world would we do that.......?
Dart: Well......
Shary: I mean, Lavitz has got
like piles and piles of armor on him and like Lloyd.....Lloyd....oh yeah, he
had too many of those sweet cakes last night when we were planning this.....
Dart: You planned this?....
Maori: Well yah........cept...we
never really thought about the going and getting caught in here with little
rabid monkeys running about the place of course......we’re not that mean......
Shary: we’re pretty close to it
Dart: With Lloyd?
Maori & Shary: Yup
Meru: For what exactly?......
Maori: Well it is Lavitz’s
birthday today....
stares at Maori and Shary blankly for a second...]
Maori: isn’t it?
[Meru, Dart, and Kongol bust out
Shary: What’s so funny?
Dart: Dude!! He so fooled
Maori: Whom?.....
Shary: Whom? *Looks at Maori* Who says whom anymore?
Maori: me......
Shary: Well why in the world-
Maori: All I wanna know is who
they’re talking about!!!!
Shary: And I wanna know who says
whom anymore?!!!! Hmm?!!!!!!
Maori: That has nothing to do
with anything and why would it matter.....?
Shary: Tell me how many people
you know that say whom?
Maori: Now how would i know that?
I don’t pay close enough attention to know whether or not somebody says whom or does it really matter.....
Shary: I don’t know.......just
start using normal words......okay......the good hum.....who....wha....and....and
fugly...and oogly!!!
Maori: Those words don’t
compensate with the words and grammar of the English language........
Shary: So....make up a
language....nobody says you have to speak perfect English or English...dur...
Maori: ....just shut up........
[Shary quiets and glares at
Maori: Now....who *glares back at Shary* were you
talking about earlier?
Dart: You don’t know?
Maori: why would I be
asking you if I knew?......tell me that.....
Dart: Tell you what?.....
Maori: Which one, Lavitz or Lloyd
fooled us?
Dart: You are a true blonde, aren’t
Shary: Dart shut the $%^& up
and $%^&*@# tell
her okay?
Dart: Lloyd....geez...was it that
Maori: What’d he do?
Dart: You don’t know?
[Maori glares at him]
Shary: Our social studies teacher
was right....history does repeat itself.....
[Maori and Shary snicker...]
Maori: Naw, yah think?
Meru: It’s
Lloyd’s birthday today...not Lavitz’s....duh...
Shary & Maori: *very annoyed*
Meru: Yah....
Dart: yup........sure is.....
Maori & Shary: Hmmm.......
Dart: Hmm what?
Kongol: Yes, Kongol want to know
what hmm is about.......please tell Kongol......
Maori: Well, first, we gotta find
a way out of here........*looks around*
Dart: Why don’t you go ask a
Maori: What are you talking
Dart: Just go up to a monkey and
talk to it...
Shary: You.......we don’t know
Dart: Fine.......
[Dart goes up to a random monkey
and does a wacky dance.....]
Dart: ee eee ahhhhh ooooh!!!!
[Maori, Shary, Kongol, and Meru
all do anime falls....]
Maori: //idiot......\\
Shary: What in the world?.....*getting up*
random monkey: *stares for a minute* ooh?
Dart: *nods head* ooh!
[Random monkey nods too, jumps up
on him, and bites him]
Dart: OWWW!!!!!! *clutches
Maori: *shakes head as monkey
wanders off, apparently proud of itself* Dart........
Dart: OWWW!!!! Maori!!!!!!
Shary: *smiles evilly* pick a
different one.......
Dart: What?
Shary: Go pick a different
monkey...maybe it won’t bite you this time..........
Dart: Why?
Shary :You wanna get out of here....don’t you?
Dart: Fine...whatever....
[He goes up to another
monkey.......atleast one that looks like they won’t bite him......]
Dart: *looks at monkey* ee eee
ooh ee ooh ee eee ooh ah, ah.......
random monkey: *blank stare* ee eee ooh ah?
