Heaven: Crazy Like A Mean Dog Chewing On a Wasp |
Meet Heaven, a woman who has died multiple times. A woman who was dead for four hours before being revived. A woman on a mission directly from God. E-Mail Heaven! Heavenfl@aol.com |
"I was under the water DEAD for four hours . . . " "I came out of my body . . . " " . . . and I saw the thrones of GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, then LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE VIRGIN MARY APPEARED TO ME & took me to the thrones of THE LIVING GOD - ALMIGHTY GOD - THE MOST HOLY TRINITY - and LORD JESUS CHRIST took me to HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE & Lord Jesus showed me HEAVEN . . . " - Heaven (12/4/03) |
*************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven complains about Kathy’s abusing her throne of ignorance, and finally sets Kathy (a Jew) straight on what real Jews believe. Yes, Heaven is telling a Jew what good Jews believe.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl *Heaven is quoting some of Kathy’s text in this reply. Kathy’s text is indicated by the greater-than symbol (>). KathyP11: What you write is completely wrong. EXAMPLE, CASE IN POINT: THE HOLY BIBLE says in the book of GENESIS that Adam & Eve sinned. I personally didn't think this up. This IDEA was written in the OLD TESTAMENT before I was born. >Jesus was not the messiah, nor is he G-d. And there is no such thing as >"eternity death hell-fire." Why did Christianity feel the need to invent >such nonsense, I wonder? YOU ARE SITTING ON YOUR THRONE OF IGNORANCE. It is so sad to see you sitting there. You say that you are a jewish person, and yet you say things that even a faithful jewish person would never say. JEWISH PEOPLE BELIEVE THERE IS A HELL-FIRE ETERNITY DEATH IN ETERNITY. AS YOU ARE SITTING ON YOUR THRONE OF IGNORANCE ABOUT GOD AND RELIGION DEAR - YOU ARE VERY OUTRAGEOUS AS YOU MOCK AND BLASPHEME OUR TRUE MESSIAH AND TRUE SAVIOR LORD JESUS CHRIST WHICH IS TOTALLY DISASTEROUS FOR YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL, I AM TELLING YOU THE HONEST TRUTH. THE HOLY BIBLE WHICH IS GOD'S ETERNAL WORDS TO HUMANITY SAYS: "HE who HAS THE SON - (LORD JESUS CHRIST) HAS THE FATHER. HE who DOES NOT HAVE THE SON, HAS NOT the FATHER, and the WRATH OF GOD RESTS ON THIS PERSON." READ AND STUDY THE NEW TESTAMENT SO YOU CAN GET TRUE WISDOM WHICH IS FROM GOD ALONE IN THE HOLY BIBLE. This is definately NOT my opinion. THIS is DIRECTLY WHAT ALMIGHTY GOD says in the OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [With her impecible debating skills, Heaven refutes JimsPics and wins the debate—fundy style.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl JimsPics: I don't BELIEVE that you have READ & STUDIED the NEW TESTAMENT in DEPTH. You ONLY QUOTE and MOCK THE OLD TESTAMENT!! YOU don't quote the NEW TESTAMENT because you haven't read and studied it yet!! YOU are still blinded by your SINS and YOU SIMPLY DON'T KNOW WHO GOD IS and WHAT GOD WANTS FROM YOU WHICH IS WRITTEN IN THE OLD AND IN THE NEW TESTAMENTS IN THE HOLY BIBLE... Please READ & STUDY IN DEPTH the NEW TESTAMENT. You are NOT BORN AGAIN. You are DEAD in your SINS and you talk like it. LORD JESUS CHRIST SAID THAT HE CAME TO FULFILL ALL OF THE LAW AND ALL OF THE PROPHETS AND THAT HE WAS GIVING HIS LIFE AS THE ATONING SACRIFICE FOR ALL PEOPLE'S SINS. JESUS CHRIST IS TRULY THE MESSIAH SAVIOR AND LORD JESUS CHRIST IS TRULY GOD IN GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven making Christianity look bad to Napavalleytrish.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl Napavalleytrish: I can SEE that YOU have NEVER READ & STUDIED THE HOLY BIBLE since you DO NOT have the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD WHICH IS THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH WITHIN YOU. I HOPE YOU READ & STUDY THE HOLY BIBLE WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT TRUTH IS. I PERSONALLY READ THE HOLY BIBLE AND I PUT INTO PRACTICE AND LIVE THE WORDS THAT GOD TELLS US TO DO IN THE HOLY BIBLE, AND I LOVE GOD AND MY NEIGHBOR. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven politely explains to Kathy that Kathy’s blatant sitting upon her throne of ignorance is getting old.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl KathyP11: I am so sick and tired of hearing you MOCK JESUS CHRIST KATHY!! JESUS CHRIST IS GOD THE MESIAH SAVIOR IN GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY. I keep on telling you to READ & STUDY THE HOLY BIBLE, AND TO READ THE BOOK CALLED: "EVIDENCE THAT DEMANDS A VERDICT", By Josh McDowell. WE Christians KNOW what we believe and WHO we believe in. IF you don't turn to LORD JESUS CHRIST as YOUR SAVIOR MESSIAH, you will NEVER GET INTO HEAVEN FOREVERL IFE IN ETERNITY WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST!! IN ETERNITY!! THIS IS THE HONSET TO GOD TRUTH, & THIS IS WHAT THE HOLY BIBLE SAYS, AND I SAW THIS TO BE COMPLETELY TRUE AS I WAS AN EYEWITNESS OF THIS IN ETERNITY!!!! WAKE UP KATHYP11. Get off of your THRONE OF IGNORANCE KathyP - IT'S GETTING OLD!! Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Kathy, a Jew, is reminded by Heaven that she (Heaven) knows that Jesus is real because she has witnessed him with her own eyes. Kathy, being a Jew, does not believe Jesus fulfilled the messianic prophecies in the Hebrew Bible and pointed this out. Heaven became irate, as usual, and responded as below.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl KathyP11: I have seen HEAVEN AND HELL in ETERNITY & LORD JESUS CHRIST. Have YOU? GET OFF OF YOUR THRONE OF IGNORANCE!!! YOU are the BLIND leading the BLIND!! JESUS CHRIST IS THE MESSIAH - GOD AND SAVIOR. GOD IS THE MSOT HOLY TRINITY.. I SAW THIS AS PLAIN AS CAN BE. Because you STILL HAVE NOT STUDIED THE NEW TESTAMENT, YOU ARE MISERABLE AND YOU commit the SIN of MOCKING GOD - JESUS. THIS is WRONG, and I am telling YOU for JESUS' HOLY NAME SAKE, and your your own soul's sake to STOP AT ONCE SAYING YOUR HATEFUL AND TERRIBLE WORDS WHICH ARE COMPLETELY WRONG ABOUT JESUS CHRIST. YOU JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. I AM AN EYEWITNESS DEAR, AND YOU ARE NOT!!! PERIOD!!!!!! Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven tries to tell Anne that she is blind and needs to study the Holy Bible in depth. Near the end of the post, Heaven reminds Anne that she (Heaven) has met Jesus when she was given her tour of heaven and hell—when she died for four hours—and is a true and faithful Christian.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl Anne, YOU are a BLIND GUIDE dear. I suggest humbly that you READ AND STUDY THE HOLY BIBLE in DEPTH with some learned people who can teach you the ETERNAL TRUTHS of GOD in the HOLY BIBLE. YOU JUST DON'T GRASP OR KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT THE HOLY BIBLE IS ABOUT, DEAR. Anne, In the words you write here YOU are speaking lies and blasphemy about GOD, and the HOLY BIBLE. STOP talking your lies and nonsense, because you are going to be judged for your words by GOD and your words you honestly say here about JESUS are lies. I know what I am seriously and honestly saying here. I am an EYEWITNESS to LORD JESUS CHRIST, and I am a faithful and true christian servant of GOD on earth. STOP talking about JESUS without knowing the HOLY BIBLE. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven comes to the defense of a fellow fanatic, Ear4tehharmony, after having Fiora say something sensible about a senseless post.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl Fiora, WHY do YOU BLAME people Fiora, when they TELL YOU what the future will BE based on the HOLY BIBLE? GOD will judge sinners and SIN in this WORLD at the end of time. That is why we need a SAVIOR from SINS - who is LORD JESUS CHRIST the MESSIAH GOD & SAVIOR. Please don't ridicule people who know about the HOLY BIBLE, and you might NOT have studied the HOLY BIBLE in depth yet. HAVE YOU EVER READ AND STUDIED THE HOLY BIBLE IN DEPTH YET, FIORA. Can you PLEASE answer this question? I have. And It is obvious from Ear4theharmony, that Ear4theharmony HAS READ and STUDIED the HOLY BIBLE in depth. I can see from ALL of your replys on the message boards that I think you HAVE NOT YET READ AND STUDIED THE HOLY BIBLE YET. PLEASE DO SO. GOD ASKS THIS OF YOU FIORA AND OF EVERYONE, including me. Thank you. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven posits that perhaps the best way for wisdom to enter the heads of heathens like The Funk and Anne, is to have their heads split open so some wisdom can spill into their heads.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl THE FUNK: YOU ARE SO BLIND AND SO IS ANNE BLIND AND SO ARE OTHER PEOPLE ON HERE. MAYBE THE ONLY WAY WISDOM WILL EVER ENTER YOUR HEADS IS IFYOUR HEADS GET CRACKED OPEN IN A DITCH AFTER YOU ALL LEAD YOURSELVES INTO A DITCH being so blind, maybe that is the only way wisdom will ever enter your heads!! Heaven't you ever heard that people can learn from experience and experience is a good teacher? What does this have to do with the FBI, crazy person, TheFunk. You and Anne and ther other blind people can all lead each other like blind people leading the blind into the ditch...of destruction and death. Which according to GOD is what you are doing.... Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven expresses her desire for wisdom to pour into The Funk’s and Anne’s gashed heads.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl THE FUNK & ANNE: Darkness meeting darkness. BOTH fall into a ditch and break their BLIND HEADS open!! MAYBE SOME WISDOM WITH THEN, FINALLY POUR IN!! ?? ; ) Heavenfl *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven exposes my secret to the world: I am a homosexual slave who is into bondage.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl Fauven79: From your ridiculous post that you wrote here, I have to wonder if you are GAY? YOU DO come out and say out loud that you are an ATHEIST & you are constantly mocking GOD and christians. But NOW from reading your post here I can see that you are most likely probably GAY as well. OH, what a horrible combination for yourself. I will PRAY for you and for your deliverance from your SLAVERY & BONDAGE. Heavenfl *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven reminds Fiora that, as a result of Fiora’s having not read the Bible enough and not being a Christian, that Fiora will continue to attack Christians for knowing the real truth.