of Jadzia and the Dax Symbiont
- Dax symbiont implanted into Torias, Audrid dies.
2285 - Dax symbiont implanted into Joran, Torias
dies in accident. Torias was the lover of Lenara Kahn's symbiont's previous host.
Joran goes crazy and symbiont is removed and implanted into Curzon.
2341 - Jadzia was born on the trill home world.
2345 - A young Jadzia enters school and is found
to be gifted. She is immediately placed in a gifted school for children intended to be joined.
2356 Completes formal Trill education, but is
still too young to join Starfleet academy, which is what she wants to do. So instead she begins her post-secondary education.
2358 - Applied to Trill symbiosis committee as
2359 - Leaves the trill home world and enters
Starfleet academy,
with a major in science.
2363 - Graduates Starfleet academy with
distinctions in Astrophysics, Zoology, Exoarcheaology, and Exobiology. She bypasses the
rank of ensign, and is posted to an outpost near the
trill home world as a lieutenant, junior grade.
2364 - Accepted as an initiate for joining she
takes a leave of absence from Starfleet, and is assigned to Curzon Dax who is too evaluate her.
Jadzia is removed from program by Curzon Dax
2365 - Jadzia reapplies as an initiate because
she believes that she was unfairly dropped and is accepted per recommendation of Curzon Dax.
Only known host to successfully re-apply
2367 - Dax symbiont implanted into Jadzia per
request of Curzon,
who is dying. Jadzia retains the memory from all previous Dax hosts. The previous hosts were: Leela (female / bureaucrat),
Tobin (male / mathematician), Emony (female / gymnast), Audrid (female / mother), Torias (male / test pilot),
Joran (male / psychopathic musician), Curzon (male / ambassador and womanizer).
2369 - Jadzia Dax is promoted to full Lieutenant
and is assigned to Deep Space Nine - Starfleet occupied, Cardassian built, Bajoran Space Station.
Discovered Bajoran wormhole with Commander Benjamin Sisko. Only stable wormhole known to exist.
Received commendation for exemplary service.
2370 - Symbiont is briefly stolen from Jadzia. Received commendation for exemplary service.
2371 - Ran into previous host Joran, who is
mentally disturbed.
Received commendation for exemplary service and is promoted to Lieutenant Commander.
2372 - Lieutenant Commander Worf is assigned to
Deep Space Nine. Jadzia Dax runs into Lenara Kahn, and they still have feelings
for each other. Having relations with a previous hosts mate is forbidden by trill law. The farthest this gets
is some passionate kissing between the two, and they remain friends.
2373 - Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax and
Lieutenant Commander Worf get romantically involved. They eventually become engaged.
2374 - Deep space Nine is lost to the Dominion.
Sisko is assigned
to a Space Station to coordinate the war effort. Worf is assigned to General Martok's ship, the Rotarin. Dax is made
captain of the Defiant and leads many critical missions. Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax weds Lieutenant Commander Worf
after Deep Space Nine is once again captured by Starfleet.

Jadzia Dax was
murdered by Gul Dukat . The symbiont was surgically removed and put on a
transport to return to the Trill home world. The Dax symbiont never got back to
Trill, because when the symbiont took "a turn for the worse" on the
transit to Trill it had to be placed into a host immediately. The only available
Trill aboard the Destiny was the ship's Assistant Counselor Ezri Tigan. Not
being trained to be joined, she only had a 15 minutes lecture from the Destiny's
surgeon. That explains why she has psychological problems.