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First Name :   Tony
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Comment :   HEY jOHN that is some page you put out , you are indeed well talented, Your friend Tony ke4lbr
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
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First Name :   Tony
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Comment :   Hey John I THOUGHT i WOULD DROP IN AND CHECK THIS OUT gREAT jOB I am on 3.843.50 trying for Jerry, but no luck. 73 Tony
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
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First Name :   ronnie
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Comment :   I am a fellow believer,though I have not seen one I firmly believe they exist! I am currently reserching activity in indiana, the area around north vernon or hoosier national forest,some sightings and poeple , alot of stories but not any proof YET. would
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   YES
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   not yet
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First Name :   paul
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Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
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First Name :   Marla
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Comment :   This is a great website. Thank you for providing it. I am interested in anything I can learn regarding Bigfoot.
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   I definitely believe in the existence of this animal. There are to many similar stories around the world and too many reliable people that have seen and heard them.
First Name :   luoluo
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Comment :   i have one or two that live in my yard
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   no
First Name :   Alex Champion
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Comment :   This is a great site for imformation on bigfoot!
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes I do
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   No iI have not ever
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   I think big foot is pretty damn cool!
First Name :   hello
Email :   hello@hervbayqld
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Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
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First Name :   Andy
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Comment :   I live in Missouri and would like to know more about Missouri sasquatch sightings, there doesnt seem to be much on the net regarding missouri, thanks....
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   not yet
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First Name :   hannah
Email :
URL :   cjdjfhj
Comment :   i hate you
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes and i was scared
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   yes it was so,so,so,so cool
First Name :   Jason
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Comment :   Great site! I have it on my favorites list i try to visit every week.
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   not yet
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   I have believed since i was a child and would love to encounter a Sasquatch!
First Name :   Rachel Mathews
Email :
Comment :   Hello, I found the presentation of your site very captivating. The interactive links make the site very resourceful. I work in the marketing department of and we are currently running a special offer. I want to offer you 3 months of web hosting
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
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First Name :   Max
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Comment :   nice site!
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   YES!!
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   YES!! i felt it to
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   I live close to were there has ben many bigfoot sightings! i was camping with my friends. and in the mourning i was out for my daily walk when i tripped over something i thought it was a bear but it was none other than bigfoot he roared a terrible roar an
First Name :   Bill
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Comment :   
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   This is a flesh and blood creature that has not scientifically recognized. Eventurally a specimen will be brought in.
First Name :   Crystal Crider
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Comment :   I think your sight is cool, this was the first time I saw it in a long while. I like the music, you have to tell me how to get that!
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   I think your right about the people when you say that "they have to see it to believe it" (paraphrasing), I think that's kind of stupid. Don't you?
First Name :   TONY & JEAN
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Comment :   John you are the BEST Love Tony & Jean
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
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First Name :   keith adams
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Comment :   great site me and my brother seen a big harry creature looking in our bedroom window in 1983 what a site it was
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
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First Name :   Wayne
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URL :   
Comment :   Excellent site with all the links. Shows a lot of effort on your part.
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   No
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   Strange mystery. Reports all through the 20th century. Reports from most states. And yet, the only photos that are probably real are the Patterson shots. Something is out there. But what?
First Name :   Glyn
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Comment :   My wimpy girlfriend was actually creeped out by the music on this site! She's delirious.
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Does my girlfriend count?
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First Name :   Dianne
Email :
Comment :   Hello! I have spent quite a while visiting your site and I think that it would be a fantastic asset to The Seven Wonders Of the World Website Competition! This is the place where you receive prizes when you win the highest level. We opened on Feb. 18th 20
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   From all that I have read or heard..he seems to be a gentle giant....
First Name :   del puschert
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Comment :   I just did a quick recon of a heavily wooded area in anne arundel cnty md. where a bigfoot was seen by police and other witnesses a few years ago, I know this cnty and ajdacient wooded nearby areas well. I have detailed info that goes back over 25 years,
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   I was in an area camping when I was young 12 maybe and this area had had sightings later- on I never said anything till now. Im sure you know why. e-mail me for the whole story.
First Name :   Dallas
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Comment :   Very good site. By far i have found MORE info than anyother(especially the one with OTHER animal saounds.)this site can confirm that many alleged sounds of BF are actually animals of the forest. Thanks again. I am in the works of a Los Angeles based LAKE
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   maybe
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   not as of yet..
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   Just because it can't be seen, don't mean it's NOT there......
First Name :   adam ramos
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Comment :   
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes, i do
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   iwould like to see one!!!!1
First Name :   Deneze Lujanen
Email :
URL :   -
Comment :   When i was living on the west coast of Vancouver island ,i was living on Bear beach which is between Sooke and Port Renfrew.One day i felt like some thing was watching me very carefully .I could smell it smell like rotting corpses dead flesh it was putrid
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes i do and im waiting for someone to bring him down so the whole world can see for themselves.
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   I smelled him but didnt see him,ive heard him.
