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Banishing Spells



To be performed during the waning moon.


Cast the circle
Invocation of the God and Goddess

Statement of purpose

"I am here to banish negative influences from my life.
Right now, (name) is exerting an extremely negative force upon me.
I ask for the God and Goddess to assist me in banishing these forces
and eliminating his/her destructiveness."

Consecrate the cauldron as follows sprinkle with salt-water recite:

"In the name of the Lord and Lady
I charge you to serve me within this circle.
I clear you of all former influences and energies that you may be fit for the workings of Magic herein."

Do the same with the candle. On a piece of paper, write full name of person to be banished. Roll up and tie with black string. Sprinkle with salt water and recite:

"Thou creature of paper.
By paper made, by paper changed.
Thou art not paper,
but thou art negative influences in (person to be bound).
So mote it be!"

Light the black candle. Burn the paper in the candle, visualizing all negative power over you vanishing in the flames and rising out of your world with the smoke Sprinkle basil and garlic over the flames and recite:

"Blazing force of cleansing fire Help me in this rite.
By air and earth, water and fire
So be you bound With this rite,
Your power takes flight Sky and sea,
Keep harm from me
Cord go round,
Power be bound
Your negativity will no longer come my way.
From henceforth, your power over me is banished.
So Mote it Be!"

Let paper burn itself out while visualizing a healthy, positive relationship with the person. Cakes and Ale Thanking the God and Goddess Close the circle, thank the watchtowers for their protection.

Spell to Banish Evil Spirits

by: Donald Tyson

To banish evil spirits from your presence, draw the Eolh rune (z) in red ink on each palm so that when you extend your hand with your palm out and your fingers up, the rune is upright. Whenever you sense an evil presence, clap your hands together three times so that your palms tingle, and hold out your hands in the direction of the malicious entity, saying:

"Eagle's claws are strong,
Dragon's teeth are long;
Arnhofdhi guards the way,
Sigfadhir wins the day."

Arnhofdhi means "eagle-headed," and Sigfadhir means "father of victory." Both are names of the god Odin, lord of the runes and god of magic.


Used to rid oneself of potentially damaging blocked, or denied memories- The premise for this rite is that we all have blocked memories in ourselves, that we either won't, or can't face. They may include everything from being teased at school by our 'friends' to emotional, physical, or mental abuse by parents, loved ones, etc. The purpose of this rite is to draw these hidden memories up into a closed box, open it in a manner similar to the Pandora myth, and meet, greet, and make peace with the memories, as they can be very detrimental to one's ego growth if kept hidden. Instead of finding hope in our boxes though, we will find acceptance, and peace with oneself, and one's past. This rite is good for anyone, even those who assume they have had perfect childhood's. You don't always realize the past is dragging you down until it is too late, and you would be amazed by what you can find out about yourself!

You will need:


The box should have a lid. Paint the inside glossy black, or line it with an irregular reflective surface, such as aluminum foil. The outside should be decorated with any drawings, pictures, or whatever one may want to help evoke a childlike state of mind, and to help trigger childhood memories. Start with an opening of any sort you feel comfortable with. Light candles and incense as desired.

State the intent:

"It is my will to greet my past, and accept it for what it is."

Recite the invocation:

"I call the past to meet the present,
that the future may be bright.
I bring myself forth from the dark,
and hold me to the light.
Let not the past control my present,
let not my future be dark as night.
I meet and greet me with open arms,
and move back into the light."

At this point, one person sits in the center of the group with their box, keeping it closed. She focuses on the box while the rest of the participants circle around, teasing, insulting, degrading her. At this point, the teasing should not be too personal. When she reaches gnosis, she opens the box, and gazes inside, seeing whatever she sees. At this point, the taunting should reach a more personal, and vicious attitude.

This continues until they close their box again.

The box then is dealt with in whatever manner she sees fit. It can be destroyed, left open in a spot of sunlight, kept for future uses, as it may be a good idea to do this more than once. When the first person is finished, another takes her place, until the entire group has a turn. Banish by laughter and embraces.


