J. Vaughn's Bigfoot/Sasquatch Page!

I would like to say I believe Bigfoot to be a living, flesh & blood animal and not a human ancestor. I don't believe it is paranormal or related to UFO's or some kind of shapeshifter that appears or disappears at will. I think it could be some relation to the gorilla, orangutan or ape family that has evolved. It could also have started out as a Gigantopithecus and evolved to the animal we call Bigfoot. We will not know for sure until someone finds a body to examine. Whether we find one that has died of natural causes or a hunter gets scared and shoots one and produce's a body. Most scientists will not agree on their existence without a body to examine. Photographs, movies, hair and feces are not enough evidence to prove their existence without a body to go with it! The general public and main stream science will not believe in the evidence. They will doubt it and say it is a hoax!
I believe it will take a group effort to bring in proof that Bigfoot exists. I don't understand why there are so much fighting between the different research groups. All the different groups and researchers have the same goal! To prove that the animal known as Bigfoot exists! I believe science will need a body for definite proof, but if we could get enough hard evidence in one area that might make a difference without having to kill one.
I respect the researchers that try to get a Bigfoot on film instead of using a weapon. If they could get some clear photo's of a Bigfoot that would help but some would still doubt their existence. If somebody found one that has died of natural causes might be enough proof to get recognition. If a group could find an area that a Bigfoot or a family of them was in and keep filming them and documenting them over time, they might get enough evidence for proof or at least get main stream science to believe in it enough to start trying to study it! Then they could get grants and then the groups could get enough money to start a full investigation of the animal known as Bigfoot.
I believe a rare animal such as Bigfoot / Sasquatch shouldn't have to be killed for money and/or to dissect just to prove there existence!

J. Vaughn (EastKyJohn)

Email Me!eastkyjohn@yahoo.com

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