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl Fiora: I WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU. You are a lost person. Because I am a christian servant of GOD and because I have READ the HOLY BIBLE and I BELIEVE the HOLY BIBLE is TRUE and THE WORD OF GOD, you somehow find offense with this. I can't prove the HOLY BIBLE to you because YOU HAVE TO READ IT AND STUDY IT FOR YOURSELF. THE HOLY BIBLE SAYS THIS. IT'S like a musician needs to read and study music in order to play a concerto. Unless YOU read and STUDY in DEPTH the HOLY BIBLE, you will never understand what I am talking about, and you will continue to come after me and other humble christians who have READ and STUDIED the HOLY BIBLE & who talk sincerely from the heart here about GOD and the LOVE OF GOD and about GOD'S WILL, etc. and this gets you riled up since you don't know what we christians are talking about... Heavenfl *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven points out that she is most like people on earth and doesn’t have time to entertain us heathens any longer. Keep in mind that this shortage of time came only after Heaven was thoroughly exposed as a liar on many occasions, such as her lies about Hitler, Jews, being dead for four hours, etc.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl Anne, Like many people on earth: I have only a very small amount of free time during the day or night because I work LONG hours and I also have things to study & do every day... just like many people on earth. ALSO, I am tired when I come home from work & I don't have the desire to reply to petty and trivial words. I only want to communicate on the message boards with intelligent people who are polite and who want to share and to learn and grow like I do politely. When people turn the message boards into petty verbal warfare I don't want to waste time & reply to these posts. I come on the boards to share, learn, and to grow, and for polite entertainment. I don't come on the message boards to read how people tear apart people's characters on here because that is petty and trivial & honestly, I don't have time for petty & trivial words & behavior. I want to reply only to intelligent messages on the message boards on AOL. Heavenfl *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven is being serious and is not kidding in this one.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl YWN666: I'll pray for YOU. I USED to be LOST, like YOU. I'm NOT LOST any more because I am a christian and I've READ and STUDIED the HOLY BIBLE, have you? IT REALLY WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE, IFyou READ and STUDY it. I'm serious. I'm not kidding you. Heavenfl *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven correcting someone who pointed out that the god of Islam is the same abrahamic god of Christianity.] Date: 12/21/03 From: Heavenfl ArcSol: Sorry, you aren't right about this. They worship their so-called "GOD" call Him "Allah". Muslims do NOT believe that GOD is THE MOST HOLY TRINITY. Muslims do not believe that JESUS CHRIST is GOD the SAVIOR MESSIAH, and GOD the SON. Muslims do NOT believe in a triune GOD. Muslims have a false prophet named Mohammed who duped people by telling false words & Mohammed created mass confusion for millions of people on that side of the world as an antichrist figure & he puleld people away from readying the TRUE SACRED SCRIPTURES OF GOD FOUND ONLY IN THE OLD TESTAMENT AND IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. Mohammed was so duped that he and a few others created a false bible called the Koran - it is the devils bible. Mohammed is in hell right now because he was a false prophet. The HOLY BIBLE says false prophets go to hell. Mohammed was a false prophet unfortunately. The Islam faith is a faith of denying GOD THE SON JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH FOR WHO HE IS, DENYING GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY AS BEING GOD ALMIGHTY, AND denying people the ability to live the way GOD commands people to live in the OLD & NEW TESTAMENTS in the HOLY BIBLE, and Islam is the one of satan's religions & instructs people to follow and obey the terrible things that are written in the Koran. Heavenfl *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven informs us (the heathens) that God is going to kill us and that we will not experience eternal forever living life in eternal life for eternity heaven.] Date: 12/17/03 From: Heavenfl I should say this: THE LIVING GOD SAYS THIS IN THE HOLY BIBLE: "IF YOU SIN AGAINST ME (GOD) YOU WILL DIE." "SIN IS DEATH." "OBEY ME (GOD) AND LIVE." and "GOD IS THE GOD OF THE LIVING, AND GOD IS NOT THE GOD OF THE DEAD. THERE IS NO DEATH, NO SIN, AND NO DARKNESS IN GOD." "GOD IS ALMIGHTY AND ETERNAL. GOD IS ALMIGHTY HOLINESS, PURITY, ALL JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, LOVE, AND ETERNAL FOREVER LIFE. CHOOSE THIS DAY WHO YOU WILL SERVE, GOD, OR YOUR SINS." "GOD IS ETERNAL FOREVER LIVING AND GOD IS GOOD." Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven tries to excuse herself from having to answer those who criticize her mindless blathering.] Date: 12/17/03 From: Heavenfl Kelzan: FAITHFUL & TRUE CHRISTIANS KNOW WHAT WE BELIEVE. People who work a lot, like me, DON'T HAVE TIME TO WASTE by reading posts that are argumentative, petty, & trivial. IT comes down to using our time wisely. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WASTING TIME COMMUNICATING WITH PEOPLE WHO ONLY WANT TO ARGUE AND CALL SOMEONE DEROGATORY NAMES, SLANDER SOMEONE, AND HAVE A PETTY & TRIVIAL VERBAL WAR WITH SOMEONE. LIFE IS NOT TO BE WASTED & I don't want to waste my life reading posts that are petty & trivial. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven praises another fanatic. The other fanatics words are indicating by a greater-than (>) symbol.] Date: 12/17/03 From: Heavenfl Ear4the Harmony: I JUST REALLY WANTED TO TELL YOU THAT YOUR POST HERE IS EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT, AND I GREATLY ADMIRE WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN, BECAUSE IT IS THE TRUTH, AND THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS POST. > >Jesus said He came to do the will of the Father (John 6:38) and that He was >the fulfillment of the law (Math. 5:17). That covers Jesus' position on >Homosexuality. For He and His Father are one. > >How extreme the thinking that somehow Jesus had to spell the obvious out. >That is actually an insult to true intellect. IT IS ACTUALLY AN INSULT TO TRUE INTELLECT to try to spell out the obvious about what JESUS really said and didn't say in the HOLY BIBLE, since the HOLY BIBLE speaks for itself to those who take the time to study it & learn it in depth. >Won't be pulled into a 'battle of words' with some of the posts I read that >are directed toward me personally--sorry, it's just a waste of my >time--futile. If and when I respond, I feel it is worthy of my time and I >use it as an opportunity to speak His Truth, not my own. > >His word is a sword (Heb 4:12) sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing >even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and >marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL, AND I ALSO DON'T HAVE TIME TO WASTE TO WASTE REPLYING TO PETTY & TRIVIAL WORDS, TOO. AGAIN, THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO WRITE SUCH AN EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT AND A COMPLETELY AND ENTIRELY TRUTHFUL & GODLY POST. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven has a habit of attacking people and then crying foul when they defend themselves. She also has trouble understanding why Fiora strikes back through AOL with words, rather than sending a fist through the monitor.] Date: 12/17/03 From: Heavenfl Fiora: WHY are you FIGHTING me VERBALLY on AOL with your words? YOU don't even know me and you have never met me. However, TRUTH is TRUTH dear. TRUTH is honest and humble and simple. I am telling the COMPLETE TRUTH and I am a humble person in my heart dear. YOU need to reevaluate your view of what TRUTH is. I think it's because I am an OUTSPOKEN & BOLD christian servant of GOD & this upsets you. Well, GOD WON & defeated sin and death and hell at the CROSS dear, and I am on the side of GOD. I hope you turn to GOD because then you'll have GOD and HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE too now and in eternity. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven exposes who the Anti-Christ really is: it’s almost everyone in the world!] Date: 12/17/03 From: Heavenfl The HOLY BIBLE says the ANITCHRIST is ANYONE WHO: 1) DENIES THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST AND 2) WHO DENIES THAT JESUS CHRIST IS GOD THE SAVIOR AND THE MESSIAH. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven started using the “I don’t have time” excuse to escape having to deal with people who point out the bull shit in pretty much everything she says.] Date: 12/17/03 From: Heavenfl THE FUNK: The AOL post that you wrote here shows quite CLEARLY that YOU have NO INTELLIGENCE & NO CLASS to be verbally judging my character SINCE YOU have never met me & you don't personally KNOW ME. Since I work frequently 15 to 18 hours a day I don't have time to waste responding to your crazy AOL posts. LIFE IS NOT TO BE WASTED. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven puts herself in the same league as John the Baptist and expresses her belief that her being filled with the spirit of truth is why we heathens get so upset with her—it has nothing to do with her blatant lies and hate-speech.] Date: 12/17/03 From: Heavenfl RaggedRobin7777: Thank you for your comments. YES I DO have the SPIRIT OF TRUTH. That is what makes these people who DON'T have the SPIRIT OF TRUTH upset. THEY are like blind people falling into the ditchs of death and destruction, and people like YOU, St.John the Baptist, me, and Harmony4the.. are trying to WAKE THESE PEOPLE UP TO TRUTH AND UP TO GOD NOW, while there is still time for them to wake up to GOD!! Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [It doesn’t matter how crazy or psychotic a post is, as long as it is from a Christian perspective and promotes hatred, Heaven thinks it is a fantastic and wonderful post. She often praises fellow fanatics as you see her doing it below.] Date: 12/17/03 From: Heavenfl RaggedRobin7777: Hi Betty!! I enjoy reading your messages Betty!! THEY are TRUTHFUL & INTERESTING. I know that in ETERNITY I won't have to be around all of the GOD MOCKING heretics, infidels, and atheists & HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE will be such a sweet place in ETERNTY. I look forward to being around the people who BOLDLY LOVE and SERVE GOD IN TRUTH, PURE LOVE, HOLINESS, AND IN VIRTUES IN HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE. I don't care if people ridicule me but I HATE IT WHEN THEY MOCK GOD & THE HOLY BIBLE. That is why I try to write messages on the boards then I see someone mocking GOD or the HOLY BIBLE, I will reply and try to tell this person the TRUTH that GOD says in the HOLY BIBLE. Keep up your VERY EXCELLENT & GODLY messsages on these boards~~ Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven tells Kathy, a Jew, all about Jesus.] Date: 12/17/03 From: Heavenfl KathyP11: LORD JESUS CHRIST EMMANUAL - GOD THE SAVIOR OF HUMANITY - MESSIAH IS NOT IN THE TOMB. CHRIST JESUS -THE LORD & MESSIAH ROSE FROM THE DEAD AND HE ROSE OUT OF THE TOMB, AND THIS IS CALLED THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST. LORD JESUS CHRSIT IS REALLY ALIVE NOW AND IS LIVING NOW IN HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE IN ETERNITY. LORD JESUS WILL COME THE SECOND TIME TO THIS EARTH, AND HE WILL SET UP A FOREVER LIFE KINGDOM OF GOD. READ THE HOLY BIBLE, THEN YOU'LL FIND OUT JESUS OUR GOD AND SAVIOR ROSE FROM THE DEAD & JESUS IS SIMPLY NOT IN THAT TOMB, HE'S ALIVE IN HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE, DEAR. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven defends her prolific USE of FUNDYFONT and YELLING by comparing herself to major figures in the Bible. She seems to have a habit of comparing herself to Biblical heros.] Date: 12/11/03 From: Heavenfl Lorynwoods: Have you EVER READ WHAT the PROPHETS of GOD talk about in the OLD TESTAMENT?? Look dear, they were telling GODS ETERNAL WORDS to people without any apologies to the infidels, like I am. THE OLD TESTAMENT PROPHETS were SHOUTING at people to get their lives straightened out for GOD. And you think this should be whispered to people, or that people need to ask permission to evangelise?? GOD ALMIGHTY IS THE VERY LIFE OF EVERY HUMAN PERSON ON EARTH!!! EITHER YOU HAVE GOD IN YOUR LIFE AND YOU ARE ALIVE TO GOD & IN GOD ON EARTH & IN HEAVEN, or YOU are DEAD IN YOUR SINS & YOU ARE WITHOUT GOD..... WHAT IS AT STAKE HERE FOR EVERYONE IS: FOREVER LIFE HEAVEN IN ETERNITY or FOREVER DEATH HELL-FIRE IN ETERNITY, and THE ETERANL TRUTH AND FACTS THAT GOD ALMIGHTY - THE MOST HOLY TRINITY WHO IS ETERNAL GOD LIVES AND REIGNS PEOPLE, EARTH, & HEAVEN FOREVER AND EVER. Do you want GODS FOREVER ETERNAL WORDS HIDDEN UNDER A RUG ON THE FLOOR SOMEWHERE??!! GOD SAYS TO SHOUT THE ETERNAL FOREVER GOOD NEWS ABOUT GOD EVERYWHERE!!! Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven is talking to me in this one. I pointed out that her claim that she died for four hours was ridiculous and a lie. She argues that it is true because people were dead in the Bible for days before being revived. Yeah, she really let me have it . . . yeah. Oh, and Heaven dedicate several posts over a period of several days to pushing that book on the posters in the forum. ] Date: 12/10/03 From: Heavenfl Fauven79: There are people in the HOLY BIBLE that were DEAD FOR DAYS and GOD made them come to life again. Lazarus, the little girl, etc. YOU THINK MY STORY IS WRONG?? YOU DON'T READ THE HOLY BIBLE, DO YOU?? Have you read the book written by an American physician named DR. RICHARD EBY who lives in America WHO DIED & WALKED AROUND IN HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE WITH LORD JESUS CHRIST & Dr. Eby CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD and wrote a book about it, yet? The book is called: CAUGHT UP INTO PARADISE, by Richard Eby, D.O. He is also an obstetric doctor. Dr. Eby founded several hospitals. You can order this book at a christian bookstore & it is $4.95. This book is Dr. Richard Eby's christian testimony. FOR YOUR INFORMATION: AFTER DR. EBY DIED & AFTER DR. EBY SAW HEAVEN AND HELL AND AFTER DR. EBY WALKED AROUND IN HEAVEN WITH LORD JESUS CHRIST, Dr. Eby came back to earth, and Dr. Eby also became an ordained Baptist minister and wrote this book which is his personal christian testimony of seeing LORD JESUS CHRIST & HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE in ETERNITY. Are you saying that what I am saying is wrong & isn't true? You are the one who is completely wrong. READ THE HOLY