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   Hey big guy when are you going to come out of hiding .We would all like to see you.The more forest man destroys the more sightings they will see.So Loggers keep it up and you will eventually bring them out .
First Name :   Frank
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Comment :   I think the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenom is facinating!If I had the oportunity I would enjoy the chance to go on an expedition to track the creature.
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes I do.
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Not yet.
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First Name :   Mike
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Comment :   a great website!I think we need to see updates of more recent ohio sightings.I know that there have been sightings,but more people need to share them!
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   I have had an interest in bigfoot since I was a kid.I have also hunted southern Ohio for years,and that place is a hotbed of activity!
First Name :   Mike
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Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
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First Name :   Michael
Email :   Teemik 1
URL :   
Comment :   love bigfoot
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   they are real
First Name :   Mitch
Email :
Comment :   Great Bigfoot Page !!
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Most certainly
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes the age of 14 I seen a Skunk Ape with other witness's in Okeechobee, FL
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   Hey ! matter how much most folks tried to convinced me other wise , what I seen while living in Florida was not a human or any other known animal I ever seen before had o been a Skunk Ape.
First Name :   Jack Hoff
Email :   none
URL :   Georiga
Comment :   awsome page
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   he has big genetals.
First Name :   David Murphy
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Comment :   I have over 50 Bigfoot Souvenirs for sale including 3 different sized statues and a 12" statue almost ready for production. Anyone interested in more info e-mail me and let me know. Thanks, David
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Absolutely
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   I believe he is not the missing link but simply another one of God's created beings yet undiscovered by the scientific community. God did it,not a slimey pond or a grown tail!!!
First Name :   Mark
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URL :   
Comment :   Your site was pretty cool!
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   NO
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   thousands of sightings over thousands of years helps me believe that there is something out there that we dont know much about.
First Name :   Tony
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URL :   
Comment :   I've heard it
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   oh yeah
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   heard it
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   How about a live capture?
First Name :   bill green
Email :
Comment :   hey fellow sasquatch researcher, you still have one heck of a A+++ excellent website here about the sasquatch mystery. please sign my guestbook. thanks bill green fellow sasquatch researcher. please keep in touch.
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   i think that is sasquatch is a excellent animal to do research about etc.
First Name :   Richard S.
Email :
URL :   
Comment :   Great Site. The links are helpimg me out a lot on my school project!!
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes!!
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   No, but i am an avid beleiver!!!!!!
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   Great site! I would like to see bigfoot found and put on a 'save the Bigfeeted animals of N.A.' foundation LOL
First Name :   Mike
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Comment :   
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes, and heard them on two occasions
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   No way Patterson/Gimlin faked the '67 footage. As a surgeon that has disected the footage frame by frame, there is too much muscular contraction and expansion, easpesially in the upper back and shoulders. a siut would be too bulky to show that kind of mus
First Name :   Bill Asmussen
Email :
Comment :   Interesting web-site. This Bigfoot creature is something everyone needs to know about going into the woods for whatever reason.
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   NO, eyewitnesses have convinced me it's real
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   I have heard them, drawn them, have a track made by a three toed one, and possible pictures of feces from one. Don't ever believe a skeptic they haven't seen one yet! LOL
First Name :   bill
Email :
Comment :   hey fellow researcher, how are you today. you still have a excellent website here about the sasquatch pheanomena. please sign my guestbook ok. thanks bill green fellow sasquatch researcher. please keep in touch ok. p.s. i think george w.bush should pass a
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes i do
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   i think that the sasquatch is very interesting animal.
First Name :   Jordan
Email :
Comment :   Great website check mine out. keep up the good work
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   i hope people will some day see sasquatch as a part of or wildlife and not as a feared creature.
First Name :   daniel
Email :
URL :   
Comment :   many mytology at my country. and the traditional people verry believe it. but about i. i don't know.
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   i don't know
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   
First Name :   wayne murphy
Email :
URL :   
Comment :   great webpage my friend. im very very impressed with it keep up the great work god bless wayne
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes!!!
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   its a tad bit rediculous when you got people out there going out of there way to try and prove people like us are tricksters liers and delusional. esspecially when we have nothing to gain and where putting our necks on the line in support of this animal.
First Name :   uncle rus
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Comment :   like your web page
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   don't think so
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   not yet
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   still looking if i see him i'll let you know. be good uncle rus.
First Name :   uncle rus
URL :   
Comment :   if i see big foot i'll let you know that is when i stop running.
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   seeing is beleveing.
First Name :   Shvenger Von Schloppe
Comment :   Bigfoot RULES!!!
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   I believe that there's a possibility of it's existance
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   Not yet
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   
First Name :   uncle
URL :   
Comment :   looking good
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no no & no
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no no & no
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   yes the only big foot i know is my little boy rus.
First Name :   carol
URL :   
Comment :   
Do you believe in a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   yes
Have you seen a Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature? :   no, but I've felt its presence
Would you like to comment on Bigfoot / Sasquatch! :   Great site, Cuz!
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