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This is only a concise list of the basic books on flags and coats-of-arms of the
World, Spain and the Canary Islands. Unfortunately, some of them are out of print, but can
be found on second-hand book stores, available in Internet.
a) General studies
Suárez Rosales, Manuel. Historia de la bandera canaria. Santa Cruz de Tenerife:
[s.n.], 1981
A rudimentarily edited little book, written from a clearly independentist point of
view, but offering a quite complete panoramics of the history of the Canarian flag (for
the author, the real Canarian flag is the one with the seven green stars).
Suárez Rosales, Manuel. Historia de la bandera canaria. Tegueste (Tenerife):
Ediciones de Baile del Sol, 1999. ISBN 84-88671-99-7
A recently revised and enlarged edition of the same work.
Hernández Bravo de Laguna, Juan. Voz "Bandera de Canarias". En Gran
Enciclopedia de Canarias, vol. II, p. 528-530. La Laguna: Editorial Canaria, 1994.
ISBN 84-88587-82-3
An excellent summary of the history of the Canarian flag, probably based on the
precedent work, but from a much more neutral point of view.
Durán, Adolfo. Canarias: banderas afortunadas y desafortunadas. En: Banderas,
boletín de la Sociedad Española de Vexilología, nº 16 (1985), p. 16-21.
A good article by a prestigious Spanish vexillologist about the same subject.
Philippe, Lucien. Flags of the Canary Islands. En: The Flag Bulletin, vol. XI, nº
3, 1972, p. 357-362.
A poor article about the Canarian flags, full of errors, something hardly
understandable coming from such a specialist as the author
b) Particular studies
Rodríguez Díaz de Quintana, Miguel. Historia del escudo heráldico municipal y de
la bandera de la Muy Noble y Muy Leal Ciudad del Real de Las Palmas. Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria: Ayuntamiento, 1995. ISBN 84-88979-10-X
A study mostly devoted to the coat-of-arms of the capital of Gran Canaria, but making
also reference to the city's flag
Tous Meliá, Juan. Las antiguas banderas de la catedral de La Laguna. En: periódico
El Día, suplemento "Tenerife, capital cultural de Canarias". Santa Cruz de
Tenerife, 9-oct.-1993, p. VIII
A short article about the flags of the Provincial Militia of the Canary Islands, and
in special about those preserved in the cathedral of La Laguna
Cabrera Perera, Antonio. Angel Guerra y la bandera canaria. En: Revista Aguayro, nº
88, 1977, p. 4-6
A study of the poem by Angel Guerra where a Canarian blue and white flag is mentioned.
Rodríguez, Gloria. Pendón de la Isla de La Palma. En: Obras maestras recuperadas.
Madrid: Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, 1998, p. 175-179
A study about the so-called "Banner of the Conquest of La Palma" after its
Hernández Sánchez, Celestino. Al nordeste de La Palma: Barlovento, escudo y
bandera. Barlovento: Ayuntamiento, 2000. ISBN 84-606-3011-0.
A book on the flag and coat-of-arms of the municipality of Barlovento, La Palma,
including their description, symbolism and process of adoption.
Rodríguez González, Juan José ; Pérez Pérez, Salvador. La Guancha: escudo,
bandera y pendón. La Guancha: Ayuntamiento, 1997.
A study on the symbols of the municipality of La Guancha, Tenerife.
Rosa Olivera, Leopoldo de la. La "bandera general de la isla", el
"estandarte y el guión real". En: El siglo de la conquista. Santa Cruz de
Tenerife: Aula de Cultura de la Mancomunidad Provincial Interinsular, 1978, p. 143-145.
An article about the banners handed over to Tenerife's Alférez Mayor in 1561
Calvo Pérez, José Luis ; Grávalos González, Luis. Banderas de España. Madrid:
Silex, 1983. ISBN 84-85041-78-X
It's a very complete collection of the flags used in Spain throughout History, from
the early Middle Ages to present, reproduced from real models or art works.
Símbolos de España. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales,
2000. ISBN 84-259-1111-7
A superb study on the history of the Spanish national coat-of-arms, flag and anthem,
written by prestigious scholars and profuselly illustrated with images of great quality
Smith, Whitney. Flags through the ages and across the World. New York: McGraw-Hill,
1975. ISBN 0-07-059093-1.
It offers a superb panoramics of the world of flags: their origins, history, meaning,
usage, terminology... Including the history of the flags of several countries, Spain among
them, and the second part is a complete catalogue of the flags and arms of all the
countries of the World, including regions, federated states, etc.
Smith, Whitney: Banderas y escudos del mundo. Barcelona: Folio, 1985. ISBN
It's the Spanish version of the second part, updated, of the precedent book, devoted
to the current flags of all the countries.
Znamierowski, Alfred: The World encyclopedia of flags. New York: Lorenz Books, 1999.
ISBN 0-7548-0167-5
Very complete and richly illustrated. Though it contains some errors, it's a great
reference work on the subject.
Balbuena Castellano, Luis: Naciones y banderas. Armilla, Granada: Proyecto Sur de
Ediciones, 2000. ISBN 84-8254-941-3
The last work published to-date on flags of the world, and one of the few published in
Spanish. Though it deals only with national flags, the information provided is quite
complete and accurate. It must be outlined the book's introductory part, where the author
makes a stadistical study on proportions, colors, charges and symmetry axes, comparing at
world level and by continent.
Blasones de los municipios canarios. [Canarias]: Consejería de Presidencia y Turismo,
A collection of the coats-of-arms of the Canarian municipalities. After the
publication of this book, several more arms have been approved
Los blasones municipales de Tenerife. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Cabildo Insular, 1994.
ISBN 84-88605-07-2
It's also a collection of municipal arms, but only devoted to Tenerife.
Further information can be obtained from the following periodicals:
- The Flag Bulletin. ISSN 0015-3370. Bimonthly, published by The Flag Research
Center, Box 580, Winchester, Massachusetts, 01890-0880 USA
- Banderas. Quarterly with monthly supplements (Gaceta de Banderas), published by Sociedad Española de Vexilología
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