BIBLE, and get a copy of: "CAUGHT UP INTO PARADISE" - By Dr. Richard Eby, so you can read for yourself WHAT HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE is REALLY LIKE by someone who has seen HEAVEN. AS DR. EBY SAW HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE AND WALKED AROUND IN HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE WITH LORD JESUS CHRIST AND DR. EBY CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD TO TELL PEOPLE WHAT HEAVEN IS LIKE. This paperback book written by Dr. Eby called: "CAUGHT UP INTO PARADISE" - is Dr. Eby's own personal christian testimony. Dr. Eby is still alive & lives in America. FOR YOUR INFORMATION: I HAVE SEEN HEAVEN & HELL AND LORD JESUS CHRIST & THE VIRGIN MARY TOO. If you don't believe this, I DO NOT CARE. I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE SEEN, AND DR. EBY KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE HAS SEEN TOO. I am a christian evangelist and I also work in the medical and in the veterinary fields. I am telling you the complete and humble truth here. I make my statements publically. I sincerely hope you will get the two above books: 1) THE HOLY BIBLE AND 2) CAUGHT UP INTO PARADISE and read them. Sincerely, A humble christian servant of GOD ALMIGHTY - THE MOST HOLY TRINITY - In LORD JESUS CHRIST'S MOST HOLY NAME Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Notice how eloquently Heaven exposes the truth about atheists to Endymion. She sure let the cat out of the bag, huh?] Date: 12/10/03 From: Heavenfl EndymionXXX: And atheists NEVER TIRE of LYING to try to trap people into their webs of deceit since TRUTH & REALITY SIMPLY ain't in the ATHEISTS HEARTS OR MINDS at all....... *************************************************************************************************************** [If I remember correctly, someone pointed out that it is disrespectful to say things like “there are no atheists in foxholes,” and Heaven expresses her disgust and need to vomit over the fact that someone would want to protect an atheist in a foxhole so that they can have their non-belief in God in peace. How despicable that someone would want atheists to have their disbelief in gods . . . especially while defending our country. What’s the world coming to?] Date: 12/10/03 From: Heavenfl Mom: OH now YOU are taking the position to protect the ATHEISTS IN THE FOXHOLES SO THEY CAN HAVE THEIR NON-BELIEF IN GOD!! I can't believe that I am reading some of these ridiculous posts!! As a christian servant of GOD, after all JESUS CHRIST SUFFERED FOR US AND DIED FOR US, AND AFTER ALL JESUSdid for us, I'm ready to vomit. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Here we have Heaven telling someone else how it is.] Date: 12/10/03 From: Heavenfl EndymionXXX: I've read the HOLY BIBLE & it teachs me what GOD says. YOU on the other hand DO NOT BELIEVE IN AND DO NOTaccept the HOLY BIBLE. THIS is exactly HOW we differ as people. GOD calls people fools who do NOT believe in HIM in the HOLY BIBLE. DO NOT PRESUME TO SAY PUBLICALLY WHAT I PERSONALLY BELIEVE AND WHAT I PERSONALLY KNOW. I AM PERFECTLY ABLE AND READY TO SPEAK FOR MYSELF. If you've read the HOLY BIBLE in Greek that's nice. I have the Holy Bible in several languages, and I study and read the HOLY BIBLE daily. You judged me, and I quote you: "As a dumb christian". My value as a christian servant is only in what GOD'S view of ME is and NOT in ANY WAY in what your miniscule view of me is, I can assure you. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven reveals the truth about Hitler.] From: heavenfl JUST FOR THE RECORD, ON EARTH LATER, HITLER also became DEMON POSSESSED IN HIS LIFE ONE EARTH and HITLER wanted to BE WORSHIPPED AS GOD ON EARTH. HITLER WANTED to kill anyone that he desired to, for any reason - at any time. AND HITLER REFUSED TO ALLOW ANYONE TO PRACTICE ANY KIND OF RELIGIOUS FAITH OF ANY KIND AROUND HIM, AFTER HITLER BECAME AN ATHEIST, AND AFTER HE LATER BECAME DEMON POSSESSED IN HIS LIFE. *************************************************************************************************************** [Here we have Heaven talking to another person who dared to tell her she is crazy and has lost her mind.] Date: 12/10/03 From: Heavenfl The Funk: YOU are an ATHEIST, and YOU are telling ME A CHRISTIAN SERVANT OF GOD that I have lost my mind?? YOU are making your judgements based not on reality and truth but based on your UNGODLY & dim biased view of life. I can smell your AOL message posts. EVERY TIME I READ ONE OF YOUR ATHEISTIC POSTS ON AOL, I YAWN. WHEN LORD JESUS CHRIST RETURNS HE IS GOING TO THROW ALL OF THE INFIDALS AND ATHEISTS OUT ON THEIR ASSES INTO HELL & DON'T THINK HE WON'T. GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED BY MERE MORTALS. