Prove ufo


Prove ufo

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Robert B. Stein (b. January 9, 1962) is a photographer, laundry supervisor and freelance hoaxer. A tutti i corrispondenti. He is best known for his work debunking photographic hoaxes.

Early Years

Stein's mother, a devout Roman Catholic, enrolled him in private Catholic schools during his first five years of education. "The result," Stein says, "is that I wasn't trained to be skeptical until I reached adulthood. Religion promotes absolutes: absolute faith in God and absolute obedience to authority figures. We were encouraged to do as we were told and to believe what we were told to believe. Scegli tutti i contenuti per il tuo cellulare: suonerie, polifoniche, effetti sonori, wallpaper, loghi, picture SMS. By its very nature, skepticism requires doubt. Most organized religions promote the lack of skepticism as a virtue. " Stein later left the Catholic church for personal reasons.

Stein's Catholic education ended in 1973, when his family moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. At that time, there were no Catholic schools in Tulsa, so Stein was forced to attend public schools. Discusion about Prove me Wrong UFO's are Man Made in the Above Top Secret website
discussion forum Aliens & UFOs. Stein was able to expand his studies beyond the regimen dictated by religion. He exhibited aptitudes for mathematics, art and literature. Already a fan of the Star Trek TV series, he discovered the works of Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Jules Verne, H. P. But UFO means Unidentified Flying Object, not alien space
ship. Lovecraft, H. G. Wells and J. R. R. COSA SIGNIFICA UFO? UFO ("unidentified flying object") è una sigla d'uso internazionale che la provenienza di questi "visitatori cosmici" e i loro metodi di spostamento) mancano delle prove. Tolkien. Stein developed a lifelong love of science fiction and fantasy fiction. Stein also developed a love of classic movies and has since become an influential film critic.

Career as a Hoaxer

As a teenager in the 1970s, Stein had a keen interest in the paranormal. He was especially fascinated by UFOs. Ufo Club Official Web Site. In 1978, Stein set out to prove that UFO photographs could not be faked without expensive equipment.

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