Espial Prophecies

by: Omni Dragon


I’m really killing Aer with this whole Lloyd head popped off thing! XP....maybe if we get ‘nuff reviews saying they want Lloyd back that does not count Aer.....maybe I’ll revive him or sumthing....XD!


Omni: :D

Yu: ....well...I suppose we’re making up for when Omni was not so sugar high.....

Omni: :’(......yes......that awful exemption from my computer! *hugs it*

Yu: Oo it was only two days....

Lloyd: The freak did you get in here...?

Omni: Your dead....*pushes Lloyd out of the intro*

Yu: ....@,@.....okay.....

Omni: XD! *throws waffle confetti*

Yu: OO

Omni: .....guess you need to get used to meh insanity....huh?

Yu: ....



Chapter eighteen: Awakened


            Yu backed his face away. Eiko was breathing regularly now. He felt his stomach curl up and his heart ache from being away from her lips.

            Daisuke uncrossed his arms. He was on an absolute sure that Yu would have backed out and he would have had to do it. He had missed his chance. The chance he had been waiting for ever since he knew that Yu had met Eiko.

            How had he let such a thing slip by?

            Now, not wanting to show how he had felt about it, he re-crossed his arms and smiled at Yu, “Well, it seems you like kissing dead people now....”

            Yu jerked his head up at Daisuke, “You and me both know that one of us freaking had to!”

            “ took you long enough....”

            Yu’s eyes widened, “The freak are you criticizing my kissing for? I didn’t see you doing it!....” Yu shrugged.

            Daisuke snickered, “Yah, whatever...” Could he pass off his act? He didn’t want to look the least bit stupid in front of all of them Especially if Eiko happened to wake up. The last thing he needed is her thinking he had to be the dumbest thing to ever walk on this earth.

            Eiko stirred in Yu’s arms.

            Yu became terrified and looked down at her. What in the world would she say when she found out?! His stomached caved in and he could feel thousands of butterflies ripping through his stomach, all at once, searching for the sanctuary of another love struck being.

            She sat up and looked around at the people she knew and loved. They had strange looks on their faces.

            She felt Yu’s arms around her waist. She turned her head and saw the obit for what he truly was.

            Yu’s eyes were wide and scared.

            ‘What is he so afraid about?’ She asked herself.

            -That you’ll find out...- a voice replied in her mind.

            Eiko blinked. It was Setsuna, -Find out what...?-

            -That he revived you......-

            She continued her gaze at Yu. -Revived me?....>-



            Setsuna did not reply.

            -Setsuna?! How?!-

            -You really want to know....?-



            -Yes, just tell me, please!-

            A moment of silence followed.

            -Setsu- -

            -He kissed you........-

            Eiko almost fell out of Yu’s arms and he eyes bulged at Setsuna, -KISSED ME?!-


            -wait-a-minute! You are talking about Yu.....right?....-


            Eiko fell silent on inside and out. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t speak, she couldn’t move.

            Lumiale then popped in the silence, “Don’t you think that it’d be wise to leave here......? I mean pretty soon, this castle may be infested with clonits quite soon.....”

            Setsuna nodded, “Yes, let’s go.....”

            Albert stepped in, “Wait-a-minute........what about Emperor Doel?-



Omni: O.o welcome to the end shortest chapter I have ever written people.....XD!

Yu: we enter Omni’s mind there is a high threshold....

Omni: .......mind?.....

Yu: You have been warned....... -.-U

Omni: .......huh?

Yu: I think someone tripped.....

Omni: Over what.....*looks around*

Yu: ......your shoelace......

Omni: *looks down* my shoes don’t have shoelaces.....

Yu: ......-________-U



yes, it’s a very short chapter, I am aware of that.....I’m going to type up the next one.....which will be longer, but I had to stick a stopping point here for people to think before they read whatever else is coming.........okie dokie! okie dokie!


Next: So........what about Emperor Doel?

-Omni Dragon