Jesus: The Pretend Christ
  Personally, I don't think Jesus ever existed.  Maybe some guy existed that a popular myth was attached to, but that doesn't mean anything for the myth found in the Christian Bible.  The Jesus story found in the Bible is mythical.  Not all links will refelct that view, but it's my opinion.
Jesus Was a False Prophet - A short and simple demonstration of how, Biblically, Jesus couldn't have been a prophet.

The Lowdown on God's Showdown - A somewhat lengthy explanation as to why the Christians are wasting their time looking up at tky sky for Jesus every time a storm comes or a jet smashes into a building or something.  Jesus isn't coming.

The Second Coming: Another Failed Promise - Jesus still isn't coming.  Shows where Jesus promised he'd return and proves that the promise was borken.

Genealogies of Jesus (1) - Examines the connection between Jesus and King David.

Genealogies of Jesus (2) - Examines the genealogy of Jesus given in Matthew.

Genealogies of Jesus (3) - Examines the genealogy of Jesus given in Luke, the problems, and Christian excuses.

Jesus Genealogy - Someone might find it useful.  It isn't the same as the above  three links, this one is much more boring.

Historical Jesus or Jesus Myth: The Jesus Puzzle - You have to scroll down some to get to the goods, but it's worth the sifting and reading. 

The Crucifixion - the rather wobbly keystone of Christianity -
Discusses the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus and why the author thinks they're "wobbly."

Why I don't Buy the Resurrection Story - This is a great essay.  It's been a while since I read it, so I can't remember much.  I do remember that it was nice and LONG and full of good stuff.  It's another one of those things that should be shared with a Christian friend.

The Origins of Christianity & the Quest for the HIstorical Jesus Christ - It is what it says, my friend.

Did Jesus Really Live? - If you can afford to buy a few books, read this page and the one listed before it.  They're both good. 

Did Jesus Exist -- The Probing Mind - Another essay discussing the existence of Jesus.

     Hopefully I'll have more later.  I have issues with finding time to review sites to link to.  That and I'm damned lazy.
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