My Blogs: Reality Checks
Thomas Jefferson was a Deist. Deists are realists. They reject supernatural events, miracles, and organized religions that assert the existence of such things. Instead, deists hold that religious beliefs must be founded on reason and observed features of the natural world, and that these sources reveal the existence of one God or supreme being.
January 19, 2007
Reality Check number 4

The news media has made us aware of Stockholm Syndrome.  Stockholm Syndrome is when an abducted hostage exhibits loyalty to the hostage taker in spite of the danger in which the hostage has been placed.  It is real. We see it again and again.  Stockholm Syndrome has been applied to battered person syndrome, rape, child abuse, and bride kidnaping.

The name comes from the Normalmstorg robbery of Kredbanken in Stockholm. The robbers held bank employees hostage six days.  The victims became emotionally attached to their captors and defended them after their release.

Stockholm Syndrome matches with the newborn bonding with the nearest powerful adult for its survival. It is instinctual. What is our protection from Stockholm Syndrome?

America’s pioneers had the answer. They came to America’s shores with an idea of individual independence and self-reliance.  Thomas Jefferson struck the right chord for the American people with his words in the Declaration of Independence.  Jefferson was a Deist. A Deist is aware that religious beliefs must be founded on reason and observation of natural law.

Coincidental to early American philosophy, I was born with the planet Uranus on my ascendant. The United States was born with the planet Uranus on its ascendant.  Both the United States and I are “Aquarius rising.”  We are the water-bearers to humanity.   On the other hand, the hijacker of Islam has made millions of Muslims  Stockholm Syndrome victims. Since we are dealing here with a psychological condition, we cannot expect success from coercive force.

Our protection from radical Islam is self-made. We Americans are obviously getting the wrong lead. The world admired early America.  Many today hate America.  First we must come back to the idea of early America.  We must caste out the idea of the newborn. We don’t need external protection. Our protection comes from within.

In the 100 monkeys theory, a resourceful monkey started washing the sand off of its food in the ocean.  Others followed its lead.  From one monkey’s resourcefulness, it wasn’t long until monkeys all over the Pacific Ocean were washing the sand off of their food in the ocean. If it is true for monkeys, is it not true for humans? We communicate with one another on a mysterious level. This fact should tell us the answer. For a more secure world, we must believe in self, for those who make and keep the laws of God and man, you will note, protect themselves at the public's expense. 

Where is the logic in placing authority in charge of indoctrinating the public about God, about our financial matters, about our personal lives? Why does authority know better than we know what is good for us? The facts speak for themselves. Authority knows what is good for authority.  Authority steals the individual's energy.  We don't know if we could live together in peace because we've never in history had the opportunity.

Who, but the Aquarius personality, would ask the questions I'm asking?  The Aquarian, influenced by the movements in the heavens, in touch with human qualities, expressing strong humanitarian concern, possessing a strong sense of freedom for himself and others, ahead of his time, is here to show the rest of humanity the way.
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January 20, 2007
Reality Check Number 5

Let me tell you about finding my identity. By writing my thoughts every morning over a period of years, the first thing in the morning, before my mind becomes cluttered with the day’s activities, I’ve become conscious of a pattern of thought that coincides with the events of my life. In that sense, I make my reality.

I’m a middle-class white American. Twenty-first century America thinks differently than nineteenth century America. To a large extent, my reality is based on my time. Writing my thoughts every morning brings back the past.  For instance, in 1970, because I was terribly disturbed about the way things were going, my wife, I recall, told me I was living a hundred years in the past.  She was right. A hundred years in the past the federal government played hardly any role in the individual’s life. In 1970, the federal government was intruding in my life to the extent that I was forced to make painful changes, intruding in my life to the extent that I was no longer the head of my house, intruding enough to make me think about how nice it would be to be free.   It took another four years to generate the courage to leave in search of a better life. 

Coincidentally, I departed on Good Friday, 1975.  I drove away and never looked back. That would not have happened a hundred years before. My ex-wife, happy to live in the present, lived minus a husband and father. Not good for the child involved. I left my family and the federal government. I went to sea on a 37 foot sloop I named
Bold Venture.  As free as anyone can get,  free to go wherever the wind took me, born to be free, I went all the way. I could have been living a hundred years in the past. Nothing would have been different. For some of us, there are principles that don’t change with the times.

The other side of my new-found freedom was that it didn’t take it long for the sea to become mountainous waves, and a life threatening challenge. There I was, on my own, with no way out. I was free, but subjected to the full force of nature, with the terrible personal responsibility of coming out alive.

