Random Encounter Tables of Greyhawk

Patrol Information:

Straight from my Greyhawk Boxed Set Cards...

General Hints

Many entries in these tables refer to patrols of some kind (including bodies of demihumans or humanoids). Patrols will be watching over borders, scouting for enemies, guarding access to resources, etc. When such an encounter is indicated, refer to the descriptions below, but consider these to be basic templates. For example, Sergeants of Human Patrols are listed as wearing chain or plate mail armor, but in some parts of impoverished Nyrond, it might be the case that studded leather or somewhat damaged chain (giving base AC6) would be all that the patrol could muster! Be prepared to vary these basics with local detail.

Patrols detailed here are those of demihumans and men. Humanoid groups may be taken from the appropriate Monstrous Compendium entries.

Patrol, Dwarves
These hardy folk will be encountered in and adapted to skirmishes in hills and woodlands. The party consists of 1d8 +4 ordinary dwarves together with a junior clan leader and a henchman, as follows:

Leader: F4, AC4 (chain mail, shield), with battle axe, hand axe, crossbow, short sword.
Henchman: F3, outfitted as above.
Dwarves: F1, AC4 (chain mail, shield), with hand axe, short sword, crossbow, daggers.

The patrol has a 50% chance of being accompanied by a priest of 3rd-5th level (3+ ld3) as described below.

Patrol, Dwarven Veterans

These grizzled veterans are the heavy-duty patrols looking for trouble. All the ld10+ 10 veterans (warriors of levels 2-5, Id4 + 1 each) are clad in chain mail and all have shield, battle axes, crossbows, a short sword or dagger, and mace or morningstar. They are accompanied by the following specialists:

Leaders (ld2): F7-9 (6 + ld3) in chain mail (AC3 with Dex bonus), using two-handed battle axes (other weapons may be carried, are rarely used).
Priest (one of level 4-7, 3 + ld4): equipped as the leader.
Scout (F5lT6): in leather armor (AC6 with Dex bonus), using short sword, sling, crossbow, darts.

The priest with the group is 25% likely to be a dual-class warrior-priest (equal levels in both classes).

Patrol, Elves

The party consists of ld6+4 elves, ld3 leaders, and a spellcaster, as follows:

Leader: F4, AC 3 (chain mail, shield, Dex bonus), with long sword, spear, long bow, dagger. Spellcaster: Pr5 or F4lW4. A priest will have weapons and armor as befits his patron Power (see Monster Mythology). A fighter/wizard will wear chain mail (AC 4 with Dex bonus) and employ long sword and quarterstaff, with a 50% chance for long bow.
Ordinary Elf: AC4 (chain mail, shield), long sword, spear and long bow.

Such a patrol is 50% likely to have a 3rd-level ranger in leather armor (AC5 with Dex bonus) who uses long bow, spear, and long sword; 100% likely to have a ranger if in woodland or forest.

Patrol, Elven, Superior

This stronger party has ld8+4 elves, all 2nd-level fighters equipped as "ordinary elf'above. This type of patrol has the following exceptional elves:

Leader: F7lW7 in elven chain mail (AC3 with Dex bonus), using long sword, long bow, dagger, mace.
Scout: R6-9 (5 + ld4) in leather armor (AC5 with Dex bo­nus), using long sword, spear, net, long bow, dagger, and staff.
Soryer: W7-9 (6 + ld3), unarmored, specializing in detectionldisguise spells (woodlandlforest) or combat/ defense spells (other terrains), employing staff and dagger as weapons.
Priest: Pr7-9 (6 + ld3) using armor and weaponry permitted by patron Power.

Elven priests may be assumed to be worshipers of Corellon Larethian if the DM doesn't wish to prepare them specially. In this case, they wear chain mail, employ a shield (AC4). and use a long sword and mace.

Elven patrols are 50% likely to be on horseback outside of woodlandlforest. Superior elven patrols will always be on horseback outside such terrain. Any elf is 10% likely to be a half-elf.

Patrol, Men

Such a patrol will contain a sergeant (leader), ld4 +4 veterans, and ld4 +4 footmen, as follows:

Sergeant(F4):chain or plate if on horseback (AC4 or 2with Dex bonus), employing bastard sword, broad sword, bow, dagger, mace.
Veteran (F2): chain or studded leather and shield (AC5/6), employing broad sword and bow.
Footmen (Fl): padded leather and shield (AC6), using morningstar or broad sword and 50% likely to have a bow.

Such a patrol is 90% likely to be on horseback if in open terrain. The horses will be light warhorses at best and each is 10% likely to be an ordinary riding horse. Patrols on foot are 50% likely to have ld4 dogs with them if tracking (as the DM sees fit), with a 50% likelihood of these being war dogs.

