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February 16, 2003

My new son is home

Earlier this month (Feb 8) my son (P-2) came home; however, he is still on a breathing monitor.  We’re uncertain as to how long he’ll be on the monitor but that is of little concern as long as it does its job.  It’s good to have him home; his mother (W) and I and his big brother (P-1) are thrilled to have him at home where he belongs.  He’s over 5 lbs now and growing well above average for preemies.  He just might be the cutest baby on this side of the continent . . . something you and I can keep to ourselves, k?

P-2 coming home seemed to be the beginning of what I hoped to be a thread of luck.  Life had other plans, ha-ha.  Just a couple of days after getting him home our vehicle broke down.  Shortly after that an exceptionally large deduction was made in our account putting us in the negative.  Some of our bills are drawn directly from our account, for some reason (AOL does this, too) one will not deduct money from our account for a few months and then all of a sudden deduct several months’ payment at once—sending us in the negative.  We had to spend all extra money on gas driving back and forth to the hospital to visit P-2 in the NICU.  Then, when we thought things couldn’t get worse, our TV blew up.  What brought about this sudden bout of bad luck is beyond me, but I hope it ends soon.  Unfortunately, without a vehicle I have no way to get to my classes.  I can take a city bus to my day classes, but I have no way to get to my 7:00 PM- 9:45 PM philosophy class—so that class has to be dropped.
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