Door to fields with differentiated score for football / soccer

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When to use the new door

the door to fields with differentiated score has been introduced fundamentalally for the directed elimination game, but it can be used also in the italian game, provided that they have to change the attribution of the scores for classifies it.

The proposal of the Ing. Magrini with respect to the points for classifies it is following:

- game lost for minor number of goals
0 points
- game with equal lost number of goals but with the centesimal score it aims
2 points
- game with equal number of goals and equal centesimal score it aims
3 points
- game with equal number of goals but gained with centesimal score it aims
4 points
- game gained with greater number of goals
6 points

This proposal can diminish the balancing probabilities, but not exclude them, in the game to direct elimination it's suggested, in case of absolute balancing, after the additional times, to make to carry out two times additional of 15 minuts one, replacing the porter with a movement player.

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