Espial Prophecies

by: Omni Dragon


Omni: okay, now for the awaited chapter...of some people...- -U....

Lloyd: .....yay......wave your hands in the air....

Omni: every body over here! Everybody over there!

Lloyd: ....

Omni: ...I was just going for it....

Lloyd: uh huh.....

Omni: It’s true....besides, you started it....

Lloyd: U¬¬ whatever....



Chapter four: Night Shadows


            “Eiko?!!!” Yu shot another off with the oblivion. “Eiko?!!! Are you alright?! Y-Your...glowing again!”

            Eiko had become an espial, once more and she stood up, light overpowering the darkness the iridescent moon had not lit with it’s reflection.

            “....Eiko....?” Yu said under his breath and his eyes widened as he watched the shapes disappear from his site, little puddles of goo remaining only as a reminder.

            Eiko stood, blinking a while and looking up and down at herself, seeing the wings from her back and the bright aura she had accumulated.

            Tatsumi dropped her daggers into her belt and then declared, “Sheesh, those espial things are pretty good for fighting clonits....”

            Dart raised an eyebrow, “Clonits?”

            “Clones of obits, I just made up a nickname for’s faster to say now.....”

            Dart’s mouth formed the shape of an ‘O’ and he looked around and about him to see if anyone else had gotten that or cared.

            Yu still stared at Eiko, quite dumbfounded, but not enough to be foulmouthed, “That’s got to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, Tatsumi! Why do you even bother?...

            Tatsumi cocked her head at Yu, “I love you too...anyways, that guy was right, you do need to change your attitude...” and with that said, she walked over by Eiko. She sent a rolling glare at Yu and poked one of the wings that had spawned from Eiko’s back, “Hey, can you fly with these?”

            “I dunno! I just got these.....”

            “It’s...not my’s just the way I am...” Yu mumbled to low for anyone to hear distinctively and stared at his feet.

            Tatsumi and Eiko stared at him, quite plainly and Eiko made out a response, “What?”

            He looked over at her, into her eyes and repeated it, almost yelling, “It’s not my attitude,’s just the way I am.....” he bit his lip. How could he be so mean? he thought. What was this that let him do and say such things? He didn’t mean to open his mouth, but it just came out. He was angry, but he didn’t have the right to take it out on them. But, What was he angry for.

            Eiko’s eyes narrowed and her glow and wings faded, “Well, then I suppose you should call 1-800- get-a- life! And stop being such an ass!”

            He glimpsed at her a moment, a tad surprised she had cussed him out. He wanted to say something, but his mind told him to ‘shut up’ so he wouldn’t hurt her feelings, but the again, didn’t he want to? Didn’t he want to tell her off? Or did he want her to stay and tell him why he was angry. What was this hold Eiko had on him? And how did he want to keep it, or break it? He stared at his feet and after a slight moment, walked off towards the lights of the gates out and into Lohan.

            Eiko watched him go, out of the corner of her eye and looked at Tatsumi, saying quietly, “.....he didn’t mean it....” And she then turned to Setsuna, “How do I control this....?”

            Setsuna looked at her, “Well, since your done with this charade, “She walked over to Eiko and put her hand to her forehead, and then said, “Now, watch and listen carefully......”

            A little something shocked Eiko’s forehead from the very tips of Setsuna’s fingers and a splash of images flashed through her mind, of and about Espials, and how to control such things properly. It took about five minutes for this to end and Eiko blinks heavily and looks at Setsuna, “ did you do that...?”

            “It took me six years to study, too long to preach, I teleported the information to you from my mind...” She crossed her arms and waited for a reply of some sort.

            Tatsumi’s eyes bulged, “You have telepathy?!”

            Setsuna looked at her coldly, “When I want, we need to be off, soon, the sun will be up, the clones won’t be hanging around quite long......”

            Arios, “Hey can you give that information to me?”

            Setsuna, “Only if you become and will only need that then...” She walked off towards the gates, Yu waiting by the gate.

            Tatsumi and Eiko took their steps, side by side and went after her, a little slow and whispering something;

            Tatsumi, “I’m beginning to think he does mean some of the stuff he says...”

            Eiko, “Not all of it..”

            Tatsumi, “How do you know? Or how can you tell anyway...?”

            Eiko, “Just a feeling...the way he looks into your eyes when he says it.......”

            Tatsumi, “Mine, all he does is look at you...and frankly, I hate that....I’d rather he looked at me!!!”

            Eiko blushed, “Really...?”

            Tatsumi, “Well, I’m surprised you haven’t noticed...besides, I don’t think I like him as much as I used too, he seems kind of evil lately, and I just don’t think I find him attractive anymore......”

            Eiko, “How you ever found him attractive is beyond me......but I do think that he doesn’t mean it....”

            Tatsumi, “Ya, ya....anyways, did you catch the V.C.R. on that guy with the red armor over there...?” She tilted her head in Dart’s direction.

            Eiko, “V.C.R.?”

            “Very cute rear! Where in the world have you been?” Tatsumi sighed.

            Eiko rolled her eyes, “Whatever.....hey! You know what?!”

            Tatsumi, “What?”

            Eiko, “We never found out those people’s names!!! They must feel so left out!!!!!”

            Tatsumi, “Yah! Let’s go say ‘Hi!’”

