Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

His Way


Season 6 Episode 20

Plot Summary: Odo seeks advice from a holographic lounge singer, Vic Fontaine, on how to atract Kira. After failing to encourage Odo to invite Kira on a date, Vic convinces her to come have dinner with Odo in the holosuite lounge. Knowing Odo would not come if he knew Kira would be there, Vic tells Odo that he has a very good hologram of her to show him. Once on the date, it doesn't take long for Odo and Kira to realize what's going on, and Odo angrily leaves the holosuite. The next day he and Kira meet again and an argument ensues. Kira wants to go to dinner again. "What then?", asks Odo. Kira says that maybe they could go dancing. Odo responds, "and then I suppose you'll expect me to kiss you." Kira says maybe. Odo asks what is the point of dinner, why shouldn't he kiss her now. She says that would be fine. The two of them then embrace for the first time - in the middle of the promenade.

Sub-Plot: None

My Opinion: After I had seen the first act of this episode words like pointless and stupid entered my head. The second act was so-so, the third was a little more interesting, but the fourth and fifth acts were great! This was the first time I'd ever changed my mind about an episode halfway through it. The beginning and the end were complete opposites! I don't think I need to explain why I thought the first half of this episode was so bad. I mean, how long can one watch Odo play the piano to Vic Fontaine's singing? However, I liked the second half so much not only beacause of how creative it was, but how enjoyable it was to watch. Odo thinking Kira was a hologram made for a great scene. After Odo stormed out of the holosuite I wondered how this episode was going to end, and it couldn't have ended better. It was great to see Odo and Kira finally let out their feelings for each other - especially in public! They were always so tense and secretive about their relationship, it was nice to see them relax.

Wrap-Up: "His Way" featured what might be the worst single act I've ever seen in any incarnation of Star Trek, but the episode managed to turn itself around. The last two acts were excellent! Unfortunately, the bad portions of the episode were too bad to ignore. I can give it two and a half stars.

Review by

-William Phillips

05/22/04 01:00:00 AM

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