Patrol, Men, Superior

This stronger patrolling body has an officer/leader, a subaltern, a cleric, ld2 + 1 sergeants, ld6 +6 veterans, and 1d8 +8 footmen. All members will be on horseback except in mountainous/forest terrain; the leaders will have heavy warhorses, the others medium war-horses. Special types are:

Officer/Leader: F7-10 (6 + ld4) with plate mail or field plate and shield (ACO or -1 with Dex bonus), with lance, mace, flail, and crossbow. 5-7 (4+ ld3) with plate mail or chain, also 3 with Dex bonus), with lance, long sword, flail, bow.
Cleric: Pr6-9 (5 + ld4) with chain mail and shield (if permit­ted, for AC3 with Dex bonus), using mace, flail, and sword (if allowed).

Patrol, Men, Warband

This is a sizeable body of men on formal military patrol, ready for trouble. A Large patrol is equal to a Superior patrol plus two squads of normal patrol strength.

There are variants on these basic patrol strengths and types that can be mentioned briefly:

Patrol, Men, Levies:

These are footmen (F1) raised from the immediate area, of poor morale and quality. They number ldl0 + 10, have leather armor and shield, and employ a variety of hand weapons. They are led by 1d2 sergeants who are 3rd/4th level fighters (as above).

Patrol, Woodsmen:

A group of woodsmen will comprise ld4+ 1 sergeants, ld8+8 veterans, and ld10+ l0 regulars, as above, with a 75% chance for a subaltern or officer/leader, and a 75% chance for a priest (50% druid) of level 4-7 (3 + ld4). Each veteran is 25% likely to be a ranger, and leaders are 50% likely to be so. They are equipped as follows:

Veterans, regulars: leather armor, shield, bow, hand axe, spear or short sword.
Other Soldiers: leather armor, shield, bow, battle axe, broad sword (for rangers, substitute spear or long sword for battle axe).
Priest: as appropriate for religion (default: leather armor, mace, staff-sling).

Other encounters with human groups (adventurers, dervishes, knights, etc.) may be taken from the Monstrous Compendium entry for Men. One special instance, the False Patrol (scouts or raiders disguised as soldiery of the state in which they are encountered) should be used as a planned encounter by the DM, since the origin of these men and their purpose may well be important to the adventure theme, and such patrols are not listed on the random encounter tables.

Patrol, Gnomes
This is composed of ld8 +8 ordinary gnomes in chain mail and shield (AC4 with Dex bonuses) who employ short bows, short swords, slings, and daggers. In addition, the following specialists may be added:

a leader (4th-level fighter);
a spellcaster (W3-6, 2 + ld4, 50% likely to be a specialist illusionist, unarmored, uses darts and dagger);
a scout (thief of level 3-6, 2 + ld4, wearing leather armor and using light bow, short sword, sling, and darts);

and 50% chance for each of the following:

a fighter-priest of level 3/3 (armed and armored as other gnomes or as appropriate for Power)
a senior leader: a fighter of level 5-8 (4 + ld4) who is 50% likely to be an illusionist of one level lower than his fighter level (he is armed and armored as a warrior or illusionist, as appropriate).
Details for Patrol Members
For the alignment of a patrol, see Reference Card 2 for dominant regional alignments. For humanoids and demi­humans, consult Monstrous Compendium entries.
The disposition of a patrol will tend toward suspicion - these people are out looking for troublesome intruders. Add + 1 to all Encounter Reaction rolls, but reroll any rolls of 19 or 20 (if they come up again, take the Hostile result). This reflects the fact that while patrols are suspicious, after a war in which many have died, few people are actively looking to become casualties.
To determine whether patrol members have magical items, use the rules suggested in the Monstrous Compendium entry for Men with one revision: 1st-level types never have magical items. For demihumans with more than one class, allow a separate dice roll for each class they possess. Select items of appropriate power; a 7th-level fighter-leader might have a bastard sword, flametongue, but a humble 2nd-level type probably wouldn't have more than a sword + 1 at best.
Encounters near Territorial Borders

Most of the tables In this section apply to open terrain areas inside the various territories. Border territories should be treated as wilderness; borders are a 10-mile zone around national boundaries. Within borderlands and along all major trade routes (major roads and navigable rivers), 25% of all encounters will be with patrols in civilized states with dominant human populations. The chance for an encounter being with a patrol should be checked before any roll is made on the appropriate table below.

Such encounters will be with ordinary patrols 60% of the time, a Superior Patrol 15% of the time, a Levy Patrol 20% of the time, and with a Warband 5% of the time (the warband will be traveling to a borderland if not encountered in one). There are additional chances for encountering Patrols on the tables below.

All tables use dl00 rolls.