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [I believing Heaven is accusing someone of trying to mock, degrade, and kill her--as she sees herself as a messenger.] Date: 12/10/03 From: Heavenfl When YOU don't like the message YOU try to mock, degrade, and kill the messenger. This is an OLD DECEITFUL POSITION that SATAN THE DEVIL tempts people to use on others, and it's been around for years. Let me tell you again FUNK: I don't give an eyelash blink what you think of me or my comments. WE FAITHFUL & TRUE CHRISTIAN SERVANTS OF ALMIGHTY GOD ARE STANDING WITH LORD JESUS CHRIST GOD AND MESSIAH AND SAVIOR TO HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE BOLDLY ON EARTH. YOU ATHEISTS, AND INFIDELS HAVE LOST!! GOD ALMIGHTY IS THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, AND GOD WON!! I HOPE YOU ATHEISTS, AND INFIDELS WILL LEARN THIS AND WAKE UP TO THIS - GOD ALMIGHTYS FOREVER ETERNAL TRUTH IMMEDIATELY. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [NeThingBtterThnU is a temporary handle Heaven was using, until it was discovered that she was playing the role of NeThingBtterThnU.] Date: 12/10/03 From: NeThingBtterThnU These are the times the HOLY BIBLE warns us about from the MOST HIGH GOD TRINITY! As I read over these posts and the hate and twisting of fruth that atheists do, I can only pray for there souls and hope GOD will have mercy on them. Unless they admit that there is a GOD and submit in beautiful worship they weill ALL burn in HELL ETERNAL! God loves them enough to punish them for what they do wrong. God's love is infinite so to not love and reject GOD is an infinite pain to him and his suffering will be infinite. So must be the punishment. As you atheists infinitely hurt GOD he will infinitely reject you after you are dead and begging him to forgive you. In these Last Days I can tell you from scripture that there is a war coming. I already know what side will win and I know what side I am going to be on. It will be you against us, the Christians. We will defeat you with the all mighty sword of GOD. You will not and can not peirce his armor. We will to be frank slaughter all of you and your infidel kids. Yes thats what you are doing you are killing your own kids by keeping them from GOD. If Jesus came today and the war began there would be no hope for your kids they would have to be killed with the rest of you. Your wives and husbands all of them and all of you. Is that really what you want dont yo know GOD LOVES YOU! I love God enough to fight you for him and I will when the time comes. I know the time is coming and I know most of us will be alive when it happens. I already have guns I have been buying and so do a lot of others. You can't beat us don't you know that? We have GOD on our side you CAN'T beat us! Stop living in and loving SIN and live in and for and love GOD instead it is so much better! What will do you have to lose if your wrong? What do you have to lose if I'm right? Everything. If I'mright and you are wrong you will lose eternity in Heaven with me and all the other Christians dont you want to meet the president in Heaven? It's a wonderful place I've seen it trust me it is literaly the best place on earth and you will never get to know it. What do you have to lose? ************************************************************************************************** [Heaven feels the pressure of trying to save God-mocking heathens from their sinning ways.] Date: 12/4/2003 From: Heavenfl I have been trying to warn & tell these blaphemers of GOD MoeLarry&Jes and the others that LAUGH AT, MOCK, DEGRADE, AND WHJO TRY TO DESTROY & BLASPHEME JESUS CHRIST THE LORD GOD AND SAVIOR APART on these AOL posts that EVERY word they say is RECORDED & WRITTEN DOWN BY GOD IN ETERNITY and GOD will ask them to account to HIM for EVERY ONE OF THEIR WORDS AND DEEDS AND THOUGHTS ON EARTH WHEN THEY DIE AND SEE HIM IN ETERNITY. Sometimes TRUTH doesn't enter people's minds or hearts because they are BLINDED BY THE WORLD AND SINS. Pray for them and warn them, but it's their souls choice. Imagine someone being so callous and hard against GOD to mock and blaspheme the LORD GOD that died to save them from HELL ETERNAL FIRE!!! Well, LB, if these blasphemers DON'T STOP blaspheming GOD they WILL be burning FOREVER IN FIRE, GOD GUARANTEES THIS IN THE HOLY BIBLE. Quite fankly, I am getting heartsick hearing them blaspheme GOD so openly on here!! Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [I underlined a portion of Heavenfl's first line of text. Heavenfl entered a whole new level of lying for Jesus when she dropped this bomb of a lie. She claims to have been dead for four hours. ] Date: 12/4/2003 From: Heavenfl I was under the water DEAD for four hours before the paramedics found me and brought me out of the water. It was terrible to drown. It was excruciatinly painful to suffocate and to drown. After I went through the excruciating experience of drowning & dying in the flesh I came out of my body and I all of a sudden I was looking down on my body!! I was seeing that my body was dead in the flesh under the water, but I was alive floating completely alive above my body looking down on my body!! I was completely alive in the spirit looking down on my dead body in the water!! I said "This is what it is like to be dead!! I see that my physical body is dead there, but here I am alive!" I then heard the most beautiful music I have ever