Why Satan?

I am a Roman Catholic.

Those words will be received with cheers in some places, groans in others, good-natured jeers in a few, and homicidal intent probably only in places like Ireland.

I am a Satanist.

Suddenly the audience's tendencies for violence rise dramatically.

Perhaps we should examine exactly why we go under the name of "Satan." Is it because we lack a better name for ourselves? Do we wish to create discord in the world around us? Do we really worship an infernal being cast down from Heaven? Are we trying to scare decent, God-fearing people? Are we just trying to infuriate Bible-thumping Christians? Let us examine these allegations one by one. Though I know I cannot speak for all Satanists, I shall present a case for my views alone. If your views seem to match mine, welcome to Satanism.

A name is nothing special. Yes, it can hold deep symbolic or emotional meaning, but there are no shortages of names of which I have knowledge. The Temple of Set has proven that they need not be named as Satanists to be dark and anti-conformist. Yet, is Setian really so much better than Satanic? I hear them out, for as an intellectual, I feel it is my duty to hear out and analyze any views presented in a rational, intelligent manner. Their view is no better than that of the Satanist; rather, it is different. Therefore, I cannot call myself a Setian. Why not call myself a Humanist? As explained by LaVey in the Satanic Bible, Humanism presents a philosophy with no underlying dogma. I may be a Humanist, but that does not fully summarize my views and beliefs.

Discord can be quite a good thing. It is almost always a direct catalyst for change, as those who do not alter to cope with distress have a disturbing tendency to perish prematurely. However, the same can be said of those who seek out distress excessively. The bungee-jumper can flood her system with adrenaline, the natural reaction to a fall of any great distance. Such an endocrine overactivity is often beneficial, both physically and mentally. That is, until she grows so comfortable with her simulated discomfort that she either forgets to control her simulation closely enough or decides to take herself to a sharper edge. A strap breaks, or a harness is loosened, or a rope slips. Pushing distress both in onesself and in one's environment can easily meet with disastrous results. I have no desire to experience such disaster; I take care not to cause any more discord than find necessary. As a Satanist, I find it is much more fulfilling to satisfy my needs than deny them just in search of a cheap high.

As a Satanist, I find no need to place my faith in anything higher than myself. As such, I do not see any reason to believe in a higher power holding sway over me, be it God, Jehovah/JHVH, Allah, Zeus, Jupiter, Quetzlcoatl, Bob Dobbs, any alien arriving with a comet, Minerva, or even my pet hamster Plookie. With no God, there is no reason to believe in a Heaven or any beings cast out therefrom. With no outcasts, there can be no Lucifer, no "Satan" per se. They exist only as figments of a rather gullible mind. I do not believe in putting any stock in anything that does not exist in this universe. A God or a Satan would, by definition, almost have to exist at least partially outside of this universe. Yes, this would be possible through complicated fourth dimensional theory, but in any practical way, they would not be able to remain in this universe.

Who is The Man That You Fear? And just why do you fear him? Is it because he wants you to fear him just so he can get a rise out scaring you? If that is the case, you are not dealing with a Satanist. However, if he has a higher motive that might be achieved through your fear and emotional stimulation, dealings with Satansim are actually very likely. Yes, some of us do take pleasure in "Freaking the Mundanes." I personally see that as a sign that the instigator is just as weak as his target, seeking out attention however he can get it, raping the name of Satan and whatever else he can strip mine to realize his goal of high visibility. A true Satanist will know when to use fear to reach her aim, and when to use other emotional stimuli.

Another favorite pastime of pseudo-Satanists seems to be making life miserable for right-wingers. Some persons just find pleasure in making others miserable. This person, once again, is not a true Satanist. Yes, the true Satanist will know when to evoke anger in others, but he must play the emotional matrix like a harp, blending a sweet harmony of emotions mixed rather than the dissonance of severe imbalancing. The problem comes where hardcore Christians become so enraged that we even exist without researching our beliefs, that many persons skilled in the art of annoyance take the label of Satanism simply because with it they often receive an instant reaction. Still, the true Satanist finds his calling to the name of Satan elsewhere.

The real reason is none of these, and all. Emotional stimulation is the key to Satanism. Few other words have quite the effect on the psyche of the born-and-bred Christian like the name of Satan. A chill still runs down my back each time I say it. This, combined with the brutality of the Enochian language, form the spine of my emotional involvement with Satanism. To be proclaimed as "evil" is something every child fears... but subsequently comes to relish, as it means he has done something forbidden, and most likely will be punished no further for his infraction. So you see, emotional stimulation is the backbone of power in Satanism. To both induce it in others and force it upon onesself is a measure of power unmatched.