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     My wife (W) was visiting the doctor a few days ago.  For some reason he wasn’t there, so his nurse dealt with her.  W said she seemed a little off her rocker, but the damn woman was asking her of she believes in Jesus!  What in the hell does that have to do with medicine?  Then, the woman proceeded to write my wife a prescription for some new medicine.  I have two questions: (1) Can a nurse legally write  a prescription? (2) How in the hell does this woman figure she’s qualified to determine what kind of medicine my wife needs?  Anyway, she seemed like a quack and my wife is trying to avoid her at all costs.  In fact, we spent five hours waiting to see the doctor the other day just so she wouldn’t have to see the nurse.
     Still, why must Jesus come into the picture?  That’s something that has always annoyed the me.  It seems worse with older people.  I really hate it when I move into a new neighborhood and one of the neighbors tries to get me to visit his/church.  I don’t mind the invite, but it gets a little annoying when they do it once a month for a year.  Having heard you politely decline and inform them that I’m not religious each and every time.
     Yeah, whatever.  It’s 5:14AM, I can’t sleep.  I have no idea if this “rant” makes any sense, but wtf.  I’ll still put it on the site.
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