MOHAMMADMEN-ism has TERRORIZED ETHIOPIA for more than 1,100 years!!


From “the Lion of Juda”, H.I.H. Ras Iadonis

DATE:   09/14/01 


Greetings to the U.S. President & People:

As representatives of the African Diaspora around the globe, We would like to express Our sympathy and condolences to the people of America and the especially all the relatives and relations in the United States of America, our country who lost their lives in the outrageous, senseless and inhumane bombing and total destruction of the Twin Towers in NYC last Tuesday, September 11, 2001 (Ironically Ethiopia’s New Year’s Day – 1994 E.C.).  We also have lost loved ones in the tragedy and mourn with the entire American people.  These acts perpetrated against innocent lives must not go unpunished and We join you in creating a continental Anti-Terrorism campaign based in Ethiopia in order to prevent and thwart such catastrophes both now and in the future.  The UN Headquarters for Africa are located there and demand protection of UN as well as US interests, both governmental as well as private.  Education and sovereign resolve is the key.  We also pray for the thousands of people injured and maimed by such cowardly acts of aggression against innocent and defenseless human beings.  Please accept Our word of kindness and concern in these matters.  We thank the U.S. President Bush and the Secretary of State, Mr. Colin Powell for their resolve to retaliate, help those who are allies and "...FIND ALL TERRORISTS...AND DEAL WITH THEM ACCORDINGLY!"  WE ARE ALSO PEACEFUL  AND HAVE BECOME VICTIMS, BOTH IN THE PAST AS WELL AS PRESENTLY.  THERE IS A VERY REAL ISLAMIC THREAT WHICH HOVERS OVER ETHIOPIA AND THE HORN OF AFRICA IN PARTICULAR.  THIS THREAT WILL AFFECT U.S. INTERESTS IF IT GOES UNADDRESSED AND UNNOTICED!!  PLEASE HELP THOSE PRO-US FORCES IN THE U.S. AND ETHIOPIA, NAMELY THE ROYAL FAMILY OF ETHIOPIA AND OTHER PRO-US, PRO-AMHARA GROUPS WHO HAVE BEEN FIGHTING AGAINST THE ISLAMIC THREAT AND TERRORISM!!!

It is truly a 'tragedy' the lost of so many lives and destruction of property, THE ATTACK ON AMERICA!!  Yet, Ethiopia has lived in the shadow of this threat for more than 1,100 years and has lost equally if not more over the more than ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF TERRORISM!!!  In about 1990,
I Ras Iadonis of the LOJ Mission, Inc. wrote a pamphlet entitled, "THE RIFT BETWEEN RASTAFARI & MOHAMMADMAN-ism" which gave a working foundation for the reasons and facts behind the ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST AGGRESSION AGAINST ETHIOPIA!  This is NOTHING NEW!  Its been a LONG TIME!!!

The only thing "new" is that now America has felt the full wrath of these possessed fanatics who claim to be "killing" in the name of God or "their god".  Even the most recent conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia reflect this insane attitude that one person or group of people may kill and annihilate another to please a BLOODTHIRSTY "god".  This essay is not against "God" or anyone's interpretation.  What it is against is the madness, death and destruction of innocent lives.  We as Ethiopians and Rastafari have been the VICTIMS OF ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM & MOHAMMADMEN MADNESS for more than a thousand years.  We have asked others, namely Christian nations such as Portugal to help (this was in the 1500s).  We give thanks and praises to God, the God of Ethiopia and the free world for the aid and assistance given by foreigners to us in our hour of need.  Therefore, We as the LOJ Mission Executives, Ministers, Members and Friends would like to extend our condolences to al l the families and friends of the innocent lives lost in the September 11th 2001 (coincidentally this date was Ethiopia's new year) "Attack on America".  Words do not even touch, reach or describe the emotions and feeling felt by all of us.  How can this be reconciled?  Who are the peacemakers?  Who is to be blamed?

Even though we view the most recent events as further fulfillment of Biblical and also Nostradamus' prophecies (i.e. the King of Terror from the skies...), we see the greater picture being the GLOBAL THREAT OF TERRORISM TO ALL FREE PEOPLE AND FREE STATES sponsored and supported by terrorist states.  Ethiopia, a Christian Nation, has been described as being, "blameless" and an "island of Christianity" in a sea of vicious, hostile and threatening mohammadmen-ism.  WE DO NOT MAKE ANY APOLOGIES FOR OUR STANCE AGAINST THE MOHAMMADMEN TODAY OR YESTERDAY!  WE WILL SUPPORT ALL EFFORTS TO RID OUR REGION (THE HORN OF AFRICA and THE U.S.) FROM ALL SUCH FORCES AND JOIN FORCES WITH ALL THOSE WHO RECOGNIZE AND ARE WILLING TO ACT IN UNISON AGAINST THIS THREAT TO THEMSELVES AS WELL AS OTHERS!!!  


There are many TERRORIST STATES surrounding Ethiopia which sponsor and support terrorism both in AFRICA and around the world.  Namely, SUDAN, YEMEN, BAHIRAIN, and even some forces in SOMOLIA.  THESE COUNTRIES IN AND AROUND AFRICA HARBOUR TERRORISTS!  THE SAME ISLAMIC/ARAB SLAVE DRIVERS WHO TO THIS DAY ENSLAVED CHILDREN AND WOMEN FROM ETHIOPIA (MODERN DAY SLAVERY IN AFRICA, TRAFFICKING OF WOMEN IN ETHIOPIA) TO THE SUDAN ESPECIALLY ARE ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE REPREHENSIBLE ACTS AGAINST HUMANITY!!!  We have witnessed this in Kenya, a neighbor of Ethiopia and in the U.S. recently, a long standing friend of Ethiopia and Ethiopians in general.  Many Ethiopians were also killed in the fall of the Twin Brothers on the New Year's of Ethiopia.  How ironic!  How tragic!!!

Even though we are a peaceful and religious people, as is known to everyone, WE FIND THE NEED TO PROTECT OURSELVES BOTH IN THE U.S. AND ABROAD BECAUSE OF THE THREAT OF RETALIATION that Ethiopians and Rastafari people face from hostile and insane Arab and Islamic nationalistic forces. We had also responded to the ATTACK ON THE U.S. EMBASSY IN KENYA!  WE PLEDGED OUR SUPPORT TO RID THE REGION (WHICH IS PRO-U.S.) FROM THE THREAT OF TERRORISM.  We had not received any response to that pledge, yet understand that the level of crisis may have caused our message to be overlooked.  However, we once again send our prayers and words od comfort to the bereaved and afflicted.  We prayer for the souls of the death.  As our beloved Emperor and Father of Modern Africa, H.I.M. HAILE SELLASSIE I has told us, "...DEATH WIPES AWAY ALL THINGS... even mistakes!"  Therefore, we hope all the souls find peace with God.  OUR PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU ALL!!

From the Executive Office of the LOJ Mission Incorporated & Ecclesiastical Sovereignity

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One Love U.S.A.
H.I.H. Ras Iadonis Tafari
LOJ Mission Inc. & LOJ Collective
Founder & CEO

H.I.H. Tehetena Girma
1st Lady of LOJ Mission Inc.
Int'l Organizer & President

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