Indian Instruments
Indian flute pakhawaj
The Indian flute is an instrument played in every part of India.  It is made in every possible size from bamboo.  It is usually played in a horizontal position. 
A pakhawaj is a long bodied wooden drum.  Both ends of it is covered in skin.  It is played with the fingers and the palms of both hands.  It is the most widly used drum in South Indian music.  The pakhawaj is the traditional drum of North India.
The Sarod is a popular stringed instrument.  The body is carved from a piece of teak wood and covered with goat skin.  there are four main strings, six rhythm strings and fifteen sympathetic strings which are all made out of metal.  The instrument is played by striking. 
The tampura is a four of five instrument which gives the drone background to all Indian music. 

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Site created: November 2001 Last updated: 12 December 2001