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11-14-02 Living With a Psychic I grew up in a highly superstitious family that believed in everything from angels and demons to witches and warlocks and curses and hexes, just to name a few. Mine was a Christian home privy to many Christian rituals such as praying and, for me, going to church. As I said, my family was superstitious, so I was also witness to rituals involving salt, holy water, white candles, house "cleansings", and several other odd behaviors. I grew up in world full of demons lurking about and the presence of the deceased trying to help us and keep us company. I also grew up in a world where it was possible for people to speak to deceased individuals and, at times, foresee the future. It certainly wasn't easy being a person who was more analytical than others around me growing up in such circumstances. I believed most of what I was told, though I did question the logic of it at a very early age. One thing that was prevalent is the occurrence of psychic foresight in my home. My father believes that he has dreams revealing future events and that he often experiences psychic infusions of knowledge about future events. For the most part, he kept this to himself and those living in our home. My mother, too, thinks that she is able to speak to deceased individuals and know things about the lives of others and to "see" both unknown past events and events to come. Growing up, she too, kept this to herself and those living in our home. I moved back to West Virginia in August (2002) with my wife and son. We have been staying with my mother, a temporary arrangement, and much to my surprise she no longer keeps her "gift" to herself. Family members and strangers wanting a reading visit her home seemingly at random intervals. She also leaves and meets people to provide her service. Whether or not she receives money for what she does is something I don't know, though I am somewhat curious. It's amusing to see how people get so excited about something she says that is so general I can apply it in several ways to myself, even though her statement isn't directed at me. At times she'll throw something out that is a miss, after realizing she has had a miss she'll either quickly drop it or weave it into something else until it turns into a hit, attributing the miss to a misinterpretation to what she was seeing or feeling. I see all the typical techniques used by the likes of Sylvia Browne or John Edwards. It's a little annoying, but it's her home and she believes what she's doing is real. I've thought about asking for a reading so I can point out how vague and generalized 99% of her statements are and point out that the other 1% that is specific almost always a miss. She seems very un-psychic to me, but she seems to be fooling herself and those who believe what she has to say. I hope she never asks me if I believe in what she does, I'll have no other choice but to offend her with the truth. Oh well, that's my rant and I haven't anything else to say. ::signing off:: |