[Dart nods his head and backs
away a bit.....]
Random monkey: *nods too and
looks back at his fellow monkeys.....* ooh! EE! OOH!!! EE!
[A bunch of monkeys come up and
bite Dart...]
Dart: NOOO!! OWW!!!!
[Maori shakes her head and stares
at Shary]
Maori: Why did you drive him to
Shary: Drive him to what? you broke the car, remember?......
Maori: Ha-ha.....
leave after short period of time....]
[Maori manages to grab one of the
monkeys by the arm and pulls him over to the side of the long stampede]
Maori: *speaks nicely* Now,
little monkey, can you tell us where the exit is.....
Monkey: *stares at her for a
moment, trying to understand what she said.....then, gets it...* ooh! *points
to a big sign that says exit.....*
Maori: *rolls eyes....* //how
ironic......\\ *tries to smile and pats monkey on the head* thank can
be off now......
[Monkey skips off...and Maori
goes to see about the bitten monkey dancer...]
[Maori looks at Dart]
Maori: You okay?
Dart: I’m bitten, bleeding, and
missing half my shirt....does it look like I’m okay?.....!!!hmm?!!!!
Maori: Well, I’m sorry for my
concern......HUMPH! * turns her back to him*
Dart: HEY,!!!
WAIT-A-MINUTE!!!! I didn’t mean that!!!! I really didn’ just
hurts........that’s all.....
Maori: *turns back around* okay?
Dart: *whining*
Shary: God dammit you wuss get
the $%^& up!!! *kicks him in the side*
Dart: OWW!!! isn’t
being bitten enough?!!!!!
Shary: No!!! I was hoping one of
them was gonna hit you with their bats.....
Dart: * eyes grow soft....*
Maori: Shary!
Shary: What?.....
you people........
[Maori gets out the mana gem and
heals Dart...]
Maori: Better?
Dart: *looks at the rapidly
fading bite marks and cuts....* mmm-hmm.....
Shary: Great, now lets go.......
Meru: Yah......I’m tired of this
place...there’s nobody else to beat on but us........
Shary: Yah, we’ll wait til Lloyd
gets up...or we won’t...which ever comes faster......
Maori: yah... I know wha cha
Kongol: Kongol take Lloyd and
Shary: Sure, you can have the
pleasure of carrying them...
Kongol: Okay....
[Kongol picks Lloyd up with one
arm and Lavitz with the other.....]
[He follows Dart, Maori, and
Shary To the exit...]
leads out onto the highway)
Maori: Well, this seemed all too
quite easy....
Shary: Yah...but....we were
clearly unaware of it....
Maori: *nods and motions Meru and
Shary to huddle* *speaks in a low voice, so Kongol and Dart won’t here...*
okay, now, we’re going to take Lloyd from Kongol, and when a car comes by, we’ll
throw him in front of it, and demand to have a free ride...okay?
Shary & Meru: Gotcha!
walk over to Kongol]
Meru: Umm.....can we hold Lloyd
Kongol: Okay...*hands over
Shary: //well that was easy...\\
[The three walk over by the side
of the road and wait for a car]
[A car happens by]
[Driver gets out of the car, a
Woman: Oh my god! I’m so sorry I
didn’t even see him coming!!! Can I offer you all a ride to the hospital??!!!!!
Oh my Goodness!!! I’m so sorry!....
Maori, Shary, & Meru:
*pretending to looks sad and nervous* okay.......
[The three claim seats in the
little suv mini van....]
*Dart and Kongol Shrug at each
other and get in as well*
eh, I don’t think this chapter is as good as the rest...but
I ran out of ideas...most of the chapters and stuff...well....I had ‘inspiration.......’ you liked more to go.... Pls R&R!!!! –
Next: Lloyd: Where am I? ***.....indeed where is that they are
out....what’s gonna happen afterwards....?* Find out in the last part....please
wait/looks for it!!!! –Sam M. // Maori