For eight hours, I battled 30 foot seas, sailing 70 nautical miles to my inlet in record time. Upon arrival, seas were breaking completely across the inlet. I sailed straight as an arrow through the breakers, surfing down a sea that never broke.  My crew of three, two rolling around on the cabin floor sea sick, the other hanging to the stern rail with a death grip,  hugged and kissed me. They called it a miracle.

I’m a chance-taker. There have been times in my life when no matter what, things went right, other times when if anything could go wrong it did, but in the end, I couldn’t ask for anything better. Numerologists say my time at sea represented the 1 cycle of reality creation. In keeping with numerology’s numerical cycles, 1 through9, I found my soul-mate, the 2 cycle of my reality, after the time I spent at sea finding my identity. The interesting thing about this marriage is that after three unsuccessful marriages, it was love at first sight and it never has changed.  Obviously, my success in marriage, and everything else, came from finding my identity while I was at sea.
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January 21, 2007
Reality Check number 6

“New Age” being one of the key words in my Web site, I typed “new age” in my search engine. As usual, my site was nowhere to be seen.  Googles’ “new age” introduced Kyon and the Indigo children, compliments of Lee Carroll, who has sold hundreds of thousands of books. Kyon and the Indigo children, you may be surprised to know, has a large following.

I was told I was born in sin, in need of advice from one of man’s concoctions.  We swallow this bate hook line and sinker.  Here’s something  you probably never heard. Quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker claims to have scientific evidence that you and I are “the co-creators in the foundry of creation.”  Somebody is totally wrong, either Carroll or Walker.  Whoever heard of you and I having the power of God?

Including Carroll’s Kyron, the gods say there is a great battle brewing.  God is on both sides.  God wants us to win the war. God wants our enemy to win the war.

To the materialist, all paraphysical phenomena is purely fictional. However, the materialist worships the ground his or her heros walk on, worships fame and fortune, even subjects himself or herself to grave dangers in yielding to the wills of those humans he or she believes in. With absolutely no proof, believers in the supernatural have faith in dogmas and doctrines somebody thought up.  They base their faiths on the fact that the dogmas and doctrines have been around thousands of years.  Materialists and believers in the supernatural either look to society or an external deity for their answers.  Kyron is an external deity.  Just pick a name and, bingo, you have a large following. It’s a wonder when you consider that we humans are born with the ability to reason.  Why is Carroll’s deity listed under “new age?”

I wrote in my Google search engine “belief in self.” There are 2,270,000 Web sites connected with belief in self. ( Mine is not one of them.) My statistics say I’m not listed by any search engine anywhere. The first site on the list of “belief in self,” entitled “The Indestructible Self-Belief,” maintains that to do great things you have to believe in yourself.  “To win at anything in life, your greatest battle is with yourself.”  I would add, that your battle is with the ego-self that clings to external authorities for dear life, and looks at self-possessed people as the enemy. (I’m going straight to hell.)

There is an abundance of anecdotal evidence of higher powers in us, and that under certain circumstances we can reach out, extend our senses into paraphysical realms—view distant scenes, access the future, move matter, recall events in past lives. Kyon or some other deity is more plausible because it is external—somebody’s idea.  We couldn’t be blessed with an internal higher power.  It has to come from some external authority.  The Stockholm syndrome is real. There is such a thing as battered person syndrome, abused child syndrome. No question about their existence.  Authority can put us under a spell because we have faith in the idea that we, individually, are powerless.  Like the newborn, we grab hold of any external authority we can find that can give us the security we need.

All who believe in Kyron, or some other external deity, or some external hero, cause, or convention, have this in common: little faith in self.  With faith in myself, I knew paraphysical phenomena exits because it occurs in me.  It occurred after I rejected my old conventional life, after I sought a better life.

Shortly after I made my decision, I went to sea. I was sailing off the Palm Beach coast with a friend when I heard cries for help. I searched the sea with my field glasses and seeing nothing, and my friend heard nothing, I sailed on. But something compelled me to come about and sail in the direction of the cries for help. The sun had set and it was dusk. I was about to give up the search when I saw a flag marking the location of a lobster pot acting strangely. I took a look at it with my field glasses and saw three heads. They were scuba divers who got caught in a current and couldn’t swim back to their boat. They had drifted miles.  Nobody thought anything of the fact that they were out of earshot and I sailed straight to them.  People don’t think about the things they can’t explain.

This psychic experience was followed by my getting caught in a storm in the middle of the Gulf Stream that separates Florida from the Bahama Banks. With a crew of three, nobody can explain how we sailed through 30 foot seas in record time to our destination, Lake Worth Inlet. Nobody can explain how I sailed into breakers at the mouth of the inlet and surfed down a wave that never broke into the inlet. It was just one of those things, but my crew hugged and kissed me and called it a miracle.

