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I signed onto America Online the other day and found myself reading an article about President W. Bush wanting to prevent protests in the UK, upon his visit on November 20.  (As of November 21, this search on Google.com produced several related articles)  I wasn't surprised at all, it seems just like something this administration would do.  Then I sign onto America Online today and begain readling an article written about the demonstrations in the UK against Bush (Bush Bashing In Britain).  In this article, we learn that Bush tells the British people that he values being able to visit a country who has the freedom to protest and speak their mind.  Then he points out that citizens in Iraq were unable to do this until recently, an untrue statement, by the way.  Iraqi citizens could have protests, just not against their former dictator.  I was just wondering, does anyone else feel that this was a brazen display of hypocrisy from the Bush presidency?
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