My Personals Page
I am a young vibrant 38 WF living in a huge building on Main Street in a small town in the midwest where I am opening a coffeehouse and gift shop. I have a college degree and just bought land in The Ozarks that I plan to live on for part of the year beginning next spring. Boston is my favorite city, New Orleans a close second, and Kansas City is also a favorite for when I want to be in a city. I have hair to my waist. I've traveled the 48 states. I love being Catholic and I am separated from my husband. I enjoy buying and selling on eBay. I am considering law school.

I am seeking someone who knows who he is and is no longer searching for answers about himself. Someone just as smart with his mind as with his hands! A self-assured and self-reliant man who likes and who knows how to work on, teach, share, and enjoy indoor and outdoor projects, building, gardening, vehicles, etc., while at the same time someone who can plop down on the couch in front of the TV. A real man, no pansies, no artists, no musicians! Someone who considers mountain biking or hiking The Appalachian Trail. Someone who loves computers and likes to exchange e-mail. Someone who loves being a Catholic and regularly attends Mass.

Please e-mail me at or

If you'd like to see pictures of my land in the Missouri Ozarks, please visit - Start Blogging!