Bakura: That’s it. I have to end it all here.  I slept with Anzu.

Bakurasgirl: You didn’t sleep with Anzu, you just held her in bed.

Bakura:  That’s even worse.

Bakurasgirl: If will make you feel better, I’ll write another juicy scene with you and Ryou.  No yaoi, though, but kissies?

Bakura: Really?

Bakurasgirl: Not right now, though.  Not until you are under Anzu’s hypnotic spell.

Bakura:….Does anyone want to adopt me and get me away from Bakurasgirl?????


Digi: Seto knows me too well, doesn’t he?  As far as being too busy to review, that’s fine, I appreciate your reviews as well as everybody who is being so generous with their praise.

Caro: I can never get tired of hearing such great praise from my special reviewers.  I want you to keep coming back for more anzu hatred and Ryou and Bakura goodness.  Keep the praise a coming!

Anigirl15:  I know how you feel.  Bakura doesn’t deserve to be kissed by that *****, oops. Sorry.  I actually really liked writing the part where she plays with his mind.  It is so not like her now.  She has crossed over to the dark side.  Getting him to believe she was Ryou and having him slip into bed with her, I think, was funny as all hell.  Sad because Bakura had no idea who he was holding in bed, but funny because he had no clue.  Throw a pointy object at Anzu for me.  She deserves it for what she has done and what she will do?  What is it you ask?  Wouldn’t everybody like to know?

Dark Raven: Yes she has changed, but she keeps bringing up friendship in an ironic way in the following chappies.  She twists the definition of friendship on its head becoming not a means of working together, but…Ooops.  Can’t tell my evil pans. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Beholder of Shadows:  MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!  Yami has to figure it out sometime, but will he do it in time?  Oooohh!

NanoMecka: I don’t think Anzu knows what shame is, but if she did, no she wouldn’t have any shame.

Tenshi Bakeru:  Everybody  grab pointy objects and run to get Anzu!!  I couldn’t believe it when he kissed her.  I can’t wait until he finds out!


The Millenium Puzzle


          Yugi watched a movie with a heaping bowl of popcorn in his pyjamas and cuddled next to Yami.  Yami leaned on one hand apparently not amused with the movie.  Yami yawned and grabbed a handful of popcorn.  “What is this movie called again?”

Tron.  It’s about a kid who is sucked into a video game and has to find his way out.”

Yami cringed remembering when Bakura trapped Yugi’s soul in his favorite card along with all of his friends.  “We lived it, aibou.  I feel sorry  for the kid.”

“True, but let’s just enjoy it.”  Within no time, Yugi heard Yami snoring loudly with a little drool seeping from his mouth.  Yugi moved the food and elbowed Yami in the side waking him up.  “If you’re tired, go to bed, Yami.  I want to finish this popcorn first.”

“Fine.”  Yami slowly walked upstairs to Yugi’s bed and fell asleep.

Yugi shoved an entire mouthful of popcorn in his mouth when he heard the phone ring.  “Who would be calling at 2am,” he thought.  He quickly ate the popcorn and picked up the receiver.  “Hello?”  Yugi heard whimpering over the phone.

“Bakura?  Bakura, is Ryou O.K?”

A quiet sob came out of the telephone.  Yugi could tell that cry anywhere.  It was Ryou crying.  “Yugi!  Yugi, Don’t let them get the Millen-.” The line went dead.  “Ryou?  Ryou!” 

Yugi ran upstairs to Yami and tried to wake him up.  He shook him, but the only reaction was Yami rolling over whining, “I wanna ride the pony, mommy.”  Yugi grunted  in frustration.  Lazy pharaoh! 

Yugi quickly dressed and ran to Ryou’s house.  Yugi had to enter through the back door.  “Bakura!  Ryou!”  Yugi ran upstairs and saw Ryou’s bedroom a mess.  In the hallway, Yugi saw part of the wall was cracked and busted in.  Bakura and Ryou weren’t in the bedroom where he left them earlier.  “Bakura!”

[Run, Yugi!] came Bakura’s voice from downstairs.  “Bakura!”

[Yugi!  Don’t!  Run!] A slap of flesh sounded nearby.  Yugi ran downstairs when he bumped into Anzu at the front door.  “Anzu!”

“Yugi-woogy, are you here to play with me?” Yugi turned to run when she held up the Millenium Ring.  “That’s Ryou’s!”

“It’s what we need to play our little game, Yugi.  Now it’s your turn to play.”  Yugi ran to the backdoor, but Anubis blocked the way.  Anzu pushed Yugi into the kitchen.

“Why did you come here, Yugi?”

“I thought Bakura was in trouble, Anzu!”

“Oh, he is, little Yugi, he most definitely is.  Well, that will be remedied shortly when we have your puzzle and your spirit in our possession.”

“All this to get my puzzle?” Yugi gripped onto it tightly. 

“That puzzle has great power and that spirit is strong,” Anubis growled.

Well, my strong pharaoh is at home wanting to ride the ponies in his dream, Yugi thought.  “Leave Yami alone!”

Anubis only cackled.  “You are in no position to demand, little one.” 

Anzu crept up behind him.  Yugi turned to her.  “You selfish tramp!  How could you betray me?”

“Now we will be closer than ever before, little Yugi.  You will be my friend….for eternity.”

Yugi shifted his gaze between Anzu and Anubis.

//Yami! Wake up!  I’m in trouble! //

\\ Do you like Pina Coladas? And walking out in the rain…I’m not much into health food…I am into shampagne..If you like making love at midnight…one the dunes of the cape.. \\

//Great!  I’m in danger and he’s singing the Pina Colada song in his sleep!  Yami! Get off your @$$ and save me!! //

\\ I wanna meetcha by tomorrow….where we’ll plan our escape. \\

“Tired, old pharaoh!  You figure he had five thousand years to sleep!” Yugi grunted.

Anzu and Anubis advanced on him.  “It’s time for you to join your little friend.”


Yami: Do I look like I could sing the Pina Colada song?

Bakurasgirl: I love that song!  I can make you sing the rubber ducky one again.


Next Chappie: Yugi and Ryou reunite. Aww……