            The both of them run over to the LOD cast, Tatsumi smiling in Dart’s direction. He flushed a bit crimson, but tried to stop as soon as Shana caught him. “Hi! I’m Tatsumi Zephel! That’s Eiko Minamino!” Eiko waved.

            “Dart...Dart Feld....” He tried hard not too look in Tatsumi’s eyes, a little shy.

            “I’m Shana! pleased to meet you!” She smiled a fake smile, wishing she could smack Dart for not introducing her to them.

            “I’m Lavitz Slambert, and this is Rose...” Rose blushed a bit, trying not to reveal their spawning romance. Lavitz smiled at her and then asked, “who’re your friends?”

            “Well, I suppose you’ve become to know Setsuna...she’s a little....cold....and Yu Kanzanawa is the one with a big mouth and a big sword......Arios Enlighten, he’s the one with gold hair..... Lumiale Jouichiro is the one with white about sums it up.....” Eiko grinned. “So.....where are we off too?.....

            Lavitz, “Our king, King Albert, is in captivity of Hellena prison...we’re going to rescue him......” he stared at the ground.

            Tatsumi and Eiko, “Oh.....”

            Tatsumi, “Yay! We’re going on a rescue mission!”

            Her and Eiko do a little dance.

            Dart raises an eyebrow at his new admirer and says, “Shouldn’t we get going then?.....

            Eiko stops and smiles, “That we shall!” Her and Tatsumi run off to the gates, The LOD cast following.

            Dart looks at Lavitz while they’re running, making sure Shana isn’t listening, “I’m thinking I’m going to like this part of this ‘journey’....”

            Lavitz smiled and motioned his eyes to claim Rose, “You and me both, bud.”

            When the LOD cast, Tatsumi, and Eiko reached the gates, Lumiale, Setsuna, Arios, and Yu awaited.

            Setsuna, “We’re beginning to gain a lot of people......”

            Eiko, “Well......I was told once before that safety was in numbers......”

            Setsuna, “But not swiftness.....”

            Eiko, “Yes, but do you happen to know where we’re traveling?...

            “Hellena.....” Setsuna crossed her arms.

            Tatsumi, “She does have telepathy!!! Doesn’t she??!!!!”

            Setsuna turned around and walked out of the Lohan, displeased with Tatsumi’s ignorance at the moment.

            Tatsumi began to whisper to Eiko, her hand blocking the movement of her mouth, disclosing the sight of lip-reading, “Guess this means we can’t call her names behind her back...or even think of any...”

            Setsuna stopped her pace a moment, then continued on, not seeming to care to much to throw the words back down Tatsumi’s throat.

            Eiko and Tatsumi followed, reluctantly, through the gate. Then Arios, Lumiale, Yu, and the LOD company.

            “We’ll need to set up a camp somewhere and figure out the best route to Hellena.....” Arios recited as their feet padded along the rocky, makeshift road.

            Setsuna turned to look at him, “We’ll walk straight in....”

            Eiko, “We cannot do that, we need a strategy! Right, Lumiale?...” She glanced in Lumiale’s direction and he glimpsed at Yu whom made a slight expression.

            Lumiale, “I would say that coming from Hellena from behind would server much better purposes....”

            Setsuna, “That would take too long, too little time, we no not when they may execute Albert, they maybe beginning that yet.....but, I know not when they will, they’re to far for me to reach, we must get closer....”

            Dart, “Just exactly how close?”

            Setsuna, “The farthest by two miles....then minimum, being right in the mind.....” She continued to stroll down the road and the rest behind blinked, thinking, “in the mind?

            “Setsuna?” Eiko called and ran after her. “Umm...thanks for the ups on the espial thing.....”

            “ needed it......the world needs are coming, I have to save the king and the rest of the tell your friends to hurry up or simply just stay where they are...” She dropped pace with Eiko and walked faster.

            Eiko blinked a moment, “Great, another coldhearted person...” She ran back up to Tatsumi and the awaiting group, “Let’s go!”

            Tatsumi, “Rescue mission! In commission! yay!”

            The both of them fall in step together again, this time, with Dart by Tatsumi and Arios by Eiko. The rest followed behind them and they strode off to the merciless prison.

            After a short period of time, they reached the two mile period, for Setsuna signaled that she could now hear the conversations in her mind;

            They pulled over into a wooden area and she pulled out a map of Serdio. “Okay, they plan to execute him at dawn, we’ll have to go in two groups of three, one in four, we’ll be less easily spotted that, who’s with who?”

            Everyone shrugged, seemingly because it really didn’t matter.

            Setsuna rolled her eyes, “Fine....Yu, Eiko, Shana........Dart, Tatsumi, me........Rose, Lavitz, Arios, and it?”

            Everyone seemed to agree and they moved into their groups....

            Eiko and Tatsumi cheered, “Now, off to Hellena!!”


Omni: I keep finding such places!!!!

Lloyd: ...not long enough.....

Omni: It’s longer that the last.....

Lloyd: .....still not long enough.....

Omni: I tried.......the next one will probably be longer, seeing as how they have to go there, get in there, through there, and find had to let the fans find out what happened though....

Lloyd: .....mmm-hmm.....

Omni: It’s TRUE!!!!!


Next: Will they find Albert??!!! Will Lavitz die? .....hmm........must read/wait for the next chapter