The Canadian Independent
Scouting Association


The Canadian Independent Scouting Association

Formed in Victoria, British Columbia in September of 1998, the CISA is an independent and traditional Scouting Association that adheres strictly to the teachings of the First Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell as laid down in his book, "Scouting for Boys".

CISA Tenderfoot Independent Scouting began in the UK when sweeping changes to programs, badges, uniforms, sections, Law and Promise were made by the then Boy Scout Association in the UK in the late 1960s. Canadian Scouters went through these same changes throughout the 1980's and 1990's and eventually a group of them decided to return to the more traditional programs, and the true roots of Scouting.

The aim of the CISA is to try and deliver, traditional Scouting as defined by Lord Baden-Powell in his books "Scouting for Boys", "The Wolf Cub Handbook", and "Rovering to Success" and "Aids to Scoutmastership".

In traditional style Scouting we try to preserve as much as possible Lord Baden-Powell's original ideas, programs, ethics, principles and morals. We continue to wear the traditional style uniform, complete with stetson hat or beret. Within this, however, we are still part of the wider Scouting Movement and as such we move forward with the times by keeping up to date with the very latest technology, legislation and safety in both outdoor education and water operations.

WFIS Badge The CISA is totally independent of Scouts Canada. We are members of the World Federation of Independent Scouts, and as such are not in competition with other Canadian Scouting Associations, we are only their brothers.

Please take your time looking over the website, as there is a wealth of information about Traditional Scouting available to you here.


Please use the links below to navigate around the website.

CISA Links

| CISA Upper Canada Council | CISA British Columbia Council |

WFIS Links

| WFIS North America Council | WFIS Europe Council |

| WFIS South America Council | WFIS South East Asia Council |

CISA Programs

| CISA Section Information | CISA Sea Explorers | CISA Air Explorers |

CISA Policies

| Ethics | Youth Protection |

CISA Supplies

| Uniform Supplies | Badge Supplies |

So, you want to become a member?

| How to Join the CISA |


Interested in a real challenge???

Need questions answered about us???

Email the CISA for more information on Traditional Scouting in Canada!

CISA Email

The Canadian Independent Scouting Association is a member of the World Federation of Independent Scouts (WFIS). We are in no way affiliated with, nor part of Scouts Canada, The World Organisation of the Scout Movement, Order of World Scouts, FSE, CSE, or any other World Scouting Organization.

Copyright © 1998 - 2009, CISA National Council. All Rights Reserved.

Last Updated: March 4th, 2009