Catholic Guides of Ireland

Buíon Mhichil Guides - Inchicore Catholic Guides of Ireland

Inchicore        Dublin 8        Republic of Ireland

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Catholic Guides of Ireland
Buíon Mhichil Guides - Inchicore

On this website you can find out about who we are and the different activities we do in Buíon Mhichil Guides.  If you want more information about the Catholic Guides of Ireland please contact the CGI National Office.

BI ULLAMH our motto, reminds us that as Guides, it is important to think ahead, to develop useful skills and to be willing and ready to use them when the need arises. This motto also reminds us to be prepared to always do our best in keeping our Guide Promise and in making it a very real part of our everyday life.

CGI National Office,
12 Clanwilliam Terrace,
Grand Canal Quay,
Dublin 2.

Telephone ++ 353 1 6619566
Fax: ++ 353 1 6765691

CGI has existed in Ireland since 1928 developing from Clanna Brighde to the Federation of Catholic Guides in 1972 to the Catholic Guides of Ireland in its present form. On 1st July 1993, the Catholic Guides of Ireland and The Irish Girl Guides formed the Council of Irish Guiding Associations (CIGA). This Council is the member for Ireland of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).