LOJ, on INI Way 2 d land of SOY MILK N HONEY....

H.I.M. 111th EARTH-DAY!!!

May all Ethiopians, Rastafari, True Christians who love H.I.M. now say:
(Free Teachings of H.I.M.)

Please read, reason and rise... Admit & Be Saved!!! Share with others.... its very important and it doesnt just "pick from the bible", it actually "in principle" based upon God and His history - the real facts - it explains, corrects and depends the word!!!
We must STICK TO THE PLAN (Holy Scriptures of the Holy Bible according to the Teachings of His Imperial Majesty, the King of Kings of Ethiopia) and proceed gradually.  Be Loyal and Reason with the King and I on any difficulties or challenges that the I may be having.  Remember we need to spend more time in Fellowship and Study to build up our strength as well as in Prayer, Praise and General GOOD WORKS.  So put thy house in order. There are rooms available at the Ethiopian Church which can help you start to get yourself in order and spend Holy Time working, studying and praising.  In fact, we should be able to really plant a seed in the Holy Trinity church and start to occupy it further so that the R.O.C.K. may have a place to gather in time.  Here, you now have a great opportunity and Ethiopia awaits as well. ...

Jeremiah 4. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...and say, Blow ye the trumpet in the land: cry, gather together, and say, Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the defensed cities. 6 Set up the standard toward...

Selamta Tena Yistilign,
Greetings, May Health Be Given On Our Behalf,
(A traditional and biblical LOJ Ethiopian Greeting)

Genesis 49. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee. 9 Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped...

Firstly, we would like to introduce ourselves to you and your congregation.  "We are the Repairers of the Breach, the Restorers of the Way of Life" in God through His Christ.  We represent the "Lion of Juda" according to the Revelation of the Revelations of St. John given in the Revelations of Yesus Kristos (Je-sus the Christ) till the coming of the "Son of Man" who was "born there.... in Ethiopia" according to Holy scriptures and God's History.  As Lightening comes from the East to the West, so has the Truth of God in Christ been shown to us.

Revelation 5. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...to look thereon. 5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Gen. 49.9, 10 the Root of David, Is. 11.1 hath prevailed...

Psalms 87. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philis'ti-a, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there. 5 And of Zion it shall be said, This...

...is this banner and ensign of the LORD?

Rastafari Order of the Church of Kristos (R.O.C.K. YAH WORLD!!! Foundation based upon QHS Holy Bible)

Notice the "Cross" which is carried by the Lion of Juda as well as on the "Crown" of the Lion of Juda.  Isn't it amazing that Ethiopia has such a Black Christian Heritage and modern day preachers make little or no reference to Her?  Are they ashamed?  Therefore we rebuke all so called "Rastas", false Christians and others who deny "Christ in His Kingly Character" and the Prophetic role Ethiopia and Her 'King of Kings' plays in "endtime" revelation and fulfillment of Prophecy of Christ and "His Kingdom" (Remember the 'last' shall be first and vice versa says scripture).  These "Imperial" symbols of the Sovereignity, Authority and "House of David" are not made up, copied or borrowed - it was given to the Ethiopians of the "Solomonic Dynasty" of Great King Dawit (David) as a "sign" (ensign) and banner.  The colors symbolize the Father, Son and Holy Spirit respectively in this order.  There is a remnant....

Berhan Ina Selam,
Light and Peace!

The Lion of Judah hath Prevailed!
Ras Iadonis Tafari,
An Heir of QHS in KRSTOS

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter,

In conclusion, we need you to call Us ASAP.  Other vital links will be added that will help - if ya have faith and do as ordered in Christos.  Misgana for the Help and Strength in H.I.M. through Christos.  One Love.

Call I this Noon or after!!!
Senbet Selam,
Ras Iadonis Tafari
EWF Power-Of-Attorney,
LOJ Society Founder & CEO
BK Gates: 718 573-0723
LOJ Cell: 347-247-3725

Our Domestic Legal Representatives:
Woizero TEHETENA GIRMA (718) 6949434
(Office of Gennet Getachew Law Associates)
ladylokk@aol.com, tehetenag@aol.com

Liul-Ras, IADONIS TAFARI (718) 573-0723 or (646) 831-0118
(Power-Of-Attorney, Legal Rep. of SLG_HQ Ethiopia)
ilamanati@aol.com, yadmim@aol.com

Our Overseas Representative:
P.O. BOX 417
TEL. 011 251-61-04870

(Main EWF & LOJ contact links above and on Membership Applications)