Towards the development of a Modern Pagan-Hindu Spirituality & Magickal Path
Welcome to the Indian Paganism site
This site has two main objectives - Firstly, to contribute towards the development of modern Pagan-Hindu Magickal traditions within the fields of contemporary Paganism and Magick. Secondly, to explore the thousands of years of various Pagan and Hindu beliefs, traditions and customs in a comparative context.
There already exists a great degree of shared roots and similarity between Pagan and Hindu religions, such as those of Wicca and Tantrika. Today many modern eclectic Pagans, Witches and Magicians work with Hindu deities and various aspects of Hindu paths. There are also groups who are working in Pagan-Hindu Magickal systems. This site, and the coming book 'Indian Paganism', aim to help the continuing development of this movement by assisting in the growth of modern Pagan-Hindu Magickal traditions and practices.
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The Indian Paganism site also offers a free daily quote service which shares either a Pagan, Hindu, or Magickal quote each day. Quotes are drawn from a wide variety of quality sources and reflect the extensive philosophy and underlying unity which exist between Paganism and Hinduism. The main resource areas from which quotes are drawn are Wiccan, Witchcraft, Classical Pagan, Neo-Pagan, Tantrik, Vedic, and Ceremonial Magick. A few of the authors and figures quoted include Starhawk, Doreen Valiente, Stewart Farrar, Marcus Aurelius, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Sivananda, Bhagavan Nityanandaji, Sri Ramakrishna, Aliester Crowley, Dion Fortune, and Eliphis Levi.
In this site Paganism and Hinduism are explored in a comparative context,,illustrating the many ancient similarities and how much of India's spirituality can be found within contemporary western Paganism. The detailed illustrated articles investigate various aspects of Paganism and Hinduism. Areas included are Brahmins, the Celts, Cernunnos, chakras, Druids, esbats, ethics, Gods, Goddesses, gunas, Horned God, fairies, Indus Valley, Pashupati, magick, the moon, Neo-Paganism, religion, Vedas, Wicca, Witchcraft, plus other Pagan and Hindu topics.
The forming of new Pagan-Hindu Magickal systems and spiritual traditions are an exciting and truly promising development in contemporary Pagan religion. Interest in them is rapidly spreading, as the development of Pagan-Hindu paths suggests profound possibilties, by offering each and every individual the opportunity to reach the God & Goddess and find deep spiritual fulfillment. It is also becoming widely recognised that these developments also offer fresh insights into ancient and present European-based Paganism, as much of the roots of European-based Paganism, both old and new, can be traced back to India in some way.
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