The Isles St. Kilda
A ImagiNation on the edge of Vexillium
(Link to St. Kilda - Non-fiction)

The Isles of St. Kilda consists of one island group centered around Hirta and one large actively volcanic island some distance from the main group. The principal contributor to the economy is international banking. St. Kilda acts as banker to the Vexillium Imaginations and the major and minor business players in the international economy. Its banks are noted for discretion, soundness, fair returns, and absolute confidentiality. In addition: tourism, fisheries, and production of an exqusite fermented grape extract add to the stability and soundness of the St. Kildan Puffin (SK£).

St. Kilda is generally isolated on the edge of the larger Vexillium continents. Through the wonders of modern technology excellent and secure communications are maintained with all other nations. Banking needs can be handled electronically from any telephone in Vexillium subject to local government regulations. St. Kildan banks maintain branches in all the major cities of Vexillium where they are allowed to do business. Correspondent relations are also maintained with many of the soundest and most respected financial institutions doing business on this planet. In the event personal contact is necessary facilities can be provided through any diplomatic or consular office. Outside of St. Kilda the branches of The Bank of St. Kilda are official consulates. Air travel to St. Kilda is provided by Soay Airways. Daily amphibian service from several mainland points to St. Kildaport, Hirta is provided, weather allowing. Weekly ferry service is also provided.

The population of approximately 4,000 is primarly made up of, what on Earth would be, Scots-Western Isles with a solid admixture of Chinese and Semitic/Jewish.

St. Kilda's foreign policy is one of non-interferrance with all nations. St. Kilda welcomes all nations to maintain diplomatic and consular relations. The nation's business is business.

The emblem for an embassy is displayed here. If you wish to establish diplomatic relations simply contact us at and download the image.

St. Kilda Embassy Logo
St. Kilda
Embassy Logo

Lyson Empire Logo
Lyson Empire

For a time St. Kilda maintained a colony, Otago. This area has now been divided into a number of separate ImagiNations. The territory at North Cape has been established as an agricultural and forestry settlement and supports a significant fishery. Ras Lanarch is a tiny exclave leased in perpetuity largely for commercial purposes.

St. Kilda's islands are active volcanoes. Recent activity grew a new island, Ben Kilda, and enlarged the outer islands. Although somewhat of a distraction at times, the volcanic activity provides natural steam power which is used extensively for heating and power generation. This, in conjunction with solar power technology and fuels defived from St. Kilda Grand Kru Gold grapes, has almost eliminated the need for importing fossil fuels.

St. Kilda maintains minimal military forces comensurate with its size. As a non-beligerent and permanent neutral no regular ground forces are supported. The Coast Guard provides marine patrol and safety services as well as airborne security and rescue facilities. The St. Kilda Regiment is a part-time force with a full-time training element at St. Kildaport. The St. Kilda Engineers are organized with a remit to provide surveys, public works, communications and utilities.

The St. Kilda Constabulary functions as the civil and criminal police on Hirta with detachments at North Cape and Ras Lanarch. In the other territories the Coast Guard provides police services. In the event of activities taking place beyond the control of the Constabulary, the St. Kilda Regiment and Coast Guard stand to and render assistance. This has never been necessary except for festive events. The Chief Constable and the Officer Commanding of the Coast Guard are one and the same person. The partially paid Fire Brigade is part of the Constabulary.

Medical services are provided by the Ministry of Public Health. Education and normal public services are provided through the St. Kilda Government. There is no established church. There is complete freedom of worship and several faiths have congregations in St. Kildaport.

The government is in the hands of the electorate. Each five years the people elect the twenty-four member Mod. The Mod selects the Gingach from among its members. The Gingach serves as the principal minister to the Thane of St. Kilda and forms a government. The Thane is the Chief of State, elected by and responsible to the voters of St. Kilda for a renewable 12 year term. The Thane appoints judges, diplomatic and consular officers, commissions officers in the uniformed forces and represents the State in all public functions. The approval of the Thane is required for all actions of the Mod. The Thane may refuse to sign legislation subject to referrendum to the voters.

Flags of St. Kilda

St. Kilda's national symbol is the blue Cross of St. Kilda on a green field edged in white. This motif is used in many combinations for its national, state, governmental, organizational and personal use flags.   

