Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction, sometimes is also call "impotence," is the repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. The word "impotence" may also be used to describe other problems that interfere with sexual intercourse and reproduction, such as lack of sexual desire and problems with ejaculation or orgasm. Using the term erectile dysfunction makes it clear that those other problems are not involved.
Erectile dysfunction can be a total inability to achieve erection, an inconsistent ability to do so, or a tendency to sustain only brief erections. These variations make defining ED and estimating its incidence difficult. Estimates range from 15 million to 30 million, depending on the definition used. According to the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), for every 1,000 men in the United States, 7.7 physician office visits were made for Erectile dysfunction in 1985. By 1999, that rate had nearly tripled to 22.3. The suspected figures in Malaysia are much higher.
In older men, erectile dysfunction usually has a physical cause, such as disease, injury, or side effects of drugs. Any disorder that causes injury to the nerves or impairs blood flow in the penis has the potential to cause Erectile dysfunction. But it is not an inevitable part of aging. CHINESE MASTER'S WAY of maintenance with herbs can help to prelong your sexual activity until 90's of age.
The penis contains two chambers called the corpora cavernosa, which run the length of the organ. A spongy tissue fills the chambers. A membrane, called the tunica albuginea, surrounds the corpora cavernosa. The spongy tissue contains smooth muscles, fibrous tissues, spaces, veins, and arteries. The urethra, which is the channel for urine and ejaculate, runs along the underside of the corpora cavernosa.
Erection starts with sensory or mental stimulation, or both. Impulses from the brain and local nerves cause the muscles of the corpora cavernosa to relax, allowing blood to flow in and fill the spaces. The blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand. The tunica albuginea helps trap the blood in the corpora cavernosa, thereby sustaining erection. When muscles in the penis contract to stop the inflow of blood and open outflow channels, erection is reversed.
Male menopause, androgen deficiency and PADAM |
All men and women undoubtedly experience symptoms related to reduced production of sex hormones (sex steroids) as they get older. These changes affect individuals differently, could be balance and minimize of symptom with the use of THE TOLE'S herbal medications. Some people experience very few symptoms, whereas others are completely disabled by them. It is important to remember that this fall in sex hormone production is a natural process and not a disease. However, many unpleasant natural processes can be helped with CHINESE MASTER'S WAY medical treatment just as effectively as diseases. In women, the fall in sex hormone production is quite abrupt and usually occurs over a few months or years in there 40s or 50s. The ovaries dramatically reduce their production of estrogens (the female-determining sex steroids), a woman's periods become disturbed and eventually stop sweating ( menopause). Menopausal women may also experience:
hot flushes
mood changes
weight changes
breast changes
alterations in sexual response, such as vaginal dryness
changes in the level of sexual interest.
In men, the fall in sex hormone production is much more gradual, developing over decades rather than months or years. Mental and physical changes can occur, but they are much more gradual and can easily be missed. As such, the term 'male menopause', or andropause, is probably not accurate. Instead, experts prefer to talk about 'partial androgen deficiency of the ageing male' (PADAM).
Formation of testosterone (the principal male-determining sex steroid) falls gradually and progressively from the 40s onwards. Other hormones are also affected, including growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), parathyroid hormone and melanocyte-stimulating hormone. Other endocrine (hormonal) disorders, such as hypothyroidism (thyroid under activity) and diabetes, are also more common with advancing age but are better understood. Research on treatment for the menopause in women is done widely in the western world, but very little research has been undertaken into PADAM and the effects of treatment except for CHINESE MASTER. A very considerable body of evidence supports the use of estrogen replacement in menopausal women, which in long term may cause cancer, but hormone supplementation in ageing men is highly controversial. CHINESE MASTER in KL has done many years of research and now has the formulas for enhancing the male sexual hormone and keep it going for a very long time.
Androgens are steroid hormones with specific effects on tissue growth (muscle, fat, skin, hair and others) and brain function. They play important roles in both men and women, but are produced in much bigger quantities for men. The testicles produce men after puberty, the majority of androgens, mainly as testosterone. Other androgens - dehydroepiandrostenedione (DHEA), its sulphate (DHEAS), and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) - are produced in the adrenal cortex, skin and liver.
Androgen deficiency can occur in younger men, and even in children and adolescents, as a result of testicular damage, genetic disorders, long term sickness or metabolic disorders. It is very important to get treatment at an early stage and receive our herbal treatment.
Symptoms of androgen deficiency |
Circulation and the nervous system
hot flushes
Mood disturb
irritability and tiredness
decreased sense of well-being
lack of motivation
low mental energy
difficulty with short-term memory
low self-esteem
being easily frightened.
Masculinity and virility
decreased vigor and physical energy
diminished muscle strength.
decreased interest in or desire for sex
less sexual activity
poor erections
reduced quality of orgasm
weakness of ejaculation
reduced volume of ejaculated fluid.
Physical features include: diminished muscle mass
loss of body hair
abdominal obesity.
Several other effects on body chemistry and metabolism occur, such as:
reduction in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and increase in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease.
increase in total body fat (because of a fall in the proportion of body weight that is muscle rather than through weight gain).
reduction in red cell volume (a reduction in the proportion of red blood cells to plasma.
Changes caused by PADAM could potentially affect health in several ways:
increased risk of osteoporosis fracture and cardiovascular disease
reduced general well-being
cognitive impairment (problems with thought, concentration and memory).
reduced physical strength
sexual problems.
The symptoms, signs and metabolic consequences of androgen deficiency are largely reversible, and can be corrected by CHINESE MASTER'S WAY OF MEDICATIONS.
CHINESE MASTER'S WAY of treatment can reverse the effects and can maintain the Male's sexual power for a very long term, and will stop all others side effects. For those with less disturbances will need only twice a weak of herbal medicine to maintain your sexual power.
Impotence can be helped by herbal medication ...... Impotence may be a symptom of another, as yet un-diagnosed, disease requiring treatment; the most common of these is diabetes, high blood...........All these medications in long term would cause your impotence.
Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection that passes from the vagina through neck of the womb (cervix), the womb (uterus) and up to the Fallopian tubes. The ovaries are sometimes also involved.
Specialist medical traditional herbs Master Leong can to treat Impotence….the herbs Master Leong give was forty generation…….just herbs him can….
For example alternative treatment Impotence is treatment acupuncture at Clinic Kuala Lumpur……some people to certify the alternative treatment so effective and The Tole clinic have others treatment acupuncture……
Androgen deficiency can occur in younger men, and even in children and adolescents, as a result of testicular damage, genetic disorders, long term sickness or metabolic disorders. It is very important to get treatment at an early stage and receive our herbal treatment.
Temporary impotence is very common indeed, particularly in younger men, and especially when they are either anxious, or have had too much alcohol.
If you're having erection problems, bear these points in mind...