Season 6 Episode 13
Plot Summary: Sisko learns of the destruction of a ship that was captained by a friend. This news depresses him and makes him consider turning in his commission, and settling down. Then the prophets plunge him into a vision, similar to those he had in last year's "Rapture". The vision takes him back to 1953, and convinces him not to turn in his commission, as well as teaches the audience a lesson in racism.
Sub-Plot: None
My Opinion: This was a good episode, however it did have some problems. For one, the moral lesson was to forced. Usually the lessons in Star Trek are hidden amongst the 24th century, however here the moral is was blatant as ever. And it had virtually nothing to do with the plot, which was itself forced as an excuse to use the 1953 gimmick. On the other hand, as pointless as all this was, it was still a lot of fun, and emotionally moving to boot. Another great thing about this episode was seeing the cast out of costume and makeup. Also, all the acting was superb and there were some great moments
Wrap-Up: "Far Beyond the Stars" had a pathetic plot, the purpose being only to support a gimmick. But what a good gimmick it was! Great emotional moments, and an entire cast out of costume and makeup, kept this episode a winner. I give it three stars.
Review by
05/22/04 01:00:00 AM
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