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                                                            Christian Persecution?

     I don’t care who you are, you’ll be persecuted for something at some point.  But do Christians in America really have the right to run around complaining that they’re persecuted?  I hear it all the time, they’ll usually make some reference to the Bible saying they’ll be persecuted and that they are.  When asked to give an example, they either site some moron who was dumb enough to go to the Middle East to spread the “Good News” and got himself killed (not even in the United States).  If not that, they’ll say something about school prayer or ten commandment posting on public property.  At which point I quickly point out that they probably don’t know what they’re talking about, and prayer isn’t banned from school like those shit-heads like Pat Robertson and Co. would have them believe. 
     So, do Christians have a right to complain about being persecuted in America?  I hardly think so.  The Christian religion gets better treatment than any other religion, or lack thereof, in this country.  The politicians can try to lie all they want; we all know what god is being referred to on the (unConstitutional) phrase “In God We Trust” that is printed on our currency.  Is it the god of Islam?  Could it be referring to Shiva?  Mithra?  No.  It’s an unspoken, yet understood , allusion to the Christian god.  One could possibly swindle their way into saying that it could be interpreted into any personal god.  Fine, it’s still supporting the idea of the existence of a deity, and endorsing monotheism.  Why don’t we hear about other religions wanting to have THEIR version of creation taught in school?  Why aren’t the kids entitled to hear about the earth resting on the back of a turtle?  Because Christianity gets the better treatment.  Who’s “code of morals” is it that fanatics want posted all over our schools and public buildings?  It’s the Christian Ten Commandments.  Christians, by no means, are persecuted.  If by persecution they mean not given 100% the special treatment they want, history changed to suit their wanting, their religion forced upon every child in America through the public education system, then yeah, they’re being persecuted.  They’re being persecuted for an attempt at theocratic tyranny.  

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