This website is a group effort of The Blue Dragon Society, with the original work being done by two Vietnamese, two Chinese and several other American contributors, mostly society supporters. All information contained in this website was written by Kong Zhishu, Kong Jing Xue, the late Nguyen Trung De and Nguyen Van Tuan with some help from others with language, from additional literary sources, Vietnamese, Chinese and English-language. The website is maintained by Kong Jing Xue in the hope of fostering greater understanding and appreciation for the values and principles of Confucian monarchy shared by Vietnam and all Sino-influenced nations of East Asia. None of these men belong to any political organizations or action groups, neither have they had any assistance whatsoever from any outside sources in the production of this website. The work is solely their own or that of other authors as listed on individual pages. Any copies of any material from this website is done without the consent of the authors and is in violation of international copyright laws. All Asian contributors to this website are adherents of the Confucian religious form and support firstly and only the defense, restoration and advancement of Confucian society in its original and purest form. They do not endorse party politics of any variety whatsoever but only the traditional devotion to the government and ideals of the "Kingly Way". The Blue Dragon Society is committed to the preservation of the Confucian monarchist ideal, which includes holding true faith and allegiance to the Great Nguyen Dynasty, although, as you will see, not all contributors agree with this. This has become especially important since there have been many people of late taken advantage of by fraudulent, self-proclaimed Nguyen Dynasty princes, who have attempted to usurp the lawful authority of the Prince Imperiale Bao Long, even while pretending to honor him, insulting His Imperial Highness along with the rest of the legitimate Imperial Dynasty, thus betraying the very essence of the "Kingly Way" and the commands of loyalty and filial piety handed down by our ancestors all the way back to the Divine Sage. These people, which the Society has watched closely for a long time, have been shamelessly putting themselves forward, trying before all else to simply gain prestige and flattery for their vanity, and fool decent and loyal people to think they are legitimate representatives of the Great Nguyen. These people fit exactly with the words of the Great Teacher who lamented, "all around I see Nothing pretending to be Something, and Emptiness pretending to be Fullness, and Penury pretending to be Affluence" which description exactly fits these illegitimate pretenders with all of their self-given titles and disgraceful colonial French baubles. Because of our situation, and our supporters in Vietnam, who have been with us since the begining, when first our Emperor was taken from us, we must work in great secrecy, but while we remain faithful, while we remove the rotten branches and while we uphold the true principles of the "Kingly Way" we can be assured of being granted success from Heaven in the ultimate end of our struggle. |
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