I didn’t think much about my psychic experiences at sea until I wrote my memoirs. All the events in my life connect.  Once I started believing in myself, became my own savior, my life started improving.  It wasn’t something I was taught. It was something I had to learn on my own. I learned that I’m capable of performing miracles. I don’t need the external props others need.
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January 22, 2007
Reality Check number 7

We’ve been learning on the news how manipulative pedophiles are, and how fearful and helpless their victims feel. Children can be easily manipulated. The shame of what is done to them rubs off on the child.  Pedophiles are human beings. Other humans are manipulative for different reasons.  Politicians are manipulative. People living in poverty are like children. They can easily be manipulated by government candy. Taxes are a gun to the head. People are being taxed into poverty, forced to beg for government assistance. The tax oppressed feel fearful, helpless, and ashamed. If only people could know the personal power they possess, they would not be victimized by predators.

We are categorized, which makes the need to know limited. In government, this is especially true. There never could have been a 9-11 attack if the government had not been divided into self-serving fiefdoms that didn’t pass information on. Religion, the law, and science are separate fiefdoms.   The clergy, for instance, need not know the law of the land or the latest scientific discoveries, although all three deal with the “Higher Law.”  To politicians, the “Higher Law” is throwing holy water in the devil’s face.  Perhaps the biggest obstacle over the ages to progress has been the need to know syndrome.

It came to me that it behooves the high and mighty to keep the population in the dark.  The IRS is responsible for my reading textbooks on the law.  By knowing the law, I beat the IRS.  It goes with my nature to read textbooks that I can apply in a practical way. Who would think quantum physics could be applied in a practical way?  Classical physicists say quantum physics is B.S. Classical physics says the mind is an electrochemical process in the brain. I didn’t perceive the mind to be part of the brain. I bought a textbook written by quantum physicist Nick Herbert entitled
Elemental Mind.

I’m convinced the mind is not confined to the skull.  I exist in a state of consciousness. States don’t have boundaries.  This idea led me to another textbook, Evan Harris Walker’s
The Physics of Consciousness.  We read in Walker’s book, “it has only been with the advent of quantum theory that we have discovered proof that we exist as something more than pieces of matter. In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation.”

The observer “a co-equal in the foundry of creation,” whoever heard of such a thing!  Here is a mad scientist telling us he has proof.  The church goes on faith. The law of the land totally rejects the idea, and that goes for the major part of science. The establishment has something to lose.

In reading Walker’s book, I found that classical science demands concrete proof, proof of which we can conceive.  Classical science bars perceived truth.  The one is direct, the other indirect. Classical science does not allow deducted truth, or if this is so then that is so. Classical science does not allow circumstantial evidence, testimony that is not based on actual personal knowledge or observation of the facts; that is, conceived facts.  Walker observes in experiments that once connected two particles always communicate instantaneously, no matter if they are light years apart. Classical science maintains that the microcosmic, because it doesn’t act like the macrocosmic—our world—it is not part of our world. According to classical science, as far as our lives are concerned, the microcosmic is of no consequence. 

The establishment does not allow the existence of anything that does not agree with the established way of thinking, in this case, for thousands of years belittling our personal power, brainwashing us into marching lockstep with establishment ideas. Biologist Julian Huxley, in his essay
The Future of Man, tells us, “Man’s exploration and control of external nature has outdone his exploration and control of his own nature.”

To the materialist, all paranormal phenomena is fiction. However, the materialist worships the ground his or her heros walk on. Faith in self is usually missing. The energy is building. Nothing we think today about the way the universe is put together is true.

Quantum physics, although the study of matter, energy, motion, and force, our minds are now involved. In classical physics, objects having definite physical attributes, in quantum physics “possibility waves,” there is a dimension of infinite possibility. Everything that is real has been observed. This is deduced from what quantum physicists have observed in the lab. Our world is not split, not as classical physics would have it. The microcosmic and macrocosmic are one seamless mold.  We are conscious of more than classical physics allows. A state of mind either does or does not occur. “If we assume only that conscious observation exists, that alone is enough to let us understand where space-time and matter come from. There is no space as such, no matter as such.  There exists only the observer, consciously experiencing his or her complement,” says Walker.

What quantum physics is proving has been known for a long time.  Before Norman Vincent Peale’s
The Power of Positive Thinking, before Joshua Liebman’s Peace of Mind, James Allen:

As a being of Power, Intelligence and Love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which my make himself what he wills.
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