Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Image In the Sand
Season 7 Premiere Episode 1
- Plot Summary: Between Sisko's absence and Jadzia's death, the crew of DS9 is not in the brightest of moods. Kira is running the station and has been promoted to Colonel. Worf is in a rage. And even O'Brien and Bashir aren't their usual dart-playing selves. The plot thickens when the Romulans establish a presence on the station and Kira is forced to work with the Romulan commander. Also O'Brien finally figures out what's driving Worf nuts: Jadzia can't get into Sto-vo-kor, the Klingon heaven, because she didn't die in heroic battle.
- Meanwhile, back on Earth: After three months of peeling those infernal potatoes, Sisko finally gets the inspiration he's been waiting for. The Prophets send him a vision in which he finds a woman buried in the sands of the planet Tyree. After a brief investigation, Sisko discovers that the woman he envisioned was not only his dad's first wife, but also his true mother. More importantly the investigation leads to Joseph Sisko giving his son a medallion that used to belong to her. The medallion has an inscription in ancient Bajoran text that says something to the effect of: "Get off your potato-peeling butt and go find the Orb of the Emissary!"
- Back on DS9: After becoming all buddy-buddy with the Romulan commander, and even helping her set up a Romulan hospital on a Bajoran moon, Colonel Kira discovers that her pointy-eared friend was two-timing her. The Romulans were stock-piling weapons at their newly-founded "hospital." Kira confronts the commander, but the stubborn Romulan refuses to remove the weapons. Kira declares that she will remove them by force and storms away. At this time Worf, Gen. Martok, O'Brien, and Bashir go off on a dangerous mission in order to win a great victory in Jadzia's name. By doing this they can ensure her a place in Sto-vo-kor.
- Earth: Sisko is about to leave for Tyree to search for the Orb when a young Starfleet Ensign greets him and introduces herself as Dax's new host. To be continued...
- Sub-Plot: See three plots above and pick one!
- My Opinion: Deep Space Nine's seventh season started in the worst way possible: Odo and Kira Mush (TM)! ARGH! Instantly, I noticed two things: Kira lost her belt and something horrid died on her head. I'm still trying to figure out what it was. A vole perhaps? There's a rumor traveling around the net that it's actually her hair!
- Ok, right in the teaser all three plots were instantly alluded to, this made me worry that the episode would follow in the footsteps of "Tears of the Prophets." And then things got worse: Vic Fontaine entered the episode. I figured after a whole summer of rest, the powers that be woud realize what a big mistake their lounge-singing hologram had been. I mean, I watch DS9 for action, mystery, and intrigue, NOT musical numbers.
- Then Worf went berserk! That's when I started liking the episode, from that moment forward "Image in the Sand" was a roller coaster of great moments and sappy cliches. Most of the Kira/Romulan commander story was poorly done. They became friends waaaay to quickly. It would have been nice to stretch the relationship out over a few episodes, making the outcome more traumatic, even if it was laughably predictable!
- The Worf plot was fine. It was a tad overdone, but had so many good moments and lines that any cheesiness was forgotten.
- Sisko's story was back and forth between interesting discoveries and genial garbage straight out of "The Young and The Restless." The whole medallion, and Bajoran assassin bit was clever, but that crazy-uncalled for "Your Real Mother" bit was way too much.
- Erzi Dax: Well, obviously there's not much to say yet! She made a fine entrance, but I expect a lot more from her. Probably the best thing that will come about from Jadzia's death is Ezri. The possibilities are endless! I'll be looking forward to next week!
- Wrap-Up: "Image In the Sand" was interesting and entertaining, with many good moments, and many poor ones, but overall it was not the blockbuster premiere I had hoped for. I'll give it 3 stars.
- Review by -William Phillips
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