heard, and I saw billions of angels, and I saw the thrones of GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, then LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE VIRGIN MARY APPEARED TO ME & took me to the thrones of THE LIVING GOD - ALMIGHTY GOD - THE MOST HOLY TRINITY - and LORD JESUS CHRIST took me to HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE & Lord Jesus showed me HEAVEN and I walked around in Heaven for awhile with Lord Jesus, and then Lord Jesus took me to Hell to show me Hell. Seeing Hell was absolutely horrible & terrible. Seeing HEAVEN is seeing GOD'S INFINATE FOREVER LIFE, and it is was so glorious that human speech can't adequately describe the MAJESTY & INFINATE GLORY & INFINATE BEAUTY of GOD'S FOREVER LIFE CALLED HEAVEN. I wanted to stay there in HEAVEN, but GOD wanted me to come back to warn people to stop sinning against HIM and to warn people about HEAVEN and HELL. Dr. Eby saw HEAVEN and HELL and LORD JESUS CHRIST too. Please buy and read his paperback book called "Caught Up Into Paradise". It's $4.95. You can get this book at a christian bookstore. Dr. Eby describes Heaven very well because I've seen the real place called Heaven in eternity, as well. Thank you. Heaven ************************************************************************************************ [Heaven accuses me of being a half-baked sinner. She’s pissed because I told her that her four-hour death story is a lie and because I pointed out that a near-death experience is NOT a death experience. She seems angered by anyone who points out that no one has ever died, as in being truly dead—brain dead—and been revived.] Date: 12/4/2003 From: Heavenfl Fauven79 Please read the HOLY BIBLE, and the christian paperback book called: "CAUGHT UP INTO PARADISE", by Dr. Richard Eby, D.O. obstetric physician and surgeon who founded several hospitals in America and who is still alive in America. YOU sound like a confused half baked sinner!! YOU DARE tell me what a near death experience is, when I've had two of them. GET SERIOUS!! I drowned in one of them, and I was dead under the water for 4 hours before I was pulled out of the water. PLEASE READ THE HOLY BIBLE: In the HOLY BIBLE people have been DEAD and have been brought BACK TO LIFE AFTER BEING DEAD IN THE FLESH & THEY WERE RESURRECTED BACK FROM PHYSICAL DEATH TO PHYSICAL LIFE AGAIN, BY THE WILL OF GOD. IT HAPPENED BACK THEN AND IT HAPPENED TO ME TWICE. If you don't believe this or don't like this, who cares? When you pass on in eternity I can tell you that you will see what Dr. Richard Eby and I both saw in ETERNITY: LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HEAVEN FOREVER LIFE AND HELL-FIRE ETERNITY DEATH, AND GOD THE MOST HOILY TRINITY. Take it or leave it. Dr. Eby and I and others are eyewitnesses to the above. GOD told me to warn people to stop sinning against HIM and to warn people about HEAVEN and HELL in eternity and that is what I am doing according to what GOD wants me to do. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS, AND CALL ME BRAIN DAMAGED, THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM, BECAUSE GOD HIMSELF ASKED ME TO DO THIS. BY THE WAY, WHEN PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE THE MESSAGE, THEY WANT TO DESTROY, MOCK, AND KILL THE MESSENGER. THEY DID THIS TO JESUS, AND CHRISTIANS GET PERSECUTED TOO BY LOST SICKOS. GOD WINS IN THE END, WHETHER YOU WANT HIM TO OR NOT, sick little half baked sinner!! Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven let’s A2Ron in on the secret that we are the generation that will see the second coming of Jesus (gee, no one has been saying that for the last 2,000 years).] From: Heavenfl A2Ron, You are wrong on this one A2Ron. LORD JESUS CHRIST spoke these words about the GENERATION that would witness HIS SECOND RETURN. BY THE WAY, according to the HOLY BIBLE, WE are the ACTUAL GENERATION that will see these things that JESUS prophesied would happen ALL IN ONE GENERATION, and THIS SAME GENERATION WHO WOULD SEE ALL OF THESE THINGS HAPPEN IN ONE GENERATION (US) WOULD SEE HIS SECOND RETURN. Thank you. Heaven *************************************************************************************************************** [Heaven is kind enough to warn Klenn about the hell-fire to come.] Date: 12/2/03 From: Heavenfl Klenn, NO ONE will get away with MOCKING GOD or MOCKING GOD'S HOLY NAME in ETERNITY. Finally, when eternity comes, Klennym, the people who MOCKED GOD on earth and who MOCKED GOD'S HOLY NAME on earth, will see what horrible mess THEY GOT THEMSELVES INTO, by FOOLISHLY MOCKING AN ALMIGHTY ETERNAL INFINATE ALL POWERFUL ALL HOLY LIVING GOD - WHO IS THE MOST HOLY TRINITY!! According to GOD in the HOLY BIBLE: THE END in ETERNITY will be ETERNAL DEATH HELL-FIRE for ANY & ALL PEOPLE who IGNORE, REJECT, MOCK, AND DISOBEY GOD ON EARTH OR IN ETERNITY, because GOD created and owns and rules PEOPLE & the universe, and everything, according to GOD'S ETERNAL WORDS in the HOLY BIBLE. A word to the wise: People who mock GOD: laugh now, PAY LATER with your very souls. Thank you. Heaven |