Scultura del 1900


Scultura del 1900

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Scultura del 1900

Garage Again

I have another garage question. Before there were cars, were there a such thing as putting your horse carriage or wagon in something that is called a garage today, but wasn't called garage in those days? I mean a special room connected to the house for horse carriages or wagons, were they around?

Carriage house? —WAvegetarian•CONTRIBUTIONSTALK• EMAIL•00:43, 1 February 2006 (UTC)This has already been asked several times recently, and been answered several times. See here. --BluePlatypus 01:19, 1 February 2006 (UTC)

State of the Union Designated survivor

Concerning President Bush's State of the Union address this evening, has anyone seen details concerning who is tonight's designated survivor? Or, is this information covered until the address is over and everyone's home tucked safe in their beds? :-) — Scm83x talk 01:20, 1 February 2006 (UTC)

Ah, I just saw the report on C-SPAN that the DS isn't known until everyone gets into the chamber and reporters count heads to see who is missing. Smart money says Condoleezza Rice, though, as she's in London. — Scm83x talk 01:38, 1 February 2006 (UTC)It was James Nicholson, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Bronzo, cm 132 x 50 x 50 Bronzo, h. Also interestingly, there were only four Supreme Court justices there (that I saw): Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Breyer. --zenohockey 04:08, 1 February 2006 (UTC)

ancient rituals

I have a question I am having a difficult time finding and answer to hopefully you can help. The ancient inhabitants of Asia filled a suspect's mouth with this item. If the suspect had trouble spitting this item out, it was beleived he was lying and was judged guilty. What was the item? This is for a research project I have to do for a CJ class.

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