National Flag National Flag - This flag is authorized for personal use on land by all people in St. Kilda. It may be used afloat on private boats where the merchant flag is not available. It is also authorized for use over all public buildings not otherwise authorized to use a specific flag. 
Coast Guard Flag Coast Guard Flag - This flag is authorized to be used on all Coast Guard ships in place of the National Flag.
Government Flag Government Flag - This flag is authorized for use on all government buildings where there is no other designated flag. It's use is required except where confusion would result. In the event more than one flag is eligible for use the Government Flag will be used with the other flags flown on separate hoists attached to the same flagstaff.
Government Ensign Government Ensign - This flag is required to be used on all government ships and small watercraft in place of the National or Government Flags. 
Merchant Flag Civil or Merchant Flag - This flag is authorized for use on merchant ships and private boats in place of the National Flag. It's use is required by commercial ships and optional for yachts and small personal watercraft.
Mod Flag Mod Flag - Flag flown at Government House when the Mod is sitting. It is also displayed inside the Mod Chamber at all times.
Thane's Flag Thane's Flag - This is the personal flag of the Thane of St. Kilda and is flown over the official residence, on the Thane's official vehicle and at state functions where the Thane is in attendance.
Gingach of St. Kilda Gingach's Flag - This is the personal flag of the Gingach, or Prime Minister, of St. Kilda. It is flown at the residence of the Gingach, on his official vehicle and at official functions where the Gingach is in attendance.
St. Kilda Baliff
Baliff's Flag - This is the personal flag of the Baliff, or permanent head of the civil service. The Baliff is responsible for the smooth running of the everyday affairs of the nation and, by direction of the Mod, implementing laws and ordinances adopted by the Mod. The Baliff is appointed by the Thane for an indefinite term of office and may be removed only for specified reasons requiring consent of the Mod, approval of the Thane and approval of the voters.
St. Kildaport Municipal Flag St. Kildaport Municipal Flag - Flown on Municipal Government buildings and at locations where St. Kildaport is represented.
North Cape Municipality
Flag of the provisional North Cape Municipality - Settlement is being reconstituted in its former territory.
Ras Lanarch Municipality
Flag of the Ras Lanarch Municipality - This settlement is a concession area withing the Ras Lanarch metropolitan area administered by St. Kilda. It is largely managed for commercial purposes. Most of the residents are not citizens of St. Kilda. Responsible government is maintained under the oversight of the Deputy Baliff, Civil Administrator and Consul-General of St. Kilda.
St. Kilda National Trust
St. Kilda National Trust Flag - The National Trust has responsibility for overseeing the management of all natural reserves and national monuments.
St. Kilda Outer Islands Municipality
Outer Islands Adminstration Flag - This flag is flown on buildings and at the offices in St. Kildaport. The Outer Islands Adminstration is responsible for the civil administration of the Outer Islands and manages the natural reserves on Hirta on behalf of the National Trust. It is the operating arm of the National Trust. 
Ministry of Vinticulture The Ministry of Vinticulture maintains a number of large commercial vineyards in several nations of Vexillium. The goal is to propagate St. Kilda Grande Kru Gold grapes in sufficient quantities to produce sufficient wines to provide table wine for commerical sale in St. Kilda and for export. A unique strain of these grapes produce a very powerful wine that can be used for fuel in suitably modified combustion engines. St. Kilda encourages use of this fuel in St. Kilda and bans the importing of pertroleum motor fuels for use in automobiles. This flag is used in conjunction with the host country's national flag at all vineyards and ministry operated facilities in St. Kilda and foreign nations. It is also the house flag of the ministry operated merchant tanker fleet transporting wine in bulk form from one facility to another for further processing.
St. Kilda Regiment Colours Flags of the St. Kilda Regiment - The first flag is the Thane's Flag or Color. It represents the regiment's allegience to the Thane and people of St. Kilda. the second flag is the Regimental Flag with the regimental badge. These flags are used only on formal parades and at ceremonial functions. A Field or Camp Flag is used in the field and for ordinary use.
St. Kilda Regiment Ensign St. Kilda Regiment Field, Camp Flag, Regimental Ensign - Used in the field, for everyday use and may be flown on ships being used by the regiment.
St. Kilda Engineers Thane's and Regimental Colors Flags of the St. Kilda Engineers - The flag on the left is the Thane's Flag or Color. The flag on the right is the Regimental Flag or Color. These flags are used only on formal parades and at ceremonial functions. A Field or Camp Flag is used in the field, on boats and for ordinary use.
St. Kilda Engineers Ensign St. Kilda Engineers Field, Camp Flag, or Regimental Ensign - Used in the field, for everyday use and mmay be flown on ships being used by the engineers.
St. Kilda Constabulary Flag St. Kilda Constabulary Flag - This flag is a modified Government Flag defaced by placing the police badge centered over the cross. It is flown over police stations and may be used on watercraft used in police service.

Comments to

/s/ Philip, Baliff of St. Kilda.

Uploaded 8 May 1999. Revised 16 June 2000. Resuscitated 16 April 2005. Revised 24 June 2007.