Welcome to "Kissu no Jutsu" A fanlisting to Suzaku of the Flower from the anime/manga series "InuYasha" This adorable ninja, who works under Hoshiyomi, only lived a brief anime-life during the arc of 137-140, but he's so lovable, how can anyone resist? Named after one of the four directional gods, Suzaku is the leader of the four ninjas that face off against the InuYasha-tachi and Akitoki Houjo (who our dear Suzaku has his eyes set on ^.~) Despite his small, and obviously Jakotsu-inspired appearance, this fanlisting is for those of us that love the character and his adorable little quirks ^^ |
*** Last updated on: November 20, 2006 *** Members: 22 *** |
Rules: 1. A website is not required to join, but if you do have one- please take one of the codes and link it back to "http://www.oocities.org/iyfanlist/Suzaku.html" 2. Make sure to state *both* your country and your email when sending in your information. It is required to join. 3. In the submission email's subject line please put "Suzaku Fanlist" so I know what you are applying for. I run several fanlists, so I need to know which one. 4. Play nice and spread the Suzaku love ^^ |
Join: To join, please read over the above rules then email me with the following information: Name: Email: Website URL/Website name: (if you have one) Country: |
Members: 1-- KellyChan * Goshinboku Network * USA 2-- J.L. Banrei * Ushitora Network * USA 3-- Ness * Yourouzoku Inc. * USA 4-- Samantha * Samantha's Livejournal * USA 5-- Nire * Canada 6-- Brittney * Canada 7-- Kellie * Ensui.org * USA 8-- BabyKagomeGurl * Hanyou * USA 9-- Rachel * Apple Pie Filling * USA 10--Tira-chan * February-Stars.Net * USA 11-- Heleninha * Gothic Wiccan * Brazil 12-- Priscilla * USA 13-- Bridget * USA 14-- Tay YunFang * Forever Shrine * Singapore 15-- Rosie * Hanyou Dreams * USA 16-- Nat H. * I Love Inu * Brazil 17-- Kittychan33 * Vintage Dreams * USA 18-- Chizzy * Canada 19-- Shampoo * USA 20-- Kaily * USA 21-- Ravenite * Philippines 22-- Amanda * USA |
Codes: |
Approved by: AnimeFanlistings.org |