This will protect without causing the person bound any harm. It is not a dark spell but a very potent protective one. You may use a different oil if you wish to use as a banishing oil. Rosemary may be substituted for Rue.


Fold the felt in half and cut out a rough shape of the person you want to bind. Make the figure large enough so that you will be able to stuff it after you have sewn it together.

Sew the pieces of the poppet together, leaving a hole through which you can stuff the poppet. Fill it with cotton and tobacco, and if you have the hair or nail clippings of the person, add those to it.

Once it is filled, sew the opening closed. If you have a picture of the person, staple or sew it to the front of the poppet. Next, carve the name of the person onto the black candle with the nail and add these runes:

Thuraz, Isa, Eihwas, a dark filled in circle to represent the dark moon, bars like you will see in a jail, and a widdershins (anticlockwise) spiral. Anoint the candle and the poppet with the oil.

Cast a circle, invoke the elements, God or Goddess you are working with. Light the altar candles. Light the black candle and adjust the mirror so that flame is reflected in the glass. Hold the poppet out in front of you and say:

"Creature of cloth thou art,
Creature of flesh and blood you be.
I name you (name of the person you are binding).
No more shall you do me harm.
No more shall you repeat false tales.
No more shall you interfere in my life,
nor in the lives of my loved ones.
By the power of the Gods and by my will, So mote it be!"

Draw an invoking pentagram over the poppet. Now take the ribbon and begin to wrap the poppet like a mummy, leaving no space unwrapped. Say:

"I bind your feet from bringing harm to me.
I bind your hands from reaching out to harm me.
I bind your mouth from spreading false tales to harm me.
I bind your mind from sending energy to harm me.
If you do so continue, let all negative energy be cast and reflected directly at you!"

Tie off the ribbon and hold the poppet in front of the mirror while you visualize all negative energy this person has sent to you being reflected back at them. Wrap the poppet in the black cloth and tie with another length of ribbon. Say:

"Great Mother, I have bound this person
from harming me and my loved ones.
By the powers of three times three
By Earth and Fire, Air and Sea
I fix this spell, then set it free
Twill give no harm to return to me
As I will, So mote it be!"

Let the candle burn out while the poppet sits at its base, then take the poppet and the remains of the candle far from your home and bury it deep in the ground or toss it in the ocean and walk away without looking back.

Bathtub Banishing

This spell will aid in banishing a sickness or habit that is troubling you.

For this spell, you will need:

Note - the colour of the marker should symbolize the problem you are banishing. Also, ritual soap could be anything from specially handmade soap, to soap you've consecrated and reserved only for ritual workings, such as ritual cleansing and such.

Light the candles and the incense. The white candle represents positivity and the blue represents the element of water. Cast your circle and invoke whoever you choose to aid you. I also suggest calling at least the element of water to help you as well.

With the marker, draw on your body a symbol of what is troubling you. It could be something as simple as writing the word. If you can, write it on the part of your body that is affected, such as drawing on your stomach for digestive ails. Really see the problem concentrating into the marker ink.

Fill the bath and add a teaspoon or so of sea salt to the water. This aids in purification. With your athame, or failing that, your fingernail or even a paperclip, carve a purifying symbol into your soap, such as a broom, flame, or crescent.

Get into the tub, and using the soap and your hands, clean off the symbol you drew on yourself; see the problem dissolving into the water with it. When you have cleaned it off, get out of the tub and drain it, seeing the problem draining away and out of your life.

My personal suggestion is to dry off with a big white towel, as white is the colour of purification. Thank any deity and elements you invoked, close your circle, tidy up, and remember that you've shown your problem who's boss.

A final note - don't use the soap for anything but ritual purposes. Make sure it stays away from family members who might be apt to use it as well.

Banishing Spell

To be performed during a waning moon. The purpose of this spell is to rid yourself of negative influences. If you feel someone is exerting negative energy, you can banish that energy with a spell similar to this one.


Cast the circle, invoke of the God and Goddess

Statement of Purpose:

I am here to banish negative influences from my life.
Right now, [name] is exerting an extremely negative force upon me.
I ask for the God and Goddess to assist me in banishing these forces and eliminating his/her destructiveness.

Sprinkle the cauldron with salt water and recite:

In the name of the Lord and Lady
I charge you to serve me within this circle
I clear you of all former influences
and energies that you may be fit for the
workings of magick herein

Do the same with the candle. On a piece of paper, write the full name of the person to be banished. Roll up and tie with black string. Sprinkle with salt water and recite:

Thou creature of paper
By paper made, by paper changed
Thou art not paper, but thou art negative influences in (person to be bound)
So mote it be!

Light the black candle; burn the paper in the candle, visualizing all negative power over you vanishing in the flames and rising out of your world with the smoke. Sprinkle basil and garlic over the flames and recite:

Blazing force of cleansing fire
Help me with this rite
By air and earth,
water and fire
So be you bound
With this rite
Your power takes flight
Sky and sea
Keep harm from me
Cord go round
Power be bound
Your negativity will no longer come my way
From henceforth, your power over me is banished.
So Mote it Be!

Let paper burn itself out while visualizing a healthy, positive relationship with the person. Thank the God and Goddess , and release the Circle


1) Do this when the moon is wanning, or if you want it gone *now* do it on the dark of the moon.

2) Use an object to a focus of what you wish to banish, and destroy the object in the ritual (ripping and chewing it to bits works well for some folks, burning it works for others).

3) Try some Datura leaves in incense as you work; it is great for banishings. Asafoedita herb also works, but it will also likely banish *you* (it smells incredibly vile and induces nausea in most folks). Hope this helps.

Spells for Banishing and Needed Changes

Instructions: Sit in a quiet place that is special to you. hold a white or cream candle in your hands and visualize the area of your life that this candles energy is needed in. After you light this candle the energy will come to you. It may come right away or when you lease expect it. When you are ready recite the spell or use your own words of power.

This candle I see before me, its color so bright,
holds my needs of change in its light
I call in the forces higher than I
to release the energy that is held inside
May it work for me in the most correct way,
harming none and helping all as it leaves my stay
I call on thee in perfect trust and love
sending me guidance from above..
This i make happen and so be it will.
Take away this thing that brings me ill.
So mote it be.

Banishing Illness

Snow Tear

Burn a black candle anointed with banishing oil and burn banishing incense. Concentrate on removing whatever the health problem may be by saying:

"As this candle burns,
so the illness turns,
melted like this wax,
cut like with an ax,
remove and banished,
all disabilities vanished,
as my word you see,
radiant health blessed be."

Let the candle burn until done. Then bury ashes from incense and leftover wax.


This is a spell for love gone wrong, for ending a personal, family or business relationship that you no longer wish to be in. It is a fire spell. To work it, gather herbs of protection and an image of the person (photograph, poppet, etc.)

-Something written in their own hand, a lock of hair, a piece of clothing or a personal object will also do. Put everything into a fireproof container - iron cauldron, marble mortar, whatever - and set fire to it as you perform the spell.

"By basilisk and bloodstone
By the garlic in the fields
By the poppies and what they yield
Invisibly I make my shield
To detect thee and deflect thee
By dragon's blood and salamanders
By horses when their hooves strike sparks
By the dragon breathing flames from the Book of Life
I erase thy names
I cut the cords and unlock the chains
I sever all the ties by which we were bound
And with impenetrable walls myself I surround
Against thy power and its source
Against thy evil and its source
Vesta, Pele, Lilith Kali Kali Kali
I banish thee forever from me
And any harm from thee to me
Doubles back and tables turned
Thou shalt by thyself be burned
Lilith, Vesta, Pele Kali Ma Kali Ma
By the power of three times three I banish thee,
I banish thee, I banish thee I am set free
So mote it be! "

It should make a very satisfactory blaze that reduces to ashes. The ashes can be buried or washed down a drain. Flush them down a toilet if you are very angry. Dispose of all the objects that connect you to the person: gifts, letters, photographs, etc. It is especially important to get rid of jewelry. Move if you have to. Be careful with this spell.

It's permanent, so don't use it unless you really mean forever. It's also powerful.




Cast Circle. Evoke God and Goddess (Good ones: Hecate and Hades)

Statement of Purpose:

Explain who or what negative influences are being exerted upon you. Be very specific in stating this, and send the energy of your feelings regarding this into the candle. Consecrate the Candle and cauldron with salt water, and say:

In the name of the Lord and Lady I charge you to serve me within this circle.
I clear you of all former influences and energies that you may be fit for the workings or magick here in.

Write name or object or feeling, etc, on paper and say:

Thou creature of paper
By paper made, by paper changed,
Thou art not paper, but thou negative influences in (name the person or situation here).
So mote it be!

Light the candle, roll the paper like a scroll, tie it with black string. Burn the paper in the candle, and visualize the negativity as it burns away. Put the paper in the cauldron and sprinkle garlic and basil over the flames, and say:

Blazing flames of cleansing fire
Help me with this Rite
By air and earth
Water and fire
So be you bound
With this rite
You power takes flight
Sky and sea
Keep harm from me
Cord go round
Power be bound
You negativity will no longer come my way
From henceforth your power over me is banished
So Mote It Be.

Let the paper burn down to ashes, then spread them on the wind or flush them down the toilet.

Banishing Spell

You may also use a different oil if necessary or add some garlic to olive oiland bless an consecrate it for your purpouse.


If you can obtain hair or nail clippings from the person or a picture, you can use it in this spell. old the felt in half and cut out a rough shape of the person you want to bind. Make the figure large enough so that you will be able to stuff it after you have sewn it together. w the pieces of the poppet together, leaving a hole through which you can stuff the poppet.

Fill it with cotton and tobacco, and if you have the hair or nail clippings fo the person, add those to it. Once it is filled, sew the opening closed. If you have a picture of the person, staple or sew it to the front of the poppet.Next, care the name of the person onto the black candle with the nail and add these runes: Thuraz, Isa, Eihwas, a dark filled in circle to represent the dark moon, bars like you will see in a jail, and a widdershins spiral.

Anoint the candle and the poppet with the oil. Cast a circle, invoke the elements, God or Goddess you are working with. Light the alter candles. Light the black candle and adjust the mirror so that flame is reflected in the glass. Hold the poppet out in front of you and say:

"Creature of cloth thou art,
Creature of flesh and blood you be.
I name you (name of the person you are binding).
No more shall you do me harm.
No more shall you repeat false tales.
No more shall you interfere in my life, nor in the lives of my loved ones.
By the power of the Gods and by my will,
So mote it be!"

Draw an invoking pentagram over the poppet. Now take the ribbon and begin to wrap the poppet like a mummy, leaving no space unwrapped. Say:

"I bind your feet from bringing harm to the child you abuse
from reaching out to harm him
Bind your mouth from spreading false tales to harm me.
I bind your mind from sending energy to harm me.
If you do so continue, let all negative energy be cast and reflected directly at you!"

Tie off the ribbon and hold the poppet in front of the mirror while you visualize all negative energy this person has sent to you being reflected back at them. Wrap the poppet in the black cloth and tie with another length of ribbon. Say:

"Great Mother, I have bound this person
from harming his little son and my family
Earth and Fire, Air and Sea
I fix this spell, then set it free
Twill give no harm to return to me
As I will, So mote it be!"

Let the candle burn out while the poppet sits at its base, then take the poppet and the remains of the candle far from your home and bury it deep in the ground or toss it in the ocean and walk away without looking back.

Banishing oil

Some of these oils are volatile. Do not anoint yourself with Banishing oil. You could burn yourself